“Attention”- A Chris Powell AU Short (NSFW)

Disclaimer: The following is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer, or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Kaitlyn, Abbie, Zack or Tyler.

Character Pairing: Chris X MC. Thank you to @ihearyoucallmyname for the topic suggestion. Theme inspired by Charlie Puth’s “Attention”.

Author’s Note: Contains strong language and adult situations.

“Attention” : A Chris Powell AU Short (NSFW)

The blinding, fluorescent glow of dozens of camera lights forces Chris Powell to shift his eyes downward to the street pavement as he exits the black, darkly tinted SUV. He buttons the blazer of his custom suit and forces a smile as he is swarmed making his way to the entrance of the opulent Hollywood Hills estate.  A bulky member of the estate’s security team wearing a tightly fitting black t-shirt and black slacks pushes through the paparazzi, making an opening for Chris. He grabs his elbow and helps Chris to step through the crowd that has descended upon him.

“Powell! Who wins the Super Bowl next year?” one of the paparazzo shouts at him.

“The LA Rams of course,” Chris flashes a brilliant smile and there is instantly the click of rapid camera shutters at work to grab a coveted snap of the NFL’s hottest young quarterback.

The security member helps Chris through the gate, shutting it behind him and keeping the paparazzi at bay until the next guest arrives.

“Thanks,” Chris nods his head at him. He receives a head nod in response and the security member turns his attention to a car approaching the home slowly.

Chris looks up at the mansion in front of him. There are just a few people wandering the grounds, trying to keep out of reach of the cameras lining the fence. Beams of purple and pink lights illuminate the mansion’s façade. The air vibrates with the thumping bass from a sound system that is piping music into almost every room of the house and out towards the pool area.

Chris steps towards the front door and it opens, a young blonde in a silver sequined dress that barely reaches below the juncture of her legs and buttocks is holding a clipboard and wearing a headset. She smiles at Chris, already knowing who he is but takes his name and puts a check mark next to it.

“Enjoy your evening Mr. Powell,” she says with a wink and smirk.

Chris smiles back at her and steps through the foyer.  It opens to a large open area with a spiral staircase that swirls up to the second floor of the home. White drapes hang from various spots on the ceiling, with more beams of purple and pink light projected on to them, casting a violet hue onto everything and everyone in the main party area.

There are two open bars on either side of the room and at least a hundred partygoers are mingling, drinks in hand and gyrating to the music the DJ is blasting from his turntable near the staircase. A few ladies stand along the stairs, dancing and moving in time with the music, dressed in purple and pink dresses.

Entertainment mogul Derek Burkley, owner of this ridiculously extravagant home, is the host for tonight’s shindig. Many of Hollywood and sports most famous faces had participated in a charity event earlier in the night benefitting the WINGS Foundation, an organization that provides uplifting opportunities and financial support to families affected by pediatric cancer.  Before publicly aligning himself with the charity as a spokesman, Chris had seen their purple and pink logo on a number of billboards and ads but knew little about the cause. After one visit with their reps shortly after he was selected in the NFL draft, Chris knew this was one of many charities he wanted to endorse.

The host for the festivities is not easily spotted in the throngs of people as Chris looks around. Though he arrived on his own, Chris is not by himself long. He spots his teammate, running back Russell Thibbs standing and talking with a few other Rams players: wide receiver Cole Bennett and lineman Tavarius Wright.

Russell smiles and nods his head towards Chris as he approaches.

“Powell,” he says. They slap hands and Russell pulls him into a one armed hug. “Glad to see you made it man.”

“Ah, wouldn’t miss it,” Chris nods and looks around.

“Looks like more than few ladies saw you come in,” Cole teases him. As Chris looks around the room he notices several women sipping their drinks and looking his way, a few speaking to each other and then glancing back at him with intrigued smiles.

“My goal tonight is to stand next to Chris,” Tavarius says. “Captain Blue Eyes over here has no trouble getting the attention of some fine ass women. I’ll settle for runner-up, I’m not too proud.”

The group laughs and Chris shakes his head. “That’s not true,” he chuckles.

“The hell it isn’t,” Cole scoffs. “My mom thinks you’re good looking. Do you know how disturbing it is for me to hear my mom say the things she has said about you and you’re my teammate?”

“How is your mom doing these days?” Chris smirks.

“You watch it,” Cole frowns and his eyes narrow. He tries his best not to laugh but suddenly chuckles.

“Chris could be your new stepdad,” Tavarius chimes in. Cole looks horrified.

Russell turns puts a hand on both Cole and Chris’s shoulders, laughing. “Empty hands. Headed to the bar, let’s get you caught up,” he says.

Chris nods and walks with Russell and Cole over to one of the open bars. Chris casually leans across the counter and orders an Old Fashioned from one of the several bartenders Derek has hired to keep the drinks flowing and his guest without a wait.

