And So We Begin…

And So We Begin
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is part of my “Portia: A Roman Tragedy” verse which runs parallel to the canon. This is set after chapter 4 and after “Contradictions”. This is my version of Antony and Portia’s relationship in a world where my courtesan actually has sex. I have a bunch of tragedy-verse stories planned, so hopefully, my muse will co-operate.
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Rating- NSFW
Summary- Antony and Portia’s relationship moves to the next stage.

“Antony has influence, yes, but he’s a dangerous man. He would not respect the rules I set for you.” Lena’s words repeated in my head as I pondered my next move and waited for his. Before he had returned me to the scholae he had promised that he would call for me soon. It was a promise that both thrilled and terrified me, because I knew exactly what he expected from me and I knew my capitulation of that would not be as detached as it should.

A smile curved my lips at the thought of Antony’s touch, of the thought of Antony himself. Lena was right about him being dangerous. But all Romans were dangerous, even the kind ones like Cassius and if Caesar was coming and the Senate was powerless to stop him then I’d need protection, at least until I was ready to strike and as kind as Cassius was… Antony was in a better position to give me what I wanted.

Why did I care if Rome burned? It should burn. Just like Gaul had burned. But it mattered who did the burning and if I got caught in the crossfire before I could exact my revenge… Well, that would be a problem. Luckily I knew a solution to that problem.


I thought of the way he’d looked at me, the way he’d touched me… His touch had been surprisingly gentle for a man of his reputation. He might not follow Lena’s rules, but he would not break them in the way some might. He would not abuse the flesh.

Yet… I knew, unlike some, he would not be easily distracted by the seductive arts. Our first meeting had proven that…

“You can only have me if you beg,” I replied coolly, my eyes locked with his. Lena had taught me how to read men and this… This was a man who would want a challenge. “You want me, you’ll have to work for it.”

He smiled, the smile of a predator, as he circled his fingers around my wrist, sharply pulling me down beside him.

“And here I thought I was done conquering Gaul…” He mused, his eyes running hotly over my body, making my breath catch as I suddenly wondered what it would be like to be conquered by this man.

He had taken my challenge and issued one of his own. It should have scared me or at least made me cautious. So should all the warnings. From Syphax, Cassius, Lena… They all viewed Antony as dangerous.

But he was also powerful. Antony had the power to protect me and the influence I desperately needed and most of all… I could lay with him and it wouldn’t be unbearable. In fact, quite the opposite. I thought of the feel of his mouth on mine, of his hands on my body. In fact, I worried that it would be too pleasurable because I was the one who was supposed to make him want things not the other way around.

As I was contemplating that, Lena entered my room, her arms full of fabric and her face a mask of worry. “Marc Antony has asked that you attend him tonight.”

“He mentioned that he would inquire about my company,” I commented lightly, trying to ignore the thrill that went through me at the very mention of his name.

“He has asked that you attend him privately,” Lena added, “at his home, but you are of course, able to refuse.” She gave me a searching look, clearly trying to persuade me to refuse.

“That is fine,” I answered instead, “It is what I expected.” And it was. Antony wasn’t a man to waste time, he had made it clear that he wanted me and exactly what it was that he wanted from me. Maybe I should be afraid, or at least nervous, but all I felt was excitement and desire. I told it was myself it was because of the power Antony wielded, not the memory of his mouth on mine.

“Portia, I promised you that you would never have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with,” Lena reminded me, “but there are exceptions to the protections that the scholae offers. If you go to an engagement alone at a patron’s house then that sets certain… expectations.”

“I know what Antony expects of me,” I told her quietly, standing up and taking the fabric from her. “Is this for me?”

“Yes,” Lena answered, worry still evident on her face though she didn’t make any more attempts to change my mind. “I thought it was appropriate…”

I undressed quickly, draping myself in the gauzy green fabric, liking the way it floated around me, accenting the curves of my body. “This is perfect.”

“Antony will approve,” Lena agreed and then she sighed, “I hope you know what you are doing Portia.”

“I do,” I assured her with more confidence than I actually felt.


“Portia,” Antony greeted when I arrived at his home, leaning in to give me the kiss of greeting his hands lingering on the small of my back, “you look even lovelier than usually.”

“Thank you,” I told him demurely, smiling up at him from under my lashes.

Antony’s smile vanished when his gaze fell on Syphax.  “I see you did not come alone.”

I shrugged delicately. “Lena insisted.” And she had, though there was futility to it because if Marc Antony really wished me harm, I am not sure that even Syphax could prevent it. “But he will stay out of sight.” I did not look at Syphax, not needing to see his displeasure or disapproval, besides I knew he would not argue. He knew his role.

