At The Beginning – Chapter Two

Summary: Eva spends the night alone in the safe house after the attempt on her life. The next morning she receives some devastating news that changes everything and a proposal is made. Will Eva accept it knowing her heart lies elsewhere?

Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters or the dialogue. They are owned by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them 🙂 the only characters I own are the ones created by me 🙂

All pictures credit to the owners

Without realising, she must have fallen asleep as the next morning she was awoken by a loud knocking on the safe house door. She stood up from the sofa and went to answer the door. When she opened the door open, she found Gideon, Hana and Bertrand standing on the other side. Maxwell held Rufus in his arms.

“Oh my god. You’re okay. You’re all okay” she said. “These last few hours have been torture. This is all my fault” Gideon responded. “What do you mean?” she asks him. “If you’d never met me… if you’d never come to Cordonia… you’d be safe. I’ll never forgive myself for putting you in danger” he replies, his face clouding in anger. “Hey. I chose this. I chose to stay here. We’re all in this together”. Maxwell clears his throat from behind them. “Ahem… not to interrupt, but…where’s the love?”

“Maxwell, they were having a moment” Hana chides. Smiling, she wraps her arms around Hana, Maxwell and Bertrand, pulling them all into a hug, tears of relief welling in her eyes. If only they were all here, she thinks. “That’s more like it” Maxwell joked. “I am so pleased to see you in good health” Bertrand said to her. Standing aside, she lets the others file into the safe house. “Seeing you all safe, it feels like I can finally breathe again! I was so worried”. “I know exactly what you mean” Hana said. Maxwell chimes in “Not knowing was… awful”.

“Wait, so how did you all make it out of the palace?” she asks. “After Maxwell and I were separated from you in the crowd, we tried to get back to you, but the palace security wouldn’t let us go back” Hana explained. “They said their orders were to clear the room… not many people were crazy enough to be trying to get back in” Maxwell continues. “I’m just glad you’re both safe. And you, Gideon?” she asks, turning towards him. “My security detail held off the attackers until a royal guard was able to get me out of the ballroom. Once the assassins saw I was out of reach, they fled” he answered. “Bertrand?” she asks. “It was utter chaos, but luckily, I managed to usher a few others to safety as I escaped” he answers. “Well… I made a pit stop on the way out to get this little guy. I couldn’t leave him in the palace all alone” Maxwell pipes up. “Maxwell, I’m not sure if I should hug you or slap you. That was so dangerous, but I’m happy to see this furry face”.

He sets Rufus down and he rushes over to her, his entire body wiggling with glee. She bends down to hug him and give him a scratch behind the ears. “So what happened then, once everyone was clear?”. “We regrouped and went to another safe house. My security forces escorted us here once we were sure that our presence wouldn’t put you in further danger” Gideon explained. “Gideon, did… anyone get hurt? What about Savannah and the baby?” she asks. A look of pain appears on his face for a fleeting moment. “There were injuries. Savannah and Bartie were among the first to escape. They are safe and staying in the city.” “For what it’s worth, I saw to their well-being personally” Bertrand said. “Savannah wanted to come, but she decided it was best to keep Bartie close to support services, just in case” Maxwell continues.

Gideon sighs. “If there’s anything good to be said about last night, it’s that no lives were lost”. “But what about-“ Maxwell starts to say. Gideon shoots him a sharp look and shakes his head. “Uh, never mind” Maxwell continued. Gideon continued from where he left off. “Unfortunately, some people were caught in the crossfire and sustained serious injuries. Lady Kiara was caught by a knife, though I’m assured there will be no permanent damage… and Eva, your former press secretary was also shot.” “Justin?” she asks. Gideon nods. “He and Kiara are both in the hospital now, receiving the best care Cordonia has to offer. A security guard was also wounded helping me escape.” “I still can’t wrap my mind around how something so horrible could happen…” Hana said, her voice tinged with sadness. “Yeah… who do you think could be behind it?” Maxwell asks.