Chris watches as a pretty brunette wearing a crisp white shirt, black vest and black slacks adds a sugar cube to a glass and then a few dashes of bitters. She adds a few splashes of spring water from a fancy glass pitcher and then pours brandy into the glass. She adds an orange slice and a cherry and then slides the drink towards Chris, a smirk playing on her lips.

“Thank you,” he says with a wink, making her smirk transform to a devilish grin.

Russell and Cole place their drink orders and Chris turns to look out at the sea of writhing bodies, taking a sip of the drink. The blend of sweetness and bitterness makes him lick his lips slowly, savoring the taste. He is ready for the effects of the alcohol to take hold.

He’s been conditioning heavily for the last few weeks, mindful of his nutrition and denying himself sugar, processed foods and alcohol during that time. Minicamp is in a few weeks and the month of April was dedicated to taking care of his body and squeezing in a vacation before team responsibilities consume his schedule again.

Expectations are high for Chris Powell heading into his second season in the NFL. His performance in year one earned him the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year Award. Powell threw for 4,295 yards and 39 touchdowns with just six interceptions his rookie season. Those types of numbers had already put his name in elite status with quarterbacks like Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady and Cam Newton. As the starting QB for the Rams, he helped to lead them to the playoffs for the first time in six seasons. They reached the AFC championship game before falling to the New England Patriots.

Chris was determined not to experience the infamous sophomore slump. His numbers would be better he vowed. Nothing less than a Super Bowl win would be acceptable this season. The country now knew what the Rams were capable of with Powell, and he was going to see to it that they exceeded expectations.

But none of that concerns him right now. Tonight is about fun. The charity gala had been a blast, Chris walking the runway with a young cancer survivor in the fashion show portion of the event. He delivered a brief address thanking the various donors and supporters of WINGS for making their efforts possible and encouraging others to become contributors.

Now, all he wanted to do was enjoy his drink, hang with his buddies and maybe, just maybe meet a girl he’d like to dance the night away with.

As he looks out over the crowd, his back against the counter of the bar, a familiar figure catches his eye on the opposite side of the room. He’s not sure if the purple hue cast on his surroundings has caused his eyes to deceive him. He squints as he takes another sip but then lowers the glass from his lips. He freezes and the blood in his body seems to drop to his feet.

It is her. Without a doubt, it’s her.

Chris’s lips press into a straight line and his jaw clenches. What is she doing here? He thinks to himself. He thought she was still on the other coast, where she had been so adamant that she wanted to remain.

MC had been the love of his life. Five and a half years ago he had been walking across the campus at Hartfeld University when she came crashing into his world. He knew then he would love her for the rest of his life. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he felt it in his heart on that very first day and it was sealed that night when they kissed on the rooftop of their suite.

There had been rough patches here and there throughout their relationship but they had always weathered the storm. That was until the second month of his rookie NFL season.

MC’s career was critically important to her. She had already co-authored a book with Dr. Enrique Vasquez by the time she was 19. Two years later, her second book was published and both tales remained fixtures in the top 10 of the New York Times bestseller list. Not satisfied with just living off the royalties from her book sales, MC had finished with her bachelor of arts in English from Hartfeld and taken a position with Penguin Random House as a literary scout. The position was typically reserved for older, veteran employees of publishing companies. MC’s youth and eye for great stories had intrigued the big bosses and they had offered her the role. She loved her job. Not only did she have the opportunity to scout out new talent and look for some material that could be adapted into screenplays, it was not so time consuming that it did not keep her from being able to write her own pieces.

When Chris was selected as the third overall pick in the NFL draft by the LA Rams, they vowed they would make it work. Sure they would live on opposite coasts for most of the year but they loved each other and that was enough of a foundation to keep their relationship alive, wasn’t it? Chris realizes now how naïve they both were to think that. It began with his first minicamp, when he was in LA for a week. Then he needed to find a place to live and get settled, also working to find the best locations to train.

MC stayed back in NYC, letting Chris navigate his new existence on his own. When training camp hit in July, it was the first time either of them truly noticed how the distance was going to impact them. Chris was out on the field sometimes twice a day for practice and it was lights out by 9:30 p.m. each night. The difference in time zones was also a nuisance for both of them. By the time Chris was making it back to his room for camp, MC was already fast asleep.

There were a few phone calls but even fewer texts over those July and August days. When the preseason began, Chris had a bit more free time but he was usually trying to rest or keep up with his nutrition during that time.

MC remained curled up on the sofa of her NYC apartment, pouring over manuscripts and drafts as Chris raced up and down a football field, building the legend that would become his storied career.

He never intended to neglect her and she never intended to be so lackadaisical about it all. It just happened. Their focus and attention were in different places: the career futures ahead of them rather than each other.

It was a night in October that they had the conversation that changed their lives drastically. MC was supposed to fly out to LA to spend a week with Chris and then attend the Rams home game against the Dallas Cowboys that Sunday.  MC was slightly overwhelmed with work. She had three books she needed to read through and she didn’t see how she would manage to do so if she was huddled up with Chris for the next few days. He would have practice but it was still not nearly enough time to herself that she needed to get it all done.