Antony seemed appeased by the assurance, releasing me to instead take my hand in his. “I had the cooks prepare a meal for us.”

“Not pickled flamingo tongues, I hope,” I quipped, remembering the meal Cassius had served me.

Antony laughed, his hand firm in mine as he led me to a couch which had been prepared for us and platters of olives and cheese. “I see you have had the pleasure of experiencing Roman delicacies.”

“Not a fan?” I asked curiously as I took a seat on the couch, Antony behind me, my back resting against his hard chest.

“Years of military life has given me a taste for simpler fare,” He deflected, just as slave brought out more food, this time platters of roasted game.

“I didn’t think you caught anything at the hunt,” I reminded him as I reached for some wild pheasant.

“I called in my favor with Cornelius,” Antony said easily, reading for his own piece of meat, his finger brushing mine, “he would have just let it go to waste anyway.”

There was disgust in his voice at the wastefulness of the Senate and I couldn’t help but agree with him. They hunted for sport, not necessity, giving no thought to all the way that food could be put to use.

“Let’s not waste the evening with talk of the Senate,” I told him, turning my head to smile at him. “Unless that was why you asked for my company?”

“No,” Antony told me, his eyes sweeping over me, “definitely not, I fear for the man who would want to talk politics in such enchanting company.” He reached for another piece of meat, offering it to me.

I took it, letting my lips brush his fingers, taking note of the way his eyes darkened and the quick intake of breath. “Do that again and we don’t finish this meal,” he warned me, pulling me closer against him.

I smiled coyly, “is that a threat or a promise?” I twisted in his arms, so that I was straddling him, my chest was pressed against his, my face only inches from his, letting him see the invitation in my eyes. That was all he needed because his mouth covered mine, his tongue seeking entrance to my mouth, the food was forgotten as he sought to soothe another type of hunger.

“Portia,” he groaned, his hands caressing my curves. He pulled back long enough to shift our positions, so that I was now the one lying on the couch and he leaned over me, his weight on his knees, the warmth and strength of his body blanketing me, his leg between mine, making me achingly aware of him. “I have wanted this since the moment I saw you, the night I returned.”

“I believe you made a comment needing to conquer Gaul again,” I reminded him, thinking of the way my blood had run hot at those words. Not with rage like I would have expected, but from the thrill of the challenge. “Do you still feel that need?”

Antony grinned, his free hand running over the gauzy material covering me. “Oh yes.” He pulled back slightly, and I immediately missed the heat of him, trying to draw him back, but he evaded my touch. “Remember who is doing the conquering.” He pulled at the material of my dress, easing it off of me, and tossing it aside before doing the same with my underthings, leaving me bare before him, lazing on the couch.

“There is no woman in Rome or Gaul who can compare to you,” he told me, his eyes sweeping over my nude body. “Tell me, Portia, am I the first patron to enjoy this sight or has someone beaten me to it?” There was a rough note in his voice as he posed his question, his body resting close enough that it was all I was aware of, yet not touching.

I noted he said ‘patron’, not man. He would know that Lena had made sure I was well-versed in all the seductive arts. But he would not care about that, about the men carefully selected by Lena and long since dismissed. No, he cared about the men of rank and power and though he did not say it, I knew he was really asking about one man in particular.

He wanted to know if Cassius had enjoyed me first.

“Yes,” I answered honestly, gazing up at him, a seductive smile gracing my lips, “I cannot promise that you will be the last, but you are the first.”

I had withheld my charms from Cassius on purpose, with calculation. Because he would not ask the question, would not want to know the answer, but Antony… He needed this, needed the victory.

The triumph in Antony’s dark eyes confirmed my thoughts. “Good and I promise you, whoever else comes to your bed, you will compare them to me, to this night.” There was a supreme arrogance to his words, the implication that any other lover would be found lacking, but they sent a thrill through me nonetheless. Antony lifted my lower half off the couch with ease, positioning my legs over his shoulders, obviously intent on making good on his promise.

I shuddered in anticipation, my hands gripping the couch, as his lips traced as teasing path over my inner thighs towards my center. “So eager,” he mused, his fingers teasing the same pattern. “Apparently I don’t have to conquer, I just have to claim.”

The irritation his words caused was quickly drowned by another sensation as his lips covered my sensitive nub while his fingers teased my slit. How could one man’s touch feel so good? I was a courtesan, I was supposed to be the one giving pleasure and yet, here I was, desperate for Antony’s touch, arching my hips into his mouth.

