
Summary: Kenna and Diavolos fight, and Diavolos apologizes.

They always seem to get in their biggest fights when they’re in Lykos for very long. This time, Zenobia has somehow managed to infuriate Rowan Thorn, and though Kenna and Diavolos manage to smooth it over, Kenna is not happy.

“She’s not supposed to be dealing with any of this political stuff,” she irritably reminds Diavolos as they sit in his office.

Diavolos is equally annoyed, though he’s also been busy trying to ease tensions between Zenobia and Adder and negotiating trade agreements with Ducitora, and seems like he just wants to forget about it.

“I know, Kenna,” he says. “But it’s Zenobia. She’s not exactly the best at following orders. I’ll talk to her again.”

Kenna huffs out a sigh. “Diavolos. You’ve talked to her how many times already this trip? She keeps insisting she didn’t do anything wrong.”

She can see Diavolos’ jaw clench briefly. “I know, Kenna,” he says again, his tone clipped and short. “But I can’t spend all day arguing with her.”

“Then maybe she shouldn’t be doing any ruling of any kind,” she snaps.

Diavolos whips his head up. “And what, exactly, would that solve? Adder’s not going to take over the social aspects of ruling a kingdom.”

“Half of the problems we have in Lykos are because of your sister aggravating people. We wouldn’t have to worry about her infuriating the rest of the Five Kingdoms when we’re not here,” she says, trying to control the frustration in her voice.

Diavolos snorts. “Yes, I’m sure she’d go along with that.”

“She’s not the Queen. She wouldn’t have a say,” Kenna points out.

Diavolos says nothing, glaring back down at the stack of documents on his desk. She knows that look.

“If you tell me-“ she begins, her voice rising in anger.

“Kenna,” he interrupts her. “We’ll discuss this later. I don’t have time right now.”

Normally she’d argue right back against his comment about not having time right now. They’d argue some more, and probably yell, and then inevitably end up in their bedchambers, ripping their clothes off in between frustration-fueled comments, or he’d pin her against his desk, and take her fast and furious.

She doesn’t like fighting with him, but they’re both strong-willed, passionate people, and it’s bound to happen. And, as they’ve both admitted, they do like the making up part. But right now, she’s tired of most of their fights in Lykos being over Zenobia. She married Diavolos, not his sister. She’s tired of spending almost all of their time in Lykos dealing with her.

So she stands from her chair and slams out of the room, muttering to herself as she heads up to their bedchambers. She calms down after a little while, kicking her boots off and laying on the bed. She falls asleep at some point, waking when Diavolos comes into the room. He’s not particularly quiet, which annoys her, but the expression on his face has softened as he kneels next to the bed.

“I talked to Zenobia,” he says.

Kenna raises an eyebrow. “And?”

And, I’ve told her the next time she gets involved in political dealings or infuriates another kingdom, she’s done.”

“You did?”

“Yes. Can we stop talking about her now?”

Kenna narrows her eyes at his irritable tone. “Fine by me.”

Diavolos starts stripping out of his clothes, unbuckling his sword belt and unbuttoning his shirt.

“I’m sorry,” he says after a long, silent minute.

“For what?” she asks, distracted as Diavolos shoves his pants down.

“I know Zenobia is a pain. I know most of our issues here are over things she says and does. I’m sorry I didn’t tell her this right away.”

Diavolos smirks as he notices Kenna staring at him when he’s bare before her. She doesn’t care, and keeps looking at him unabashedly.

“Forgive me?” Diavolos asks, tugging her to sit at the edge of the bed, kneeling again and squeezing her thighs.

Kenna considers him. There’s an amused look on his face, and she tilts her chin up defiantly. “I don’t know. I think you can do better than that.”


Diavolos stands and begins pulling her clothes off, then lifts her easily and moves her to lay in the middle of the bed. There’s a challenging, determined look on his face now that makes her suck in a breath.

“Allow me to try again,” he murmurs, kissing her once, a hard, demanding kiss, before he sits back.

His hands roam over her body, alternating between light and teasing and insistent and caressing.