When he called that night, he heard it in her voice as soon as she answered the phone.

“Hey,” he said cheerfully.

“Hi,” she responded, her tone apprehensive and a bit dry.

Chris paused. He closed his eyes and rubbed at the lids. He took a deep breath. There was once a time when he would call and her voice seemed so joyous, so delighted to hear from him. He could feel her smile through the phone. Those days seemed like ancient times now.

“You getting ready to head out tomorrow?” he asked, feeling in his heart he already knew the answer.

“Chris…” she sighed and he gripped his phone tighter.

“What is it MC?” he asked slightly irritated.

“I just…I have so much to do here….I don’t think it’s a good time for me to come out,” she said slowly. She was met by a painful silence. She had to take the phone away from her ear and look at it to make sure the call had not somehow ended, it was so quiet. She slowly placed the phone back up to her ear.

“Chris?” She questioned cautiously.

“I’m here MC,” he huffed. “I uh…I don’t really know what to say. I feel like though…honestly…if you don’t come out here at least this week or soon…that somehow….we’re over,” he admitted.

“I know….” She said softly.

“We haven’t spent time together in months, we barely talk. I never wanted it to be this way. If you come out here, I think there’s still a chance for us MC, but…you’ve got to come here for that to happen,” Chris breathed out, his words a plea to her.

The deafening silence this time was on MC’s end. Chris says nothing, waiting for her to be the one to voice the fate of their future. He hears her sniffle and closes his eyes, shaking his head.

“Chris….” She whispered again, unable to speak the words.

“So that’s it then? This is it?” He replied heartbroken. Despite the chaos of his new life, LA living and the time consuming efforts of building a self-brand along with an incredible career, Chris had remained faithful to MC. There was plenty of augmented flesh and contouring around him but none of it appealed to him. MC was still his girl. At least she was until that moment.

“I’m sorry, I just…I think we both have felt this coming for a while. We both want different things right now. My life is here in New York. I’m happy here Chris,” she said through her tears.

“Why couldn’t you come out to LA and do the very same thing? There are plenty of publishers and companies looking for people who do exactly what you do! We could be together! It doesn’t have to be this way MC. Things are like they are because you aren’t willing to compromise and come here to be with me. Did what we have not mean anything to you?” He said in a bitter vomit of words.

“You know that isn’t true at all!” she snapped back. “I love my job here! I don’t want to work with any other company! Why couldn’t you just play for a team on the east coast like you really wanted?!”

“I had no more control of what team drafted me than I do over the weather outside MC! You know that! Don’t put this on me! I’m trying here! It’s you that won’t!”  He shot back angrily.

“You tell yourself that,” MC said, pushing the feelings of a breakdown aside as her anger mounted. Everything she had held back from him for the last few months erupted. “You tell yourself this is all my fault. That there weren’t days or weekends when you could have called or text or done more to let me know you were at least thinking about me! That there weren’t times you could have even flown out for just one night. You got too busy and too big for all of us Chris! Not just me, but Zack, Kaitlyn, Abbie and Tyler have all said they haven’t spoken to you in god knows how long! You tell yourself I’m the only one who quit trying!”

He held the phone and ran a hand over his face, he tugged at his hair slightly and groaned. “I didn’t think this would ever be us MC. I thought…we were forever,” he said gently, swallowing down his temper, not wanting the possible last words he spoke to her to be so angry after they had shared so much love.

“Forever is just a really long time Chris…especially when you live in different parts of the country,” MC said wiping at her eyes and sniffling again.

They each were silent for a long time before Chris finally felt the need to not drag it out any longer.

“Well, I guess this is goodbye then,” he cleared his throat, feeling tears come to his eyes. His girl had slipped through his fingers. He knew she had spoken the truth. There was blame on both sides. The realization did nothing to soothe his feelings then. “I wish you nothing but the best MC. You deserve to be happy and…I’m sorry I couldn’t give you that anymore,” His voice cracked.

“I’m sorry too Chris,” she said through her tears.

“Yeah…well….goodbye,” Chris said and ended the call before she had time to respond. He put his face in his hands and the tears flowed for hours it seemed that night.

That was six months ago. News of their split had to be shared by their publicists. The same couple that had inspired much of the events in the highly read book The Freshman was no more. People who had read the book had come to feel they knew Chris and MC as friends, even though their names were different in the published copies. There was a national interest in their love life. Now, after college, they were done.

“Chris and MC decided mutually to end their relationship. The decision was amicable and they will remain the very best of friends,” was the joint statement that had been released.

Chris had answered a few reporter inquiries about the breakup the week it happened at his locker after practice. He wished MC the best. She was an amazing woman and deserved to be happy. These things happen he explained. Slowly the questions faded away and there was a much different headline that followed: “Chris Powell Back on The Market!” The handsome, young hot shot NFL quarterback’s fan base was already massive but when the world knew he was single, it seemed to multiply. Girls everywhere were hoping for their chance with the American dream.

