Anything Is Possible When It Snows

Anything is Possible When It Snows
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- I should be working on my advent ficlet for today, but instead my muse wanted to write this (not an advent ficlet, becuase I am not repeating couples) which is a sequel to my day 1 ficlet “when the snow falls”. Yes, I know this begs for a part 3 and it will probably get one.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Logan x MC

Summary- Logan hates the snow, until it brings him an unexpected gift.

Logan hates the snow.

It’s cold and wet. It covers everything.

Every time it snows, he wishes he was back in California. But there is no going back and not just because he is wanted by the law. But because there is too many memories, too much history.

Because California means her. Even if she is not currently there. But it holds the memory of her, it was where he met her, where he loved her and he doesn’t think he can ever go back.

Not without her.

Which is why it is ironic that when he ends up in a blizzard, it’s in the town where she goes to school. Or at least he assumes that she does. He knew that was the plan, but he’s not sure if it got derailed, if he ruined that for her or not. He hopes not.

Still, it makes him uncomfortable to be here, to know that she is under the same sky, but there is no chance of seeing her. Three years have passed but he still thinks about her every day, still remembers all the little details. Her laugh, her smile, the feel of her mouth against his… And after all this time, she’s so close and yet he still can’t have her.

Nothing has changed. Not really. He is still wanted by the law, she still deserves better. Besides, she may not even be here, but if she is, she probably moved on.

Yet, the thoughts of her, the knowledge that they are closer than they have been in 3 years, makes him restless and that leads him out into the snow. It’s cold and wet and he regrets it almost immediately. Yet… It is also peaceful.

The world is surprisingly quiet and as he walks, Logan feels a kind of calm he hasn’t felt in 3 years. The snow is still cold but there is a beauty to it, especially like this when the world is untouched, and he finds himself appreciating it.

Then, he realizes he isn’t alone. There is someone walking towards him, a woman by the size of her frame, and she loses her balance. Logan might be a bad boy, but he has a chivalrous streak and he moves to catch her.

As his arms wrap around her, steadying her, his body goes stiff because he knows her. Three years isn’t long enough for him to forget how she feels in his arms.

She looks up at him then, their eyes meeting, and Logan’s instincts are confirmed.

It’s her. Lucy.

“Logan?” She whispers, her voice soft and unsure.

He smiles, his arms pulling her close, ignoring the voice that reminds him it is a bad idea. After three years, he can’t help but savour the feel of having her in his arms again. “Hi Troublemaker, it’s been a long time.”

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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