“Gods, you’re beautiful, Kenna,” he mutters, cupping her breasts in his hands and running his thumbs over her nipples until they’re hardened peaks.

She bites her lip to keep from moaning. His touch always feels good, and she’s really not even that mad anymore, but there’s something she really loves about Diavolos when his full attention is locked on her.

Diavolos chuckles as she remains silent. “I see. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Making me work for this.”

“I have…no idea what you’re talking about,” she gasps as he sucks and bites across her chest and down her stomach.

He doesn’t reply, just shoots her a look, his eyes dark, and then she does whimper.

Diavolos nudges her knees apart, kissing up her thighs, his stubble scratching at her sensitive skin. He laps at her core until she’s aching and desperate, her hands burying in his dark hair as she squirms underneath him. His thumb runs teasingly over her, and when she finally gives in and says his name in a quiet, pleading tone, he plunges his tongue into her. Her hips come off the bed as he works her with his mouth and hand.

“Yes,” she moans as he finds that sensitive spot inside her, and she cries out as he curls the tip of his tongue and rubs his thumb over her clit.

Her muscles tense for a moment before she sinks into the bed, Diavolos pressing his lips against her thighs and hips before he makes his way back up, kissing her hungrily. He bucks against her when she trails her fingertips down his stomach and takes his length in her hand. Kenna likes the way his breathing gets ragged, the way he grunts her name in her ear and thrusts against her, but she doesn’t like when he grabs her wrist after a minute, pinning her hands over her head.

“I’m apologizing to you, my love,” he says in a low tone. “Roll over.”

Kenna whimpers at the commanding edge to his voice, rolling to her stomach once Diavolos releases his grip.

“Oh,” she sighs, closing her eyes as he traces his fingertips over her back and thighs, then dips between her legs.

He leans across her, propping himself up and brushing kisses across the backs of her shoulders. She shifts restlessly underneath him, and hears him chuckle quietly.

“I’m not quite done yet,” he says in her ear, and she nearly sobs in frustration, done with the teasing, no matter how good he’s making her feel.

Now she just wants him. Needs him.

“Please,” she moans.

“If you insist,” Diavolos says, and he leans back.

His hands caress her hips briefly, his roughened fingertips making goosebumps spread across her skin, and then he pulls her to her knees and tugs her hips back against him. She can feel him hovering behind her, his hand slipping between her legs again, and she jerks against him, still sensitive. Diavolos groans when his fingers slip easily over her wet folds.

“Is it always this good for you, my love?” he asks.

“Yes,” she sighs, impatient but also flushing a little with the knowledge of how much he wants to make sure she feels good.

He finally moves, pushing into her agonizingly slowly, and she can almost feel him smirk at the frustrated sound she makes. Diavolos thrusts against her gently, and Kenna almost screams into the pillow at his slow pace.

“Are you apologizing or teasing me?” she finally asks, releasing one of her hands from gripping the sheets and letting it drift between them.

He snatches it up almost immediately, pressing her hand back towards the bed.

“I’m apologizing,” he says gruffly, and she gasps as he starts thrusting in to her rapidly, his hips slamming against hers.

He had her so on edge already that it takes hardly any time at all before she feels another orgasm building as she rocks back against him. Diavolos’ hands squeeze her hips rhythmically as they move, his name a hoarse cry into the pillow as she comes. She hazily hears him groan her name as her muscles clench around him, and he thrusts into her again until he spills inside her, his fingers digging into her skin.

Kenna sighs as he bands his arm around her and rolls them, her back against his chest. His fingers brush over her bare stomach and across her hip, his breathing gradually slowing.

“I love you, you know that?” he asks gruffly.

It takes her by surprise, the vulnerable tone in his voice. She turns in his arms, tilting her head up to kiss him.

“Of course I do,” she assures him. “I love you, too.”


His hand strokes over her cheek, brushing across her lips, before settling around her waist. Her eyes drift closed as she curls against his chest, her fingers playing with the ends of his hair until she drifts off to sleep, Diavolos wrapped warmly around her.

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