Chris did not let the attention get to him. He shunned the heartthrob status and did not date, putting all his time and energy into the sport he loved and training for the next season. He had done it once before after a broken heart in high school and it was not so difficult to do it again. Plus, his heart still yearned for MC: her kiss, her touch, the feel of her skin. She had been his for five years and suddenly that was gone. The adjustment for him was difficult.

MC waited a few months before Abbie was the first to convince her she needed to get back out into the dating scene and try again. NYC was a huge place and a beautiful, successful bachelorette like MC had quite a bit to offer an interested guy. She dated here and there but nothing ever panned out to anything more than a few evenings out on the town. She also poured her heart and soul into her job.

“What is it?” Russell asks Chris snapping him out of his thoughts. His teammate and fellow Hartfeld Knights alum followed the direction of Chris’s intense gaze. “Wait is that…?”

“Sure is,” Chris says curtly.

“What is she doing here?” Russell questions.

“I’m wondering the same thing,” Chris frowns. He takes a much larger swig from his drink and begins to move across the room. He holds his drink up, careful not to spill it as he passes by men and women dancing to the loud music.

His focus is on her the entire time. She stands beside a guy Chris recognizes from several insultingly stupid romantic comedies MC made him watch. She giggles at something he says, flipping her hair back with a brilliant smile as he speaks to her.

Feeling herself being watched, she looks around and that’s when she sees him. The corner of her lips drops ever so faintly but she instantly recovers. She looks back at the actor, her smile stretching wider, eyes sparkling with laughter.

She does not hear a word the actor is saying. He is shouting over the loud music but it doesn’t matter. He could have a megaphone and MC would not be listening. She is waiting. Waiting for that glimpse of him that comes as he steps up behind the actor, stepping into her line of vision over his shoulder.

The actor follows her eyes and looks back to see Chris standing beside him.

“Chris Powell!” he says and extends his hand. “Adam Kay. Hell of a season you had,” Adam says. Chris holds his drink in one hand and shakes Adam’s with the other.

“Thank you,” Chris says and forces a smile. His eyes move from Adam to MC. A stare war breaks out between them. Adam can feel the tension wafting off of them.

“Uh, I think I’m going to grab something to drink too, would you like another?”  Adam says pointing to the cocktail in her hand.

“No thank you,” She smiles and he nods, looking at Chris with wide eyes at the expression on his face as he walks away from them.

He and MC continue to stare at each other, no words spoken. He is not relieved to see her or even excited about it. He is angry. She never had any desire to come out to LA and finally on a night when he is trying to have a good time, there she is.

“Hello,” MC finally says. She raises her drink, wrapping her lips around the straw and takes a slow pull from the pink beverage. Chris watches her red painted lips as they suck from the straw. He looks her over. The beige and silver bedded dress she is wearing stops mid-thigh. It is bedded in 1920’s style but the neckline plunges between her cleavage and stops just above her navel. The fabric strategically placed over her breasts cover only the centers, the round flesh exposed on the sides and in the middle. The back crisscrosses in thin straps, leaving most of her skin exposed. Her sky high silver strappy heels have lifted her frame up, accentuating her legs.

“What are you doing here MC?” Chris asks pointedly. Her head tosses back slightly at the question.

“It’s a party I thought-“

“An LA party,” he says over the music. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with this entire city?”

She cocks an eyebrow. “Well if you really must know, I’m in LA shopping a book around this week that might be adapted into a screenplay. A co-worker and I came. A few of the studios here wanted to look at it and they sent us out to handle it. That’s my job if you remember,” she nods, her eyes conveying her irritation at his question.

“So you could come out to LA for work, oh okay,” he nods pursing his lips. “Good to know.” He takes a sip of his drink, looking over the glass at her as he does.

“Chris…it’s been months since we’ve seen each other and this is how it’s going to be?” MC shakes her head.

“I know you MC,” Chris says. “I know you very well,” he nods and tilts his head to the side.

She stares back at him. She will never admit to it, but she is there tonight because of him. She knew Chris was involved with WINGS, he had mentioned it several times after he got drafted. When her colleague from the publishing house mentioned a gala and after party at Derek Burkley’s home, she knew there was a strong chance Chris would be there. She hated to admit that she wanted to see him, she wanted to be near him.

Chris looks over her dress again. He can smell her perfume and it causes his grip on his glass to tighten. It was not a fragrance she wore every day. He knew that. This was the perfume she wore on their special nights together like the Winter Formal or Boat Dance at Hartfeld. He had pressed his lips to her neck on those nights, kissing her as his hands roamed her body, taking in this very scent from her hair and skin.

As those moments flip through his mind like a kaleidoscope, Chris can’t help but to think about when she was his. A pang of regret strikes at the demise of their relationship. But then his eyes connect with hers and he knows, from the hair to the makeup, to the dress to the perfume, that was exactly her goal.

“You look good,” MC says honestly looking at his custom suit. The dark green material of the jacket and slacks is paired with a custom white button down. A silk, burgundy-colored handkerchief is tucked into the jacket pocket. She glances at the brown Italian leather shoes he is wearing. Chris Powell has come a long way from jeans and Henley shirts. “It is good to see you Chris.”

