Awaken: Series Idea


This is a fan fiction using characters and similar situations from Pixelberry’s Choices: The Royal Romance. After reading the fan fiction series A Royal Mate by *hopefulmoonobject*, inspiration struck to set Cordonia in a simplified and reimagined World of Darkness from White Wolf.

The idea is that Liam is a WereLion, alpha and future King of Cordonia. Still set in the coasts of the Mediterranean, it’s a small Kingdom that’s home to many supernatural beings and humans, except for Vampires an enemy to all kinds. His coronation is upcoming and he has to find a Queen before excepting the crown. But years earlier he watched two changelings fall through the hedge, the last of their kind, since the shattering of the Dream. His inner Lion had watched one get swept out of the sky by an unknown force further northwest from the country. The second landed in Cordonia along the last open Glamour in Europe. The second is Maxwell, a male changeling raised by the Beaumont family, a loyal WereLion clan to the King. Thanks to ancient records and texts in the old libraries in the country, Mages and Elders amongst the United Supernatural Kingdom of Cordonia were prepared to raise the child and help him through his awakening on his 16th year. Awakenings are dangerous for changelings, they’re vulnerable and at risk of being attacked by all sorts of supernatural beings and Hunters, trying to find the last Fae. 

A young six year old Prince Liam had informed the Elders he had watched a second fall, and tried to explain that his Lion had reacted strange to the sight. He had in fact imprinted upon that changeling, and female twin that had been knocked from the air by coven of  Vampires trying to capture the babe. 

At the age of 16, Liam, Drake, and Bastian would travel to different regions to the North and West hunting for the lost changeling, waiting for a sign that she has awakened. The story starts with a 24 year old Liam running out of time to find his soulmate, the falling star he had imprinted on before being forced into an arranged marriage for the good of the clans. 

Off the coast of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland there’s a hidden isle within the mists that is born in myth and legends. The Isle of Avalon, a once believed lost Island of King Arthur was actually lost in the first of the Fae wars, centuries before the final shattering. On that fateful night the changeling girl was separated from her twin, she was suddenly pulled from the sky by a blue mist of fire and sucked into Avalon. On the cliffs, a traveler clan of Were-lynx had watched the Isle appear and call to them for help. The family, Fiona, Luke, and two year old Daniel immediately answered the call. They settled in Clare County, and opened a bar, claiming the red headed girl as their newborn, knowing they had to protect her.  For Trinity the story begins on her 18th Birthday, and her life has recently been over whelming with visions and dreams she can’t make sense of. 

Ultimately of course Liam finds Trinity, and they have to decide whether to chance Trinity’s Awakening in Avalon without as much support it can the make it back to Cordonia before she’s consumed?

Once she awakens, there’s now a future King who has marked himself upon her soul, and she has to make sense of an entire new world. Can soulmates truly beat all the odds when they’re rebellious factions if Were-creatures, blood hungry Vampires, psycho Mages, and much more hunting you down.

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