Gideon shakes his head. “Cordonia has its fair share of enemies, but it’s pointless to speculate and worry about it now. Bastien will have more information when we return to the palace.” “And when will that be?” Bertrand asked Gideon. “My guards and the police are still securing the palace. It’ll be an active crime scene until they’re done. They’ll call when they are certain the palace is safe, and that all the evidence has been collected” Gideon advises. “At which point, we’ll return to face a press and a country that both want answers. Rightfully so, I’d say. Eva, as the new Duchess of Valinor, there will be many who will be looking to you for answers” Bertrand tells her. “Me? I’ll personally make sure every single citizen feels safe. Whatever it takes”.

“Your enthusiasm is admirable. It’s exactly what the people need to see. Just know that this is the sort of event that shakes a populace to its core” Bertrand continues. “People are really afraid right now” Hana advises. “Yes, they fear for the monarchy. As you know, this isn’t the first royal assassination attempt” Bertrand explained. “They should have faith in Gideon. I know I do” Eva said, angrily. “No, Bertrand is right. I need to earn their trust” Gideon said, looking at Bertrand . “In the meantime, it would do us all good to recuperate while we wait for the all clear to return to the palace”. Hana looks around the room. “Why is it so dark in here?” she asks. “I think the generator is busted. Only the emergency lights came on when I got here” Eva replied.

Maxwell heads toward the door. “I’ll go see if I can find it. I don’t know if I can sit still right now, anyway”. “Do you want some company?” Eva queries. “None of us should be alone right now”. Maxwell nods. “That’d be nice. Plus, I’m not sure I know how to fix a generator”. “Before you go, I brought you a change of clothes. Something a bit more discreet” Hana said, handing Eva a dress. “Thanks, Hana. If anyone knows my size and style by now, it’s you”. She heads to the bedroom to change, laying her ruined ballroom dress on the bed. Exiting the room, Hana turns to her. “You look lovely”. Eva smiles. Maxwell heads for the safe house door and she goes to follow him.

Gideon clears his throat from behind the group. “Maxwell, would you mind taking Bertrand with you instead? There is something I need to discuss with Eva”. “Of course” answers Maxwell. “Come on Bertrand”. Bertrand grumbles under his breath, quietly expressing his displeasure at having to help Maxwell. “Perhaps we should go somewhere a bit more private” he says to her. “We can head to the bedroom at the back to talk”.

Entering the bedroom, which is scantly lit by a pair of lanterns, she sits down on the bed, moving her dress out of the way and Gideon sits beside her. “Are you ok, Eva?” he asks, concern lacing his voice. “I’m a little shook up, but other than that I’m fine. What about you?” she asks. “I’m angry. I’m really sorry this happened. I don’t understand how they got into the palace. It appears you and I were the targets.” he said. “Why me? I mean, I get you. You’re the most powerful man in Cordonia. But why me?”. “Power recently gained is the easiest to seize which is why you were targeted” he explains.

She shakes her head in disbelief before he continues “I’m sorry Eva. This is all my fault. If you’d never come here or I’d never made you a duchess when you turned down my proposal this wouldn’t have happened to you”. She shakes her head again. “This wasn’t your fault. It’s those cowards who are to blame, not you” she tells him. “I can’t help but feel responsible” he responds. “Stop right now. You are not to blame. Now what did you want to discuss?” she asks.

“I wanted to talk about the possibility of us getting married. I know you love Drake and that will never change but I need to tell you something” he says, not quite meeting her eyes, catching sight of the ring on her left hand. His heart sinks, knowing he is about to break her heart all over again. “What is it, Gideon? You’re scaring me”. Taking a deep breath, he raises his head looking her in the eyes. “Bastien did everything he could but Drake didn’t make it. He died on the way to the hospital” he explains, tears forming in his eyes.

Her world collapsed instantly. It couldn’t be true. He wouldn’t leave her, not when they had just found each other. “No, no, no” she screamed, shaking her head while tears streamed down her face. “You said there were no lives lost. Tell me it’s not true. Please Gideon” she begged. “I’m so sorry, Eva. I wanted to tell you in private” he said, drawing her into his arms, sobbing quietly. They sat there, each drowning in their own grief. Gideon grieving for his best friend and Eva grieving for the love she had lost. “We were going to get married. He was the one. I thought we’d be together forever and he’s been taken away from me” she hiccups between sobs, her heart shattering. His hold on her tightened. “We’ll find who did this. I promise you that” he advised, running his hands up and down her back, trying to soothe her. Her sobs eventually subsided. Gideon cleared his throat before speaking.