Chris exhales and takes another drink from his glass. His eyes travel over her body, he makes no effort to hide his actions. She blushes some under his gaze and Chris is surprised that after all this time, he still has the power to make her cheeks color. His stare is hungry and full of yearning. He licks his lips and turns his head away from her, looking back over at the partygoers.

“You too,” he admits casually. Suddenly he turns to face her, stepping close and leaning down a bit. “But then again you knew that when you came here tonight.”

Her eyebrows lift, eyes slightly widen, then she gives a sideways smirk. He has seen right through her but she doesn’t care.

“Zack told me he talked to you the other day,” Chris says.

MC is caught off guard by this and blanches slightly. “Oh, uh, yeah? You talked to Zack?”

“We still do from time to time,” Chris nods. “I know you think that I’d forgotten all of our friends but that’s not possible.” He sticks his tongue into his cheek. For the first time, MC looks down.

“Yeah?” she says softly.

“He had some interesting things to say about a few things you had told him recently about me,” Chris replies, frowning deeply.

MC lifts her eyes. “Chris-“

“Nope,” he shakes his head. “Look, we ended and things are weird. I know. Our friends feel caught in the middle. But I don’t need you going around trying to put dirt on things that happened between us for them to be Team MC, okay? I didn’t think that was something you’d do. They’re my friends still too.”

She doesn’t meet his gaze and sighs, nodding. “I’m sorry, I just-“

“Hey,” Adam says walking up. “They’ve got that bar down to a science over there,” he laughs lightly. He looks back and forth between Chris and MC. He can see a visible change in MC’s demeanor.

Chris nods at him and slaps him on the back. “Have a goodnight man,” he says and glances back at MC. She opens her mouth to speak to him but glances at Adam and closes her lips.

Chris walks away and heads back to the spot near the wall where Cole, Tavarius and Russell are standing.

“Chris Powell and the case of the ex!” Cole says as he stands beside him.

“Craziness,” Chris mutters and drinks from his glass. He stares across the room where MC is still taking to Adam but looking across the way at Chris.

“She looks good tonight,” Cole says.

“She knows it too,” Chris shakes his head.

“Well don’t let that get to you,” Russell encourages. He remembers meeting MC when she and Chris were newly coupled, the two young eager new lovers unable to keep their hands to themselves during the LA visit to his home Chris’s freshman year. He kept in touch with Chris as a mentor through the Knights and every time they spoke, Chris mentioned the special bond between he and MC. Russell was one of the first to try and get him out and about and lift his spirits shortly after their breakup.

“I’m not,” Chris says. “There are literally a hundred other girls here.”

“And you could probably leave here with anyone of them, even the married ones,” Tavarius jokes. “I’m your wingman if you need one.”

Chris laughs a little. “Thanks man.”

Chris bobs his head to the beat of the music playing as a song he likes comes on. A player from 49ers approaches their squad and one arm hugs each of the guys. They chit chat and after a while, Chris’s attention slowly shifts back to the other side of the room. He pauses. She and Adam are no longer standing in the same spot they were before. A slight frown comes to his face and he searches the room, lifting his chin as he looks around.

He sees them on the dance floor. MC holds her drink in her hand and Adam is standing behind her. Her back is to him and he steps closely, his hips moving and swaying as she lowers herself and works her way back up in time with the music over and over again. She lifts a hand in the air, hooking it behind her to pull his head into the crook of her neck as they dance. He clearly says something into her ear that makes her laugh and she spins around to face him. He puts his hands on her hips, bumping and grinding against her as she skillfully dances, with her drink in her hand.

Chris’s teeth begin to hurt. Unbeknownst his jaw was clinched so tightly he was putting pressure on his teeth and the bones. He cracks his neck as she watches her. The short dress she is wearing creeps up higher on her thighs as she gyrates.

This is his girl, dancing with another man. He licks at his teeth and reminds himself: she’s not his girl anymore.

“I’m going to go get another drink,” Chris announces and heads to the bar. The same brunette takes his order. This time he just wants a straight shot. She can look at him now and tell something is bothering him. She slides the shot to him. He throws it back and then slides the shot glass back towards her. “What do you have on draft?”

“You name it, we’ve got it tonight,” she says.

“Shiner Bock,” he orders.

“Coming up,” she says. She grabs a beer mug and fills it with the fuzzy liquid to the brim. Chris takes it and chugs half the drink down.

“You better pace yourself!” she says with a little laugh. “It’s early!”

Chris shrugs and reaches into his pocket for his wallet. He pulls out a few bills and slides them into the tip jar. “Hey, thanks!” she says in response to the hefty amount.

“Thank you,” he says lifting the beer mug towards her. He turns and walks back to the fellas. The alcohol is starting to take hold. He can feel his cares and the tension in his body fading but his emotions now are starting to feel all over the place.

