Anything For You

Anything For You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the last of my 1000 followers celebration fics. This one is set right at the end of Chapter 15 of RCD. This is just a sweet little fluff piece.

Pairing- Seth/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- After wrapping filming on Tender Nothings, Seth surprises Kat with a picnic.

Words- 492

“I know you’re tired, but can I borrow you for a while?” Seth asked me with a grin. We’d been home for about an hour before he’d come knocking on my door.

I nodded, even though I’d been looking forward to an evening of laying on my couch doing nothing now that Tender Nothings had finished filming. But Seth was looking at me, so sweet and endearing and how could I possibly turn him down?

So I got up and took the hand he offered me. I wasn’t surprised when he led me to the roof, but I was a little surprised by what I saw. A full picnic, complete with a blanket.

“Did you set this up?” I asked him, though of course, he had, it hadn’t just magically appeared/

He blushed and shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, I knew you’d be too tired to go out but you just finished filming your first movie and I thought we should celebrate.”

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. His arms immediately wrapped around my waist, holding me close as we continued to kiss. Finally, we broke away, both of us a little out of breath, but smiling.

“Time to enjoy your picnic,” Seth told me and then he began to unpack the basket her had set up.

“Cevapi!” I exclaimed as he unpacked, my eyes widening at the familiar sight that suddenly brought me back to Sunday dinners at my mother’s table.

Seth grinned, “it is, I remember you mentioning that you missed the food your mom makes, so I looked up if there was anywhere local that I could find Croatian food and there’s a place that does take out.”

I threw my arms around him again.

“Careful,” he teased, “you’ll knock over the food and then you’ll be thanking me for nothing.”

“It wouldn’t be for nothing,” I told him softly, as we settled on the blanket, “you’d still be the sweetest man in the whole world. Thank you for doing this for me.”

“You make it easy,” Seth said softly, “you give the world so much, Kat, and you make the people around you want to do the same for you.” He bit his lip. “I’m sure if you’d wanted, you could be eating at some fancy restaurant with Matt right now.”

“Maybe,” I agreed, “but I don’t want to be. I mean, those restaurants are nice, but a picnic on the roof with someone who goes to the trouble of finding a place that serves my favorite childhood food? So much better.”

And it was. I’d come to L.A to be a star and my first month there had certainly been a roller coaster, but it had also taught me what was really important: the people in my life. Specifically, Seth, he’d stood by me, supported me and I hoped he’d always would; that there would be a lot more moments like this ahead of us.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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