And To All A Good Night

And to All A Good Night
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- I am finishing up my 24 Days of advent fics with some fluff featuring the Open Heart gang. This is set sometime in book 2 and is just sweet little fluff.
Rating- PG
Summary- Meredith and her roommates spend Christmas Eve together.

“Sienna, you outdid yourself,” Meredith commented, looking at the array of treats her friend had made and laid out on the living room table.

“It’s Christmas Eve!” Sienna said with a shrug, “I mean most of us have to work tomorrow, but I wanted to make it special.”

“And this is why you are everyone’s favorite roommate,” Elijah told her, snagging a cookie.

“I would object, but it’s true,” Jackie agreed, grabbing a cookie of her own and settling in the cozy chair.

“The cookies alone convinced me to move in,” Aurora commented, the last one out of the kitchen, collapsing next to Meredith on the couch.

“I thought it was my sparkling personality and unwavering persistence, “ Meredith teased, earning her an eye roll from both Jackie and Aurora.

“You are remarkably stubborn and unshakeable,” Aurora commented, “but I am just here for the snickerdoodles.”

“Well, either way, I am glad you’re here,” Meredith said, helping herself to a cookie, she looked around the room at her roommates, also her closest friends, “I am so glad you are all here.”

“No sentimental speeches please,” Jackie begged, but she was smiling. She looked at Meredith and then sighed, “I am glad we’re all here now too, happy?”

“Very,” Meredith said, sighing in contentment. This wasn’t a traditional Christmas Eve for sure, but she couldn’t imagine anywhere else she would rather be.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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