He refuses to look her way again. Maybe he should talk to someone? The thought comes to him and he looks around. There are some truly stunning women at the party. He looks at a few of them and they smile as he makes eye contact with them. But he feels nothing. No one there makes him feel what MC does. Right now she is making him crazy.

He leans against the wall standing again beside Cole who is reliving a play that resulted in a concussion for him earlier this season. Chris tries to listen intently but his mind wanders. He sips the beer again and looks around the room.

Now she’s at the bar. He doesn’t know where Adam is but the guy at her side is clearly not him. He is getting her a drink. Chris has no idea who the blonde is but MC is looking at him intently as he hands her a mixed drink. She accepts it with a smile and they linger near the bar as they talk.

What is she doing? He thinks to himself. She’s here, which is bad enough, now is she flirting and smiling with every guy that looks in her direction? Chris shakes his head. She’s only here for attention. He frowns as he turns away, taking a large swig of his beer. His face begins to get more color to it as he drinks more and more.

“Powell!” Cole shouts suddenly. “Want you to meet someone,” he waves at him and steps aside. Cole reveals to him a gorgeous woman with jet black hair and mocha colored skin. She is wearing a long maxi dress with a haltered top. The material swirls elegantly over her body. Her dark brown eyes are accented by cat eyeliner and eyelashes that stretch to the ceiling.

“Chris Powell, this is Chantel Roberts, Chantel, Chris” Cole says gesturing.

“Hi,” she says with a bashful smile and extends her hand.

“Hi…” Chris says looking at her, she’s breathtaking. For a moment he forgets. He forgets who is standing just yards away from him. He takes a hold of her hand.

“Chantel works for the Clippers in sales. She hooked me up with my season tickets and a box at the arena sometimes,” Cole explains.

Chris studies her again and smiles. He doesn’t realize he is still holding onto her hand.

Cole grins and slaps Chris on the back stepping away from him.

“So Cole said you do a lot with WINGS? That’s so sweet,” Chantel smiles.

Chris nods. “Yeah, I do. I really believe in what they stand for and after I was drafted, I met with some of their people. Just seemed like the right thing to do to lend my name to helping them,” he shrugs. He finally drops his hand from hers.

“Well I wish all athletes had that type of mindset,” she shakes her head. “Wouldn’t believe some of the egos I deal with in the NBA,” she laughs.

“Oh, I can imagine,” he says. He pauses for a minute when their eyes meet. This feels suddenly wrong. He feels like he’s betraying the trust of someone. He whips his head over to the other side of the room.  MC is still near the bar, talking to the blonde-haired gentleman. Her arm is draped across the counter and she smiles slightly as she listens to what he is saying. Chris takes a deep breath. She used to look at him with that same look of interest when he spoke.

“Everything okay?” Chantel asks, stepping forward to move back into his view. Chris blinks and looks down at her petite figure and nods.

“Yeah,” he clears his throat. “So…how long have you worked for the NBA?” he asks.

She begins her answer but he does not hear it. He looks across the room and the blonde-haired gentleman has a hand on MC’s arm and is guiding her with her drink towards another part of the house. Chris follows them with his eyes.

“You know what, excuse me,” he interrupts Chantel and turns and walks away briskly. He chugs down the rest of his beer and places the empty mug on the bar as he strides by. In seconds he falls into place behind MC and her admirer.

“MC,” he says, his voice suddenly full of command.

She and the man at her side turn and look over their shoulders, stopping their stroll.

MC looks back at him with questioning eyes. “Yes?”

“I need to talk to you,” Chris says. He can feel his mind swirling and the slight dampness of sweat on his forehead. Alcohol coursing through his system, and triggered by the sight of her with not just one but two other men, he feels himself losing his grip. He doesn’t care though. There are a few things he needs to say.

“Um…well, can it wait?” She cocks an eyebrow.

“No,” he says his face stern. “Right now.”

MC looks over at the blonde. His eyes narrow slightly at Chris, then he looks at MC for any type of inclination as to what he should do.

“If you’ll give us a minute,” MC says politely, a tiny smile on her lips and she gives a head nod. The guy eyes Chris suspiciously and Chris cocks his head to the side, bowing up his chest as he glares back at him, waiting for him to speak one ignorant word to him.

“Alright, if you say so,” the guy nods at MC and turns and bumps his shoulder into Chris as he walks away. Chris glares at him but whirls back around facing MC directly.

“What is it?” she asks.

“Not here,” he shakes his head. He looks all around the room for a corner where they can talk privately. There are some sofas and chairs set up in various areas behind the white curtains but all are occupied as far as Chris can tell.

MC folds her arms across her chest, eyeing him unamused.

“This way,” he says and grabs her arm. She looks down at the grip he has on her but doesn’t protest. He guides her towards the staircase and she stops, looking over at him. He simply nods his head and throws it towards the top of the stairs indicating for her to walk up the steps. With a huff, she saunters her way up the stairs. Chris lags just a few steps behind. He looks up and watches her hips sway up the stairs, watching the movements of her behind and her toned legs as she makes her ascent upwards. He inhales deeply, glancing around to see if anyone is paying attention. They move past the girls dancing on the stairs, weaving in and out of them until they are at the top.

