An Unlikely Source of Advice

Start writing…

An Unlikely Source of Advice
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m borrowing them for a moment and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the last of my “I wish you’d write” prompts. This one asked me to write a story where Liam talked to Kenna or Diavolos through a mirror and got advice. Which was such a fun and crazy idea. This is set after the finale of Book 2.

Rating- PG

Summary- With his country in danger, Liam seeks advice from an unlikely source.

Words- 624

Liam looked behind him before he opened the door and entered the revealed room, quickly closing the door behind him. He’d only been in this room once, the day of his Coronation when his father showed it to him with the warning that he should only use the secrets within at times of dire need.

He thought the current situation fit the description. There had been an assassination attempt. Eleanor could have been killed, Drake had been injured, the court was in chaos. Someone wanted to undermine him, seize his power and his kingdom and he didn’t know how to proceed from here. He was lost and maybe what was in this room would help him.

Liam walked over to the large, ornate mirror and after a moment he tapped it three times as his father had instructed. A moment later a face appeared. A beautiful woman, younger than Liam. A face he had seen in portraits his entire life.

“Queen Kenna,” he greeted, automatically bowing.

The famed queen smiled. “Welcome, may I ask your name? All I know for sure is that you are of my line, you have to be to access the magic of this mirror.”

“It’s Liam,” he answered, “son of Constantine, who was the son of Alexander and my line date back to Leon, son of Diavolos.” He’d been instructed to say that as well. “Son of Kenna,” he added, feeling it was wrong to leave out this extraordinary woman.

She laughed. “The formalities are tedious, aren’t they? I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to them.”

“Sometimes,” Liam admitted, finding it a little surprising how at ease he was in her presence, especially when the whole thing was kind of fantastic.

“I’m sure you didn’t summon me here to discuss your lineage,” she pointed out after a moment, “how can I help you Liam?”

“Cordonia is under attack,” he told her quietly, “I don’t know from who. I just know that someone sent assassins to kill me, to kill the woman I love. That there are dangers I can’t even imagine and I don’t even know who to trust, because those closest to me have done terrible things in the guise of protecting me.”

“It’s not easy,” Kenna sympathized, “and from what you say, the hardest days are still ahead of you. If your kingdom is truly in danger, you must discover who it is that is working against you and then prove to your people, that you are truly fit to rule.”

“How do I do that?” Liam lamented. “How do I prove myself?”

“I can’t tell you that,” Kenna told him, “because your journey will be your own. I can tell you that you will need people you can trust by your side. No one can fight all by themselves. Do you have people like that?”

“I do,” Liam answered instantly, images of Eleanor, Drake, Hana, Maxwell, and Olivia popping into his mind. He knew they would all be there until the bitter end.

“Good,” Kenna told him, “lean on them, let them help you. But beyond that, you also have to trust yourself. Trust your instincts, they’ll lead you down the right path and show you the right course of action.”

It was such simple advice, but Liam realized it was what he needed to hear. “Thank you,” he told her quietly.

“It’s why I’m here,” Kenna told him, “it was nice to meet you, Liam, though I hope that we never have cause to meet again.”

“Me too,” Liam agreed, bowing again before turning and exiting the room. He walked down the hall with purpose, suddenly feeling more confident. He still didn’t know what came next, but he felt more prepared to face it.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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