
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is a follow-up to Torment, but you can read this without reading that. This came because @violetflipflops and I had a conversation about Diavolos’s use of the term “my love” and how he probably drives Kenna crazy with it when they’re in public and that’s when this was born.

Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna and Diavolos flirt and tease each other during Zenobia’s wedding reception, letting anticipation build.

Words- 1681

Kenna makes it a point to avoid her husband the morning of Zenobia’s wedding. Mostly, because the memory of the engagement party and the way Diavolos tormented her, are still very fresh and she doesn’t want a repeat.

Even thinking about the way he brought her to the brink and then denied her and made her spend the evening socializing with the nobles of Lykos, the whole time aching for him, makes her cheeks flush. She’s torn between wanting to find him and steal a few blessed moments alone and wanting to make sure that history can’t repeat, and she knows the latter is the wiser course of action.

So Kenna focuses on Zenobia instead, which actually makes a great distraction, because her sister by marriage is a very demanding bride-to-be. Poor Aurynn is nearly in tears trying to put up with Zenobia’s many demands, but after two years, Kenna knows how to handle Zenobia.

She runs interference as the redhead freaks out about the flowers and the cake and her dress and it helps keep Kenna’s mind off of Zenobia’s brother. She’s so busy that she doesn’t see Diavolos until the wedding begins and she proceeds Zenobia down the aisle to where he is waiting by Tevan’s side.

He smiles as their eyes meet; a long, slow smile that promises many things. His eyes dark with desire as he takes in the sight of her in the black and silver gown that Zenobia had chosen for her. He always loves it when she wears Nevrakis colors. Kenna can feel his gaze on her during the ceremony and once it’s over, he’s at her side, offering her his arm.

“You look exquisite, my love,” he whispers in a low voice that sends shivers down her spine.

“You look pretty good yourself,” she tells him, “purple suits you.”

Diavolos isn’t one for color, sticking to black, or on rare occasions Stormholt blue, but he looks incredibly handsome in the purple tunic Tevan insisted on. Diavolos just smirked. “I’m glad you approve,” his voice is warm and purposeful, “you can show me how much later.”

“Behave,” Kenna whispers, flushing at the suggestion. Diavolos shoots her an innocent look and she rolls her eyes before greeting Queen Rowan. For the next little while, Kenna mingles with the guests, but is constantly aware of her husband’s presence by her side, his hand resting on her back. He is just as attentive during dinner, light little touches and warm smiles while sending her looks that make her want to grab him and drag him to their bedchamber.

“Having fun, my love?” He asks, resting his hand on her thigh. Kenna just nods. She loves it when he calls her ‘my love’, especially when he says it in that low tone, his eyes full of unspoken promises. Damn that man and his ability to affect her with only a few words. He grins at her and she knows that he’s perfectly aware the effect he has on her.

As soon as dinner is over, Kenna bolts from the table with the excuse of needing to check on Leon. Diavolos offers to go with her, but Kenna refuses the offer, knowing that if he does they won’t make it back to the party and that Zenobia would then murder them both.

Leon’s nurse has everything under control and after brief snuggle, Kenna makes her way back downstairs to the ball. She spends the next while mingling with the various guests, while trying to avoid her husband. It doesn’t work though, because Diavolos is frustratingly attentive. Every time she turns around, he is at her side and she knows she shouldn’t complain but she’s trying to be on her best behavior and it’s hard when he’s just there.

“Do you want to dance, my love?” He asks and she can see the amusement in his dark eyes. He knows exactly what he’s doing to her, damn him.

Two could play this game, she decides. “Of course, my king,” she answers in a soft voice, letting herself gaze up at him. His smirk fades a little bit and his eyes fill with heat as he looks at her.

They stand there for a moment before he remembers where they are and leads her to the dance floor. Kenna flirts throughout the entire dance, pressing herself a little closer than necessary, gazing up at him in the way she knows he likes, saying my king in a soft voice.

“Kenna,” he mutters as the music ends.

She simply smiles and darts out of his embrace.