MC looks back at Chris as he takes his place beside her, putting a hand on the small of her back ushering her forward as he looks down the hall.

They approach several doors and he looks unsure as to which he should choose. His head swivels as he thinks and then he puts his hand on a door knob, gingerly cracking it open and peering inside. The thump of the party music is softer but still loud. He finds the room dark and unoccupied. He reaches in and flips a light switch. An overhead light comes to life, illuminating a spacious bedroom. Chris looks back at MC, who is still giving him the same curious but agitated stare.

“In here,” he says and opens the door wide, waiting for her enter. She does not move immediately. She thinks and shakes her head, then rolling her eyes she walks into the bedroom. Chris shuts the door behind them. MC looks all around the room, tossing her hip to the side. She turns and faces Chris.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and leans against the wall near the door.

“You knew I’d be here tonight,” he says. It’s not a question.

She stands up straight, rolling her shoulders back as she sighs. “I knew there was a chance that you would be, yes,” she nods matter-of-factly.

“Then why come here?” he asks.

“It’s a party, Chris. There are literally hundreds of people downstairs, where we should also be,” she says.

“You came here knowing I would be here though. Why?” He asks. He feels his thoughts becoming cloudy again. It was the shot. He shouldn’t have done the shot he mentally scolds himself. He can’t think straight right now. Not with her standing there looking like that.

She shrugs.

“Don’t give me that,” he shakes his head. “Why MC?”

“I don’t know. Maybe…maybe I wanted to see you,” She waves her hand in the air brushing the statement away.

“You knew exactly what you were doing. Walking in here looking like that,” he says. He steps away from the wall and pulls his hands from his pockets. He steps closer to her and she glances from side to side.

“I dressed for the party,” she says nonchalantly.

“You dressed to make me miss you. You dressed to make me wallow in regret for leaving you. That’s what you dressed for,” he says, his blue eyes becoming darker. “You wanted me to take one look at you at hate myself for letting you walk away.”

“If that’s what you feel….” She trails off.

Chris tilts his head to the side. “I don’t think I’m the only one who regrets how we ended,” he says slowly.

She lifts her eyes to him, then looks down at the floor. She hates that about him. How he can look at her and know what she is thinking and feeling. After five years together, living together for four of those, there is almost a telekinetic energy between them that makes their emotions and feelings transparent. She regretted letting him go the second they hung up the phone that night. Still a part of her wants to believe it was for the best.

“I’m going back down stairs,” MC says and strides towards the door.

“MC!” Chris says as she steps around him. She pauses and looks up at him. Their bodies are inches away from each other. He feels a heat in his core, no longer just from the alcohol. It is a fire for her that has never burned out.

She looks up at him and gulps. Her back was straight with the resolve she had to move on and away from him. Slowly he sees the tension in her shoulders ease. It gives way to a heaving in her chest as her breaths quicken.

His breathing is rapid and with each quick inhale of breath, the perfume he loves, the one that seduces and slays his sense, fills his nostrils rendering him helpless.

“MC,” he breaths out, looking deep into her eyes. She looks back up into his.  “What were you doing down there tonight? Those other guys? Was that to make me jealous? To drive me nuts?”

She looks down, unable to look back into the blue eyes that she fell in love with so many years ago.

“It made me feel crazy,” he breaths out pained. “Seeing you with someone else….” He shakes his head. “I…can’t stand it…I couldn’t take it….” He clinches his fist together and releases them. “I don’t ever want to think about you with another guy ever again.”

“Chris, we ended it…” she says in a weak attempt to stay strong.

He licks his lips as she looks up at him. Both of them can hear the unsteady breaths the other is taking.

“Sweetheart, no….” Chris says. He slides his arms around her waist, pulling her close against him. MC groans at the feel of his embrace and closes her eyes as he lowers his lips to hers. “You’re always mine,” he whispers against her mouth before his warm lips press against hers. She groans sliding her hands up his arms and into his hair, pulling his mouth against hers harder. His face pressed so closely to hers, the sandpapery feel of his stubble rubs into her cheeks and chins but she does not care. The taste of liquor is on both their tongues as they fight for dominance inside each other’s mouths.

“Chris,” She groans as he breaks the kiss, gasping for breath before his lips roam hers thirsty for the hot wetness of her mouth. She feels her entire body responding, her passion growing like an ember doused with gasoline.

“You make me so crazy,” he pulls back just enough to look into her eyes. As he speaks, the breath of each of his words tickles her nose. “You know that? I’m crazy about you. I always have been,” his eyes are a mix of bewilderment and lust.

Before she can respond, his mouth seeks hers like a mouth drawn to light, his tongue working its way past her lips and crashing again into hers. His hands move from around her waist down her hips and to the back of her thighs.

“Oh,” MC moans as his lips move from her mouth to her neck. He reaches up and grasps her hair into his hand, tugging it back, forcing her chin upwards.

