An Heir – Chapter 42

Aesthetic Credits: Viktoria – FC Joanna Prus 
/ Istvan – FC Rob Evans
/ Both images borrowed from their Instagram
/ I own none of these images, all used with love and respect <3
/ Rings – enoirvado / Vegas view – Instagram sin1city / Quotes – all taken from Pinterest and none had credit for where they came from.

Important – My MC is Viktoria Petit, and my King Liam is called King Istvan

Rating – No bad language but it does contain some sensitive topics surrounding pregnancy and possibly mental health, so please be aware of that if you think it might affect you negatively, I wouldn’t like to upset anyone.

Disclaimer – Characters are Pixelberry’s, not mine, this is just for fun & I don’t make any money from it.

“Istvan, will you hurry up please, he’s on his way up now…”

Viktoria was busying around tidying magazines off the coffee table before Mr Kolettis appeared. Istvan fastened the clasp of his watch as he watched her from the doorframe,

“Vik, settle down, my love… I’m sure Mr Kolettis doesn’t mind if you have a couple gossip rags lying around…”

Viktoria shot him a pointed look, prompting him to raise his hands passively, inquiring if he could help with anything.

When Mr Kolettis arrived at the royal apartments, King Istvan ushered him inside, shaking his hand. Moving to the lounge, Mr Kolettis smiled warmly at the Queen as she stood to greet him,

“Your Majesty, you are looking wonderful! It’s very nice to see you again, it’s been three weeks since your scan now, ohhh, I can see a difference already!”

Viktoria felt herself blush as her hand skimmed her now fairly-obvious baby bump,

“Thank you, Mr Kolettis.”

Istvan beamed from ear to ear as he wrapped an arm around her,

“She looks radiant, it’s just amazing…”

Mr Kolettis sat his bag on the coffee table, gesturing to the young couple to sit down with him,

“I won’t take up too much of your time today folks, I just wanted to call in and see how things are going and how you’re feeling now? Now, I know that when we last spoke Your Highness, you were finding the pregnancy quite a struggle, on various fronts. But I understand that you’ve chatted to the counselor I recommended a couple of times. Now Jenny has left me some notes to let me know that you’ve been away for a few days with King Istvan and that you’ve actually let some of your relatives know that Baby is on the way?”

Istvan fetched some coffees as Viktoria told Mr Koltettis about their time in Santorini, pulling her phone out to let him see some pictures as she did so. She told him about the pregnancy-friendly spa therapies and the nutritious smoothies that were on tap and how relaxed she’d felt during their stay. Mr Kolettis smiled warmly at the Queen as he touched her arm,

“You know, my dear, you certainly look a lot less stressed than when I last saw you. Tell me about sharing your news? How did you feel about that? How did your family and friends react?”

Viktoria took a deep breath,

“Well, I was really nervous about telling people… I’d told Jenny that when I had the phone-counselling session last week, she said it might have been because of how insecure I was feeling already, and it was like I was adding even more variables into the equation… Not knowing what any of them would say or do…”

Mr Kolettis nodded slowly,

“That sounds like a reasonable assumption. What made you decide to ‘bite that bullet’ so to speak?”

Viktoria started to recount how Istvan had bought her the journal, arranged a yoga trainer, booked the trip to Oia, tried to help her reshuffle her workload…

“Istvan had been so wonderful, Mr Kolettis, and I know how important it was for him to be able to tell his family that he was going to be a daddy. It made me really anxious, but I wanted to do that for him, so I pushed myself.”

Mr Kolettis nodded as the King took his wife’s small hand in his,

“And how did it go?”

Istvan spoke softly,

“It was really special. I called Leo first. Viktoria spoke to Lord Beaumont. Then we rang Regina together-she was very emotional: kept saying how happy my Father would have been…”

Viktoria interjected as Istvan trailed off,

“Then Istvan called his friend Drake. Everyone has been so lovely to us since they found out Mr Kolettis.”

The older man smiled warmly at the young couple, he knew that despite the riches surrounding them, everything wasn’t as easy and simplistic as it first appeared,

“Has that helped you to feel less anxious, my dear?”

Viktoria nodded rapidly,

“Yes. Drake’s partner’s lovely, she even suggested some things we could do to bond with the baby. I mean, I’m not saying I’m 100% there Mr Kolettis, and I don’t know if I’m ever going to be, but I am trying really hard, and I think I’m doing better than I was…”

Istvan agreed with his wife,

“Viktoria is definitely being more open when she’s worried about something. We’ve carried on the spa treatments since we got back from Santorini, she’s been doing yoga. We’ve even started taking photos as the baby grows each week. Oh! And she’s feeling the baby moving Mr Kolettis!”

Mr Kolettis smiled encouragingly at the royal couple,

“That is really wonderful to hear, I’m so happy that things have improved since we last sat down together. Viktoria if I were to ask you now, on a scale of 1-10, how stressed you feel, how does that compare with where we were when you came to the scan?”

Viktoria sat quietly for a few moments, considering the question,

“I still get to maybe a 7 or an 8, but I seem to be able to get it under control more quickly, and I don’t think it’s happening quite so often?”

Mr Kolettis clapped his hands together as he exclaimed,

“Wonderful! I think we’re heading in the right direction folks! This is all very positive, and I’m so happy for you both. Viktoria, I think you should keep up the phone sessions with Jenny, and keep doing your pregnancy yoga. King Istvan? You’re taking a lot of the work-related pressure off mom, and that’s helping for sure. I think hiring some additional staff is a great idea. Both keep being tuned into, and trying to bond with the baby. It won’t be too much longer before you’re able to feel him or her moving, Dad. Unfortunately, you’ll just have to stay patient for now, but in the next week or so baby will be able to hear noises from the outside world: you could try playing some music to it or reading to the bump… Viktoria? With the progress you’ve made, I don’t think we need to start looking at medication right now: as I’d hoped, the holistic and talking therapies do seem to be quite effective for you, but obviously I do still want to keep a pretty close eye on that as we move forward, and I need to know if these things stop working, ok? Now. We do need to talk about getting you back to the clinic soon for your twenty-week scan…”

After Mr Kolettis left, Istvan flopped down on the sofa beside his wife, his head in her lap, pressing his lips tenderly to the little bump,

“I love you both, you know that?”

Viktoria smiled down at him, his handsome face so earnest and full of emotion,

“I know. I – I … ‘We’… Love you too.”

His nose crinkled, a hushed whisper leaving his lips,

“I’m so damn proud of you. I know this pregnancy hasn’t been an easy experience for you…”

Viktoria shook her head,

“It hasn’t. But partly because I should probably have talked to a counselor years ago… Maybe I wouldn’t be so, well… Vulnerable? If I’d spoken to someone after my mom passed rather than everything bubbling under the surface for years…”

Istvan shook his head as he shushed her,

“We’ll never know if that’s true, Vik, but you’re doing so well… All I want is for us to be happy…”

Her hand stroked his cheek as she whispered,

“We already are, baby…”


TBC – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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