Awaken: Chapter 1

(I posted a summary of ideas for this story. I do not own the characters, they are owned by Pixelberry, the idea behind the story came from hopefulmoonobject. Also loosely based on World of Darkness from White Wolf.  Also Arthurian Legends)

**Rhys’ Palace , Cordonia**

*Thursday, September 20, 2018**

   **8:30 am local time**

        Pacing back and forth, occasionally stopping to grab another forgotten item, Prince Liam Rhys of Cordonia, was trying to pack a weekend bag. “Yes, that’s fine,” Liam mumbled into his phone as he zipped the bag closed. “Queen Mother, truly, I’m sure we’ve been over every detail. Any further decisions, I’m sure you can handle.” 

        Liam stands staring at the wall clock. His six foot three inch, pure muscle frame tenses with each passing moment. He runs a well manicured hand through his shaggy golden hair, closing his sapphire eyes, “You can ask Duchess Olivia, or Countess Madeline for their opinions.”

         There’s a knock at his suite door as Liam carries his bag into the sitting room. His best friend, and sometimes bodyguard, Drake, steps inside; his smile fading to a scowl upon seeing Liam still on the phone. 

         “Regina, please, I fully understand. Yes…Drake has arrived, I have a plane to catch…I’ll be back Sunday morning…Goodbye, Regina.”Liam turns to Drake, his sapphire eyes fading to a steely blue.

        Drake, a few inches shorter than Liam, walks over and clasps the Prince on his shoulder. “Man, it’s past time to get you out of here.” Drake grabs Liam’s bag, his chestnut hair falling in his eyes, “ Come on, your majesty,” Drake snorts, “Let’s get out of here.”

**Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland**

*8:30 am Local Time*

       Out on the Cliffs of Moher, there’s a family owned and operated Bed and Breakfast, *Kennedy’s Peak.*  Upstairs on the third floor, Trinity Kennedy was once again trapped in a dream. For the last couple of weeks, the soon to be 18 year old, was having reoccurring dreams about a comet, and a place called Arcadia. Her life had been fairly normal. The daughter of hardworking parents that ran not one, but two local businesses. 

       In her room, a petite, yet curvy, Trinity was tossing fitfully in her sleep. “Must find Arcadia… Avalon calling…” her mumblings we’re growing more frantic. Her curly strawberry blonde hair was soaked with sweat and clingy to any open skin available. Her mother Fiona, hearing her daughter above the noise in the kitchen, took off up the stairs. Her son Daniel, was already outside the door, staring at the blue light shinning under his sister’s door.

        “The dreams are getting worse,” Daniel commented looking at his mother. 

       “We’ll have to get her to Avalon Saturday night,” Fiona began, “unless you’re father brings news from the homeland when he gets home.”

       “Do you really think they’ve received any of our messages? It’s been almost 18 years. And how is our small pact suppose to protect her during the Dream Dance? You know Mithras is watching every Country in his reach, waiting for her to Awaken.” Daniel was scared for the girl he had called sister. He was 8 years old that night on the cliffs, and he vowed with his family to protect the innocent child. The first few years had been easy, but since her 16th year, she wasn’t quiet the same.

      “Hopefully he’ll bring back news.” Fiona looked back at the crack under the door, the blue light had finally disappeared. “ Remember, don’t touch her till she cools, poor girl is probably soaked from the flames.”

      They eased their way into Trinity’s bedroom. It was remarkably well organized and clean for a teenager, but Trinity had never been normal.  Lying in a hand carved bed made of Willow, Trinity was in fact completely soaked, and her clothes completely destroyed again. 

       “I’m surprised the Willow is still containing the flames,” Daniel whispered to his mother as he grabbed another blanket from the closet.

      “It’s been the only material to survive her so far.” Fiona quickly covered her, noting how her freckles seemed to glow redder after her dreams than normal. 

      “Wake up, Trinity. You’ve had another nightmare. Buddy and I need you to wake up Sissy.” Fiona was trying to be gentle, not wanting to startle her.

**Somewhere over Europe**

*9:30 am Cordonia Time*

        Liam and Drake set across from each other on the private jet. Across the isle Maxwell was sleeping against the window, his strawberry blonde curls cut short and messy. The smallest of the trio, barely 6 feet tall, still muscular, but by no means like that of a were-creature.

        Liam glanced over at Maxwell who started to mumble in his sleep, “Drake, do you think he’s dreaming of her again?” Liam asked.

       Drake turned his chocolate colored eyes back to the sleeping teen. “For both your sakes, I hope we find her.”


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