His hands run over the soft flesh on the back of her legs before sliding under her dress and gripping her bottom firmly in his hands. She is wearing thong underwear and her flesh is thoroughly exposed. He kneads and grips each cheek, squeezing and drawing a louder moan from her. His lips sweep down the tender skin on her throat to her collarbone. He licks the spot, dragging his tongue over it slowly. Her head tosses back and she feels the dampness between her legs. This is Chris. This is her love. She no longer wants to fight that thought, giving herself into the sensations only he can make in her body. He’s all over her and as she mentally confesses her own truth, she expected no less than this tonight.

Chris backs her up, using his body against hers until she feels the wall behind her. He dips his tall frame down and continues to kiss her neck, his hands now moving from the back of her thighs up her waist and to her stomach in the dress. His fingertips tickle their way upwards, her head tossed to the side as his hot kisses tease her sensitive skin, and then he grips one of her breasts in his large, strong hand.

“Chris!” She exclaims. She rests her forehead against his shoulder as he massages her breast. She feels his fingertips glide over and he pushes part of the scant material that had extended over the front of her body over to the side, one of her breasts bouncing free. He lowers his head as soon as it is exposed, taking her hardened nipple between his lips and sucking before nibbling lightly against it.

“Oh my god,” she groans. Her hands press flat against his chest and then run down over the flat stomach she can feel underneath his clothes. She reaches up and starts to push his jacket back off his shoulders. He breaks free from her neck, keeping his body firmly against hers as she pushes the fabric down his arms. He grips the end of a sleeve and pulls, throwing the jacket down hard onto the floor. He reaches back up, seizing her face in his hands, cupping it before kissing her lips again.

MC’s hands run back down his stomach, over the buckle of his belt, down to the bulge that has formed in his slacks. When she gives him a squeeze, he groans loudly. “Fuck….” He breathes out. “MC….”

She unbuckles the belt, then slides the zipper of his pants down as his lips smack over hers, re-affiliating himself with something once so familiar to him: the desire of her kiss. MC reaches inside his pants, slipping a hand into his boxers.

“Ahh…” he moans against her mouth, pressing his forehead to hers as she squeezes. She begins to stroke him, her hand wrapped tightly around him as he pumps him inside his slacks.

“What are you doing to me, huh?” he breaths out, his voice shaky, his eyes confused as he looks into hers. “What are you doing to me?”

“I need you Chris. Baby, I need you so bad,” she says looking into his eyes. Tears begin to form. How could she ever have let him go? His mouth crushes against hers, the smell of his aftershave now distinct as their lips drink in each other.

“Ah!” he groans again. He can’t hold back. He reaches down, running his hand up under her thighs to the back of her knees. He lifts her back up against the wall, pulling her waist up to meet his. She wraps her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes. MC reaches between them, shoving his pants and boxers down. He springs free, his hardness bobbing, swollen and red in anticipation of returning to her.

A hand under her thigh moves higher and over, pulling her thong underwear to the side, exposing her to him fully. He poises himself towards her entrance, sliding a hand around her waist and easing her down onto him.

Chris’s eyes close and his head throws back, MC gritting her teeth and tossing her head to the side.

“Ungh!” She cries out as he fills out.

“You’re so wet,” he says into her ear. “I missed how good you feel.” He reaches up and grips her neck gently in his hand, something she always loved for him to do.

“I missed having you inside me,” she responds with a moan. His face hovers near hers, their eyes opened and locked onto each other as Chris begins to thrust upward. She wraps her legs around the small of his back as he pumps.

“So good…Chris it’s so good,” she coos.

“I love you MC, do you hear me? I love you so much,” Chris pants, staring back into her eyes. Her back bounces and skips against the wall as he pumps up and down, harder and harder each time.

“I love you too,” she says, tears coming to her eyes again. He feels so good. Her soul feels alive and on fire. He has come back to her, their bodies and their hearts reunited.

“Don’t baby, don’t,” he whispers of her tears as he thrusts. “We’re going to be okay.”

“I know,” she nods and moans, closing her eyes. He kisses her lips, savoring the sweetness. Her inner thighs clinch around him as her climax builds.

“Chris,” she says as she feels the pulsating begin.

He pulls back and looks at her. “I’m there too MC, cum with me,” he groans.

“Chris! Ahhh!” She pulls away from the wall, holding on to him as her back arches and her head tilts towards the ceiling.

Chris wraps his arms around her, cradling her against him tightly as her limbs engulf him and with one last hard thrust he spills himself inside her, shouting out loudly with the release and relief of their passion.

“Mmm….” MC groans as he presses her back to the wall. Slowly she unwraps her legs from around him, they drop down lazily as he pulls himself from her and lowers her to the floor.

He keeps his arms around her, hers still tightly around his neck, foreheads pressed together. They pant and regain their breath, slowly opening their eyes. His blue eyes shimmer, the corners turned up with happiness and fulfillment.

“I love you,” he repeats.

“I love you too,” she says.


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