Antony and Portia Drabbles: For the Glory of Rome

For the Glory of Rome Drabbles
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is another one of my drabble compilations. These moments all take place in my “For the Glory of Rome”, which is a canon-divergent AU taking place after chapter 16 of ACoR. These are mostly family stories because before I committed to my canon-adjacent ending for them, this was my happy ending universe.
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC

Summary- A glimpse into the life of Antony, Portia and their children.
Rating- PG-13


I made my way back towards Antony’s box, aware of how many stairs there were and how many people there were. It had definitely been easier to navigate when I’d been a more manageable size.


I froze at the sound of the familiar voice. I hid my wince behind a polite smile and turned to see Cassius. His eyes swept over me, his jaw clenching at my obvious bulk. This was the first time we’d seen each other since my condition had become apparent.

“You look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you,” he told me, though his smile didn’t meet his eyes, “being with child suits you.” He paused and reached out to me, a tentative hand going to my face. “But are you happy? If you’re not, I—“

“Portia!” The deep, commanding voice cut off whatever romantic offer Cassius was about to make.

I turned to see Antony approaching. “There you are, my love,” he greeted, slipping an arm around me, dislodging Cassius’s hand as he did so, “I was getting worried.” His expression hardened as he glanced at Cassius. “Cassius.”

“Antony,” Cassius said coldly. His expression softened as he glanced back at me, “it was good to see you, Portia.”

I nodded in return, even as Antony led me to his box, his hand right in mine.

“Should I have waited longer to make my presence known?” He asked with deliberate lightness, “let Cassius declare his love, would that have pleaded you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I scoffed.

“I don’t know, many would call it romantic,” Antony continued, “the handsome outcast offering to sweep the captive princess away from the evil dictator. Must be at least a little tempting.”

I rolled my eyes. “You are lucky I am pregnant,” I told him, “otherwise maybe I would find somewhere else to watch the games if you are going to be like this.”

Antony’s gaze softened, “I am lucky.” He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips. “Forgive me for being a jealous ass?”

“This time,” I teased.

“So generous,” Antony remarked, pulling me onto his lap, uncaring about my increased bulk, “so forgiving, I am truly the most fortunate man in Rome to call you mine and believe me, I will never forget.”


I stepped into the villa, not sure what I expected but it wasn’t a mountain of pillows, with fine cotton sheets draped over them, doing nothing to muffle the noise coming from within.

I ducked beneath the sheets, unsurprised to see all of my children crowded under there, even Marcus who usually considered himself too old for such antics. However, I was surprised to see my husband there with them.

“If only the rest of Rome could see you now?” I teased, ducking as to not disturb their creation.

Antony shrugged, “it was their idea, I just went along with it.”

I rolled my eyes, not believing it for a moment. In our decade together, I had never seen Antony just go with anything. Of course, his children did seem to have magic powers over him, ones that he swore they got from their mother.

Which, definitely wasn’t a bad thing in my books, I conceded as my children pulled me to the ground to join in the fun and Antony took advantage of my state to pull me into his embrace. Definitely not a bad thing at all.


“Tell us another one!”

“Please, Papa?”

I followed the sound of voices, a smile on my face. A peek into one bedroom showed it was empty, which didn’t surprise me, I knew where I would find my family.

Sure enough, Antony was on our bed, surrounded by children. Even Marcus, who at 11 considered himself ‘almost a man’, was there, though I was sure he would tell me he was just keeping an eye on the younger ones.

“One more story,” Antony conceded, “and then you have to go to bed.”

There was a chorus of agreements, though I knew there would still be requests for another tale when this one was done. Antony glanced up then, spotting me standing in the doorway.

“Long ago, there was a princess, one whose beauty rivaled Venus herself,” Antony began, “the princess was sad and lost, her home had been taken from her, and though she had found a new home, in a beautiful glittering city, her heart was filled with anger and vengeance.”

I raised an eyebrow at him and he just grinned and continued his tale. “One night the princess went to a party, where she would meet all the men in the land, hoping to find one who could help her on her quest.”

“Did she find a prince?” Antonia Diana asked curiously.

“No,” I answered, crossing the room and joining them on the large bed, “she found a warrior and that’s even better.”


I took in Marcus’s bruised face and knuckles and groaned. “Another fight?”

“He was asking for it,” he said sullenly, “he was saying things about you and about Father.”

Of course, he was. Antony and I had power, but we also had a lot of enemies. And while we protected our children as best as we could, there was only so much we could do.

“Father and I are adults, we can look out for ourselves,” I told him, “so no more fights please?”

Marcus nodded and quickly hurried away, though I was sure he was agreeing to placate me and that this would not be the last time he came home covered in bruises. After all, he was Antony’s son.

I said as much later that night when the children were asleep and Antony and I were tangled together in our bed. “Marcus got in another fight. I think we need to come up with a punishment.”

“For defending his mother’s honor?” Antony asked, his hands running down my sides, “that is a little harsh, he is a child, doing what he thinks is right. I started fights for much less noble reasons at his age.”

I rolled my eyes. “I am not sure you are the best example. You ran wild at his age.”

Antony grinned at the memory. “I did.” He rolled us so that he was on top of me, smiling down at me with a look that was both heated and jovial. “But you like my wild side.”

“We aren’t talking about you,” I reminded him, “we are talking about our–” Antony cut off the words I was about to say by pressing his mouth against mine, his hands sliding between my legs, effectively ending the conservation.


“There are too many people in this house!” Antonia shrieked, “I never have a moment to myself!”

“I wonder what her brother did this time,” Antony mused as the sounds of Diana’s stomps filled the hall. “You know, a house with a half dozen children is sometimes more stressful than ruling Rome.”

I chucked, “and you love it.”

“I do,” Antony agreed, “it is how dynasties grow after all, with the begetting of kings.” His hands slid to my stomach, “how do you think Antonia will react when she learns that she will soon have another brother or sister?”

I laughed, imaging the look on her face. Some might expect our oldest daughter to be nurturing, to help with her siblings, but she was too much like both Antony and I, for that. Too spirited, too wild to be content with domestic tasks, and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. I loved our spirited brood. “I suspect there will be more stomping.”

“She gets that from you,” Antony commented with a laugh and then leaning in to kiss the scowl off my face, “and it is why I adore you both.”


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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