Awaken: Prologue

(I posted a summary of ideas for this story. I do not own the characters, they are owned by Pixelberry, the idea behind the story came from hopefulmoonobject. Also loosely based on World of Darkness from White Wolf.)



**Applewood Manor:  Cordonia**

*Friday, September 22, 2000*

       The court of King Constantine was gathered in the gardens to celebrate the social season. His sons the Princes Leo and Liam were in Lion form and tumbling through the Orchards with Drake, a young werewolf, when a six year old Liam looked up into sky. 

        “Wow, Leo, Drake, did you see that?” Liam was watching what he first thought were two comets streaking across the night sky.

           Leo looked up in time to see a red bolt flash through the sky and collide with one of those streaking objects. Liam looked as if he’d been hit in the gut. “Nooo,” the little blonde hair boy wailed, and suddenly he truly “Roared.” Leo was shocked and phased back to human form. Had his half brother imprinted before him? What would that do to the Alpha line? 

        King Constantine had heard the roar coming from the orchard while he and his elders had watched the prophecy unfold itself in the night sky. The last two changelings had made it through the Glamour, but something had attacked one of the babies. The King and his head Guard Jackson shifted into Lion and Wolf form and ran to the Orchard while the elders took off to grab the Changeling that fell on course.

         “Leo,” the King began while turning back, “was that you son?!?”

        “No, father, it was Liam!” The King and Jackson immediately turned to find Liam pacing in his Lion form alternating between growls and whimpers.  The King picked his second cub up to soothe him. The little boy immediately phased back and wrapped himself around the King’s neck.

         “Father, the girl in the sky,” Liam began between sniffles, “she was attacked! My Lion…it’s angry father.” The little boy’s bright blue eyes had turned navy, and his father watched a streak of gold flash across his sons eyes. 

**Off The Coast of Ireland**

      Several thousand miles away, off the coast of County Clare, Ireland, a small traveler family of Werelynx’ were also watching the sky that night. They watched as the red streak sent the poor changeling tumbling off course out of the Glamour. Suddenly in the mists off the coast a bright blue light shot up and pulled the babe from the sky. 

Fiona Kennedy, the small packs Alpha female felt the call of the island. She immediately ran and jumped off the cliffs and into the ocean. Her mate and son watched from the shore as she swam to an island that just “appeared” from the sea. By day break, Fiona had returned with a beautiful baby girl tucked safe against her chest. 


        “Fiona, my love, what did you find?” Luke asked his mate. 

        “It’s Avalon, Luke. It’s real, it’s beautiful, and it gifted us a daughter.” Fiona beamed at her mate as she pulled out the newborn. Fiery strawberry blond hair in tiny curls laid on the infants head. The babe opened her silver blue eyes and smiled at Luke.

        “She’s a changeling Fiona! We need to get her to Cordonia!” Luke exclaimed.

        “No, Avalon said to protect her here, until they come for her. It’s too dangerous right now. Every creature of the dark will be searching for her. We’ll settle here near the coast, so the Lady can watch her.” Fiona carried the child to the caravan.

       “Did her lady name the child?” Luke asked while following Fiona closely. 

        “Trinity, her name is Trinity!”

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