April Fool

Summary: Jade (MC) and Nadia play a prank on Damien.

Author’s note: This is in response to the April Fool’s Day prompt from laniquelove’s April Fanfic Challenge.

To try to cheer Nadia up, Jade had invited her over. Damien would be meeting up with them soon. The three of them were going to go out for drinks, and probably get something to eat. Jade hadn’t asked Hayden to join them, because she didn’t think Nadia needed to see a happy couple when she was still so upset about the breakup with Steve.

“I know he cared,” Nadia insisted.

Jade looked at her cousin sympathetically. “He may have. It’s obviously complicated. I know it hurts.” She tried to think of something to distract Nadia. Suddenly an idea popped into her head. “Let’s play a prank on Damien!”

“You think he’d fall for an April Fool’s joke?”

“I don’t know. It’s worth a try.” Jade paused for a moment, considering what to do. “How about we scare him? I’ll hide, and when he gets here, you tell him you found my door unlocked, but I wasn’t there. Maybe we can put some fake blood on the floor.” When she saw the shocked look on Nadia’s face, she hastened to reassure her. “We won’t let him worry for long. I’ll jump out and surprise him. I’m sure he can handle it.”

Nadia shrugged. “OK, why not?”

Jade pulled out her phone and opened the Google app, then typed in “fake blood.” After looking through the search results, she stood up. “Come help me in the kitchen.”

Once they were in the kitchen, Jade took out a bowl and a cup, then handed the cup to Nadia. “We need about a quarter of a cup of water.” She rummaged through the cupboard and grabbed flour, corn syrup, chocolate syrup, and red food coloring. After mixing the ingredients, Jade walked into the living room and slowly poured the blood on the floor, trying to make the pattern look realistic.

Not long after they had rinsed the bowl and put the ingredients away, they heard a knock at the door. Jade crouched behind the couch and listened as Nadia opened the door.

“Damien! Thank God you’re here. When I got here, the door was open, but Jade wasn’t home. And then I saw THAT!” She pointed to the floor. “I think it’s blood!”

“What?” Damien looked concerned. As he rushed to examine the floor, Jade jumped out from behind the couch.

“April Fool!” she shouted as she moved to grab him from behind. But as she was reaching for him, he turned around, and she fell into his arms. Without thinking, she pressed closer to him. His body felt good against hers. When she finally pulled back, she looked into his brown eyes and could see the desire there.

“No wonder you took that drink,” Nadia said as she watched them, referring to the game of Truth or Drink they had played, when Nadia had asked Jade if she had ever felt anything for Damien.

Jade and Damien hurriedly broke apart. “I didn’t mean…I wasn’t trying to…” Jade stammered.

Damien smirked. “You can’t fool me that easily!”

“Hey, we tried. Um…let’s head out. I could use a drink.” And a subject change, Jade thought. She felt very confused. Was Damien interested in her? He’d never made a move. And did she have feelings for him? Things had been going well with Hayden, but maybe he wasn’t the one for her after all.

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