Anywhere with You

Summary: MC (Charlotte) and Nathan spend spring break together, and their relationship changes.

“What would you think about going somewhere for spring break with me?”

Nathan brings it up one Thursday night, a couple weeks after spring semester starts. They’re lying in his bed, her head resting on his shoulder. Charlotte is still a little breathless, her skin warm and damp with sweat. She can hear his heart thundering under her ear.

Charlotte lifts her head up, propping her chin on his chest.

“Where?” she asks.

“Anywhere,” he responds immediately.

Anywhere?” she asks teasingly, and he smirks.

“I did offer to take you to Europe,” he reminds her. “But if you’re hoping to go to Mars or the moon, I’m afraid those are places I can’t get us. Not yet, anyway.”

Charlotte sighs. “So disappointing. I guess I’ll have to think of something else.”

She shoots him a grin, and he shakes his head at her.

“Would you be horribly disappointed if I suggested we just stay around here?” she asks after a few minutes of thinking.

Nathan looks almost confused, a hint of a wrinkle forming between his brow. “You realize I was serious when I said we could go anywhere.”

“I know,” she replies. “But a staycation can be fun. Think about it. We could check into a hotel, not deal with tourists like we would at some spring break destination…”

He doesn’t look entirely convinced.

“The town would be almost deserted and you could have me all to yourself,” she nearly purrs, walking her fingers across his chest and up to his mouth.

Nathan’s lips quirk up, and she giggles when he playfully kisses her fingertips.

“You really want to stay here?” he asks.

“I do,” she answers. “But next year you can take me wherever you want.”

Nathan grins. “Alright. I suppose I can agree to that.”


There’s something undeniably wonderful about the town being half-empty over spring break. Nathan insists on checking them into the nicest hotel with the biggest suite, even when Charlotte tells him he doesn’t need to.

“Let me spoil you at least a little bit,” he laughs.

The first night, they lounge on the couch, watching movies until Charlotte falls asleep and Nathan gently nudges her awake.

“Come on, sleepy head,” he murmurs, helping her to her feet.

She’s in her pajamas, burrowed under the covers, when she realizes they’ve never officially spent the night together, and her eyes fly open. Nathan is just turning the lights off and catches her startled look.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, climbing in next to her.

“Nothing,” she says immediately.

She feels ridiculous. They haven’t defined what they are, not exactly, but he’d brought up one night just after winter break that he wasn’t seeing anyone else, and didn’t want to. She felt the same, so it was a sweet relief to know they were on the same page.

“You know I can tell when you’re lying,” Nathan says.

He scoots against her side, pressing his lips to hers. “What is it?”

Charlotte sighs loudly. “It’s dumb. But I was realizing we’ve never actually spent the night together before.”

“Hmm,” he hums. “You’re right. Well-“

He sits up suddenly. “The couch pulls out. The tub is huge. I could make do there, if you prefer.”

He’s teasing her, and makes a show of dropping down heavily when she playfully elbows him. “Ha. Ha. Funny,” she says.

Nathan laughs. “Hey. Really. If you want me to sleep somewhere else, I will.”

Charlotte shakes her head, rolling to her side and wrapping her arm around his waist. “No. I want you right here.”

Nathan scoots down, his lips nearly touching hers. “Do you now?” he asks.

“Mm-hm,” she hums.

He kisses her, so lightly she barely feels it at all. He does it again, then lifts her arm from around him and rolls her to her back. His lips tease a trail from the curve of her neck up to her ear. She jumps when he lightly nips at her earlobe.

“What about here?” he asks.

“That’s good too,” she murmurs.

Nathan kisses back down her neck, pulling the sleeve on her t-shirt down. His teeth sink lightly into her skin, and her breath hitches. He’d found that spot one night, that spot on her shoulder that nearly drives her crazy.

He leans back, slipping his hands under her t-shirt and pulling it over her head.

“What about here?”

The tip of his tongue trails circles around her breasts, and Charlotte groans when he sucks one of her nipples into his mouth and dips his hand under the waistband of her shorts.

“Good,” she pants.

Her fingernails dig into his back when he kisses down her chest and stomach, trailing his tongue across her hip bones. She lifts her hips up, letting him slip her shorts off, leaving her clad in just her underwear. Nathan tenderly kisses the inside of her thigh.

“Here?” he murmurs.

“Oh god,” she moans. “Don’t stop.”

He eases her underwear off slowly, teasingly dragging them down her legs. Tossing them aside, he settles between her thighs, his breath warm on her skin.

Charlotte jerks against him when he slides two fingers into her, moving them slowly in and out. He kisses below her belly button, then down.

“Here?” She feels the vibration of the word more than she hears it.

“God, yes,” she says, and hears him chuckle quietly.

She tangles her fingers in his hair, sucking in rapid, shallow breaths when he slips his fingers out and runs the flat of his tongue over her. She moans his name, hears him murmur something in response, and she nearly screams when he plunges his tongue into her.