Noa happens to be walking by, so she asks him to dance. He looks surprised but nods and leads her in an energetic dance. Since she’s seen him fight, Kenna’s not surprised that Noa is an amazing dancer. They make pleasant small talk while going through the steps but as soon as the music ends, Diavolos is there, taking her hand. “Do you mind if I take my wife back?” He asks Noa with a pleasant smile.

“No, of course not,” Noa says, smiling in amusement as he looks back and forth between them and then excuses himself.

Diavolos swings Kenna back onto the dance floor. “Have I told you how much I like it when you wear Nevrakis colors?” He asks with a grin.

“I’m well aware,” Kenna tells him with a smirk.

“As much as I like seeing you in that dress, I’ll like taking it off you even better,” he says, pressing her up against him. “What do you say we get out of here, my love?”

“We can’t,” Kenna reminds him, “it’s your sister’s wedding, we can’t leave early.”

“Why not?” He whispers in her ear, his breath hot against her neck. “Zenobia will never notice.”

Kenna can feel her willpower crumbling, but before she can agree, someone is tugging at her arm.

“Ugh, get a room,” Zenobia says, making a face. “But later, because right now I need Kenna.” She doesn’t give Kenna a chance to answer, just keeps pulling until Kenna falls into step behind her.

“How can I help?” Kenna asks, pulling herself together and focusing on the bride.

Zenobia lets out a stream of complaints, listing all the minor “disasters” that have occurred and Kenna promises to take care of them all. The problems all have easy solutions and within a few minutes, everything is running smoothly again and Zenobia is appeased.

Tevan thanks Kenna for her help with a warm smile and then leans down and whispers something in Zenobia’s ear that makes her blush as red as her hair and then, as Kenna watches with a fond smile, Tevan leads his bride out of the ballroom.

“The bride and groom have left,” Diavolos points out, “I think we’re free to follow suit.”

Kenna intends to tease him, to make a comment about wanting to stay until the end of the ball, but the warmth of his breath on her neck and the light press of his hands on her hips are her undoing. She just nods, unsure if she’s actually capable of speech.

Diavolos lets go of her and takes her hand, leading her from the ballroom up to their chambers. The door had barely swung closed behind them when Diavolos pushes her up against the wall, his mouth on hers.

“I’ve been wanting to do this all evening,” he tells her, grabbing her hair and pulling her neck to the side so that he can kiss it. He bites down on her collarbone, hard enough that Kenna’s sure she’ll be wearing high-necked gowns for the next few days, and then his lips are on hers again.

His hands are impatient, pulling at the snaps on her gown and then quickly pushing it off of her. Kenna is equally impatient as she tugs his tunic over his head and carelessly tosses it to the side.

“I thought you liked me in purple,” Diavolos teases as he eases a hand between her legs.

“I do,” Kenna assures him, “but I like you better in nothing.”

Her voice is coming out a little breathless thanks to what he’s doing with his hands and she clings to him. His fingers are fast, hitting all the right spots and making her moan as he holds her against the wall. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages, “I’ve been picturing you like this all day, imagining you crying my name as I make you come apart.”

It’s not long before he gets his wish and as she cries out his name, he covers her mouth with his in another bruising kiss. After a moment, Kenna pushes at him lightly and he lets her go. She immediately drops to her knees in front of him, but before she can do anything, Diavolos pulls her upright and lifts her into his arms.

“Not tonight,” he tells her, carrying her to the bed, “right now all I want is to be inside you.”

He lays her down on the bed and then joins her, positing himself over her and then lowering himself down. He slides into her and Kenna lets out a little groan at how good he feels. He thrusts into her hard and fast, obviously impatient, and Kenna welcomes the motion, wrapping her legs around him and bucking her hips against his in time with his thrusts. His mouth finds hers, kissing her hungrily as he continues to thrust. It isn’t long before they’re coming together, collapsing against each other, sweaty and out of breath.

“I love you,” Diavolos tells her as he rolls onto his back and pulls her on top of him, so she’s laying on his chest.

“I know,” Kenna says with a grin.

“Oh, it’s like that is it?” Diavolos comments with a grin of his own, grabbing hold of her hips and flipping her over and pinning her to the bed.

“Ok, ok, I love you too,” Kenna tells him with a laugh.

“Good,” he says and then presses his lips to hers again in a long, lingering kiss.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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