“I know you’ll never love me the same way you loved Drake but maybe we can help each other heal over time. I still love you Eva and I believe this is what we should do for the good of Cordonia. Show everyone we remain united through this threat. We’d have to go on a tour, try and persuade as many nobles as possible to come to our wedding. To unite the country in the wake of the attack” he said. “Let there be light!” they heard from the main room. Maxwell and Bertrand must have fixed the generator.

She sat there in silence, not sure what to say. Thoughts swirled around her head but the main thought she had was that she would be betraying Drake by agreeing to marry Gideon even if it was for the good of Cordonia. Surely if she loved Drake as much as she thought she wouldn’t even entertain the notion of marrying Gideon. Right? Things would be so much easier if Drake had survived then she wouldn’t be in this position.

“I can see your conflicted. He would want you to live your life and be happy. Not spend every day mourning him. I know he will always have your heart but promise me, you’ll think about it” he said, breaking her out of her thoughts. “I’ll give you some time” he continues. “Gideon, could you ask Max to come in here?”. “Of course” he replies, exiting the room. The door opens a few minutes later, Maxwell entering the room, closing the door behind him. He sits down next to her and draws her into a hug. “I’m so sorry, little blossom. I know what he meant to you”. Looking down at the ring on her finger, she feels the tears begin to fall again. “He asked me to marry him Max”. “Drake did?” he asks. “Don’t sound so shocked” she said with a giggle. “I told him yes but now he’s gone and I don’t know what to do” she tells him. “Do about what?” he asks, confusion showing on his face.

“Gideon has also asked me to marry him. For the good of Cordonia in the wake of the attack” she explains. “Oh. How do you feel about that?” he asks. “Honestly? I don’t know. Part of me still loves him and wants to say yes, hoping he will make me happy but part of me feels like it’s betraying Drake’s memory. It’s not even been 24 hours since Drake asked me to marry him and I’m already considering getting engaged to another man? How would that look to the press? The unfaithful suitor gets engaged to the commoner then less than 24 hours later is engaged to the king?”. “Well, apart from you, Drake, Gideon and I, no one knows Drake proposed so the press wouldn’t see it like that. Plus, little blossom, Drake is gone” he said, sadly. “I know that, Max. He’s gone and it’s my fault. If I hadn’t fallen in love with him, he wouldn’t have jumped in front of that bullet and would still be here” she yells, jumping to her feet and pacing round the room. Maxwell stands up and places his hands on her shoulders, forcing her to stop. “Eva, look at me” he said, tilting her face up to his. “You don’t know that. He could have still done it even if you had chosen Gideon” he continued. “Could you leave me alone, please? I need some time to think” she explained to him. He nods and heads to the door. Before he exits, he turns and says to her “I’m here if you need me. I know you are going to think about it but he’d want you to be happy. Of that I’m sure” he said, exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

She sinks back down on to the bed and feels the tears begin to fall again. He was really gone. They had barely even had chance to see where their relationship could go before he was cruelly taken away from her. She glances down at her left hand, fiddling with the ring he had given her. Could she really do this? Marry Gideon when she wouldn’t love him like she loved Drake? Drake would want her to be happy wouldn’t he? She did love Gideon but did she love him enough to marry him when her heart belonged to Drake? Maybe Gideon was right. Maybe it was what she needed after all, to help her heart heal. Plus it was the right thing to do for Cordonia. The people needed to believe the monarchy was stable and it seemed this was the only way to show them that. “Forgive me, Drake” she whispers, taking his ring off and placing it on the chain around her neck, her way of keeping him close to her heart. Exiting the room, all eyes turn towards her as she makes her way over to Gideon.

“Ok, I’ll do it. I’ll marry you. For Cordonia” she said, her heart feeling heavy as she said the words feeling again like she is betraying Drake

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