Anniversary Gift

Summary: Raydan travels to Aurelia and brings back a special anniversary gift for Kenna.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 45 of #ChoicesCreates: Non-White Love Interests

“Raydan! It’s good to see you.” Annelyse rushed over to greet him, and embraced him warmly.

Raydan returned the hug. “It’s good to see you too, Annelyse. I was hoping that I could ask a favor of you.”

“Of course. What can I do for you?” she asked.

“I want to do something for Kenna. Tomorrow is our first anniversary, and I want to give her something special, something that really symbolizes our love. It all began here. I was drawn to her from the moment I first laid eyes on her. I asked her to meet me in the gardens.” He smiled at the memory. Although he had tried to keep his feelings under control, he had already begun to fall hard for her. Even then, she made him happier than he had ever been in his entire life. “I asked her which flowers she liked best, and told her what her choices meant. Then I gave her a bouquet, and we kissed for the first time. I hope this isn’t too much to ask, but…would it be all right if I took a few plants from the gardens? I’d like to plant them at Stormholt, so Kenna will be reminded of that night when she looks at them.”

Annelyse smiled. “I think we can spare a few. Kenna will love them!” She glanced around the room, then called out to a servant. “Geoffrey, will you come with us to the gardens? I’m giving King Raydan some plants. They need to be dug up and brought to his airship.”

The three of them made their way to the gardens, and Raydan looked over the flowers. “Kenna told me that she liked the blue orchids. They would be perfect for Stormholt, too. May I have a few of them?”

“Of course. They’re perfect for Kenna.” Annelyse followed Raydan as he continued to walk through the gardens.

“She liked the orange lotus flowers, too. But there aren’t any ponds by the castle, so I don’t think I can take those.” Raydan frowned.

“I’m sure Kenna will be happy with whatever you bring her,” Annelyse reassured him.

Raydan kept walking until he reached the purple rose bushes. “Kenna also said she liked the purple roses. May I take one rose bush?”

“Yes, that’s fine. Are there any others you want?” Annelyse asked.

Raydan shook his head. “Those are the only ones she specifically mentioned. I want to give her the ones that I gave her the night we met.”

Annelyse turned to Geoffrey. “Please get those plants ready for King Raydan.”

A little while later, Raydan and Annelyse walked to the airship. Annelyse gave Raydan another hug. “Happy anniversary. Please wish Kenna the same from me.”

“I will. Thank you, Annelyse. I really appreciate it.”

As Raydan stepped out of the airship, he spotted one of the servants. “John, could you plant some flowers for me? They’re in the airship. Plant the rose bush next to the other bushes, on the side closest to the castle door. Plant the orchids in front of the wall on the other side of the castle door.”

“Yes, King Raydan.”

“Thank you, John.” Raydan walked across the grounds until he reached the entrance to the castle. Once he was inside, he looked for Kenna. He found her with their baby son, Adrian. He smiled at the sight of the two of them. He was so lucky. Before Kenna had proposed, he had never thought that he had a chance of becoming anything more than a lover. Now they were married and had a beautiful baby boy. His son would have all the things that Raydan had never had as a child, and would always know that he was loved.

Kenna turned her head as Raydan approached. “There you are! I was wondering when you’d get back from wherever you went. Always the mysterious one.”

Raydan grinned. “And you wouldn’t have me any other way.” He leaned down, closer to Adrian. “Hello, little one!” He turned back to Kenna. “I have a surprise for you. I’ll show you in a little while.”

“Not now?” Kenna asked.

“It’ll be worth the wait,” Raydan assured her.

Later, after Kenna had put Adrian in his cradle, Raydan reached for her hand and began to guide her towards the door. “It’s time for my surprise.” They walked out of the castle together, and kept moving forward across the grounds, until Raydan stopped. He put his arms around Kenna, and pulled her close to him. “I went to Aurelia, and brought a few things back for you.” He turned her around, so she was facing the castle.

Kenna’s eyes widened as she saw the rose bush and the orchids. “Are those from the Aurelian Gardens?”

“Yes. I wanted to give you the flowers I gave you on the night we met. I couldn’t bring the orange lotus flowers, since we don’t have a pond by the castle. Happy anniversary, my love.”

Kenna hugged him tightly. “Happy anniversary, and thank you. You’re the best husband I could ever imagine. I love you so much.” She kissed him deeply. When they finally pulled apart, she looked at him. “Well, it’s not really our anniversary until tomorrow, but since it’s our first, we might as well start celebrating early.”

“I wanted to get these today because I didn’t want to be away from you at all on our anniversary.” Raydan smiled lovingly at Kenna, and leaned in for another kiss. “We could do some more celebrating in our room.”

“Great idea.” Kenna took his hand, and they began walking back inside.

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