Oh my god,” she gasps, arching against him.

His hands are warm and strong against her hips, holding her in place. She writhes underneath him, rambling incoherently. Her thighs tense when he presses in deeper and circles his thumb around her clit.

“Nathan,” she moans. “Don’t…oh…don’t…stop.”

She feels him hum something, the vibration making her jolt against him, and she bites her lip to keep from crying out too loudly when she comes. She arches into him, then slumps into the bed, her arms dropping to her sides on the soft sheets.

“Here?” Nathan murmurs, pressing his lips to her thigh.

Charlotte laughs hoarsely. “Yeah. There.”

She can’t form any other words right now. Nathan drops kisses across her flushed skin, and she sighs contentedly when his lips finds hers. He’s smiling when she cracks her eyes open.

“What?” she asks.

“Nothing. You just look…completely sated.”

“Mmm,” she murmurs, wrapping her hand around his neck and tugging him down. “Not completely. But very close.”

Nathan raises an eyebrow, then grins when she pushes at the waistband of his boxer briefs.

“Off,” she says.

He kisses her again, then slides out of the bed and across the room. Charlotte hears him unzip his bag before he returns, discarding his boxer briefs on the floor and climbing back in next to her. His bare skin feels good against hers, the faint dusting of blonde hair on his chest tickling her pleasantly.

She smirks when she trails her fingernails down his back and he fumbles with the condom wrapper.

“You’re making this difficult,” he laughs, then groans quietly when she nudges him to his back and lightly sucks at his neck.

“Gotta keep you on your toes,” she breathes, scraping her teeth teasingly across his skin.

“You’ve definitely been doing that,” he murmurs, getting the condom on and shifting her over his hips.

They both groan when they come together. Rolling her hips against his, her head drops forward, her eyes closing briefly. He’s watching her when she opens them. His fingertips trail up her thighs, over her sides, and around her back. Nathan grins when she squirms.

“I always forget how ticklish you are,” he breathes, following the same path again.

She stills, digging her fingers into his chest, raising her eyebrows. He narrows his eyes playfully at her, then very slowly and deliberately trails his fingers over her skin again. This time, when he reaches her back, he pulls her down across his chest, then rolls them over.

A faint whine of protest leaves her mouth when she goes to wrap her legs around him and he leans back.

“Are you trying to torment me?” Charlotte grumbles, reaching for him.

“Of course not,” he reassures her.

He squeezes her thighs, then lifts her calves to rest his shoulders.

Oh,” she groans, gripping the sheets between her fingers.

Her hips arch instinctively up into him when he thrusts into her, again and again. His eyes meet hers, until he shifts and the angle makes her throw her head back and her eyes close.


One of his hands slips between her legs, making her gasp and grip the sheets tighter. Heat rushes through her, white flashing behind her eyelids, and she moans, her muscles tensing as she comes. She sucks in shallow, shaky breaths, Nathan thrusting into her and groaning her name, then stilling against her.

His lips are warm and soft against her calf before he lowers her legs to the bed and drops to his back next to her. Their fingertips brush together, Nathan tangling his fingers with hers.

“Damn,” Charlotte finally says, and hears Nathan chuckle.

He shifts to his side, hovering over her, and presses his lips to hers.

“Every time,” he says. “You’re incredible.”

“Mmm,” she hums, feeling her cheeks warm and her lips spread into a smile. “You too.”

He runs his thumb over her cheekbone, kissing her again, then climbs out of bed and heads into the bathroom. When he slides back in next to her, she notices the thoughtful look on his face.

“What is it?” she asks.

“Just thinking,” he says.

“It’s spring break,” Charlotte quips teasingly. “You’re not supposed to be thinking.”

Nathan smirks, shaking his head. “I know.”

She rolls to her side, facing him, and slides her hand around his waist.

“I’ve been thinking,” he begins. “I like you, a lot. I like spending time with you. I like that I can trust you and how…easy things are with you.”

He looks uncharacteristically nervous. Charlotte scoots closer.

“You’re kind of freaking me out here,” she confesses.

“It’s nothing bad,” he reassures her. “At least, I hope you don’t think it’s bad.”

He tilts her chin up. “I was thinking about…making things official. With us.”

Oh. Oh. She’s thought about it before, sure, but they’d been working well and she didn’t want to ruin that. Still. The thought of being an actual couple with him makes her undeniably happy.

“Like…official, official,” she clarifies. “With labels and anniversaries and holding hands all the time and telling everyone…”

She trails off, noticing his amused expression. He laughs when he sees her teasing smile and she burrows her head into his chest.

“Yes, official, official,” he says.

Charlotte kisses his still warm skin. “I like the sound of all of that.”

She thinks for a second, then tilts her chin up.

“But I think I’d like to have you all to myself a little longer first,” she murmurs.

Nathan groans quietly when she slips her thigh around his hip. “I like that idea.”

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