HIs fingers plunged inside of me, making me gasp as his tongue licked and flicked at the ball of nerves at my center.  

“Antony!” I cried out when I couldn’t hold off the sensation anymore. “Ohhhh!!!”

He pulled back, my legs still around his back, my body half raised off the couch, his strong hand anchoring me to him. “I like the sound of my name on your lips,” he informed me, “I intend to hear it again and again.” He let go of my leg and got off the couch, standing long enough to discard his clothing, reveal a hard, muscular body undeath. Then he was back, his body covering mine again, his lips claiming mine. I could taste the salty sweetness of my juices on his lips, sending a new heat to my belly. My hands reached for him, sliding over his buttocks to pull him closer to me, his hard length nestled temptingly between my thighs.

“Was that enough for you?” Antony asked, “that taste of pleasure? Or do you want more? Do you want me to take you?”

We both knew I wouldn’t refuse him, but he wanted more than that. Just like he’d needed knowledge that he was the first, he also wanted my total submission. But I reasoned that the fact that I understood his motives gave me power, I was able to read him, to predict his needs. He needed control and I had no issues letting him think he had it.

“Take me,” I whispered in a breathy voice, part show and part actual need. “Take me now.”

Antony needed no further invitation, driving himself into me, his lips descending on mine, his hands exploring my soft flesh. I wrapped myself around him, wanting all of him. As he moved inside of me, I moved with him, arching my hips in time of his thrusts, my hands on his back.

Lena had taught us to stimulate the sounds a man wanted to hear, to fake them if necessary, but there was no need. Not this time. However, that’s not to say my lessons were a waste. I used to follow Antony’s cues, taking note of the sounds he made and how a twist of my hips could make him speed up. He kept taking and I kept giving him exactly what he wanted, but getting so much back in return.

“Antony!” I cried again as the pleasure overwhelmed me once more, which just made Antony speed up his thrusts, his movements continued even as I pulsed around him and the sensation of it meant that when the wave of pleasure seceded another built right back up. “Antony!”

“Portia,” he groaned, his hands digging into my hair, his mouth covering mine as he gave one more powerful thrust and then spilled his seed inside of me, his body collapsing against mine when he was done. He stayed there for a moment, letting out a few labored breaths before pulling back. It suddenly occurred to me that we were still out in the open and that any of the servants could have seen us. But, such a thing probably didn’t matter to Antony.

Indeed he seemed unconcerned about his state of undress as he stood and held out a hand to me. “The couch has its limitations.”

“I don’t know, I think you did quite well with it,” I told him slyly, even as I rose from the couch, taking pleasure in the way Antony’s gaze drank in the sight of my nude form, still flushed from his attentions.

Antony laughed and drew me into his side. “Is that so? Well, we’re just getting started.”

As he kissed me again, I pondered his words. He was right, we were just getting started. Maybe he had reached his goal of “conquering Gaul” but my womanly intuition told me it wouldn’t be enough for him. He’d want more and more. And I would give it to him, while finding ways to use his power and patronage to my benefit. The only thing I had to remember was to never, ever lose myself in the passion, no matter how good he made me feel.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

5 thoughts on “And So We Begin…”

  1. I was waiting for more fics. Thank you.
    You write well.
    I especially liked the way Portia knew exactly what to say like that conquering Gaul sentence.

  2. Finally, something to quench my thirst after the 2 week long Antony-less drought. Checking in here every day was difficult whenever I didn’t see your name pop up lol. But ahhhh! I never tire of reading these fics, never. These 2 are so good at teasing each other. This line kills me : “I promise you, whoever else comes to your bed, you will compare them to me, to this night”. I was not calm after reading that lol. Thank you for coming to the rescue with this wonderful goodness!

  3. This is the diamond scene wecew all been waiting for. The dynamic is so different and yet so similar to Vega and Lilith, in all the best ways. I really love that Portia knows how to play Antony and yet is getting something out of it herself, and how calculating she is about everything. Shame it’s not going to be in her favor.

  4. Of all the lines I was turned on by, “Apparently I don’t have to conquer, I just have to claim” then my inner goddess would say just take me already damn it looool. Good is an understatement, well done.

  5. Oh the beginning was so spot on, describing Antony’s smile as predatory yet intriguing. I do appreciate his directness though, as I’m sure Portia does as well despite her nerves. The fact that he asked her if he was the first to lie with her … so typical of a man with an ego and affinity for victory.
    This was soooo hot, but what really stood out to me was how Portia keeps having to convince herself that she’s in control when she knows it already slipping from her fingers. Beautifully done Misha!!!

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