Bad Decisions (Part 5/12 of Almost Lovers Series)

This part 5 in the series chronicling my head-cannon of Damien and MC’s relationship up to present day, explaining why they have never been more than friends

Damien didn’t know how he had expected Kai to react when he showed her the pictures. He knew it wouldn’t be pretty, but he didn’t realize he would be made out to be the bad guy. In retrospect, he could understand why Kai felt he overstepped. If he had it to do all over again, he would have come to her first thing when he had suspicions that Kyle was cheating. Kai still might have gotten mad at him then, but he wouldn’t have broken her trust like he had now. This would be much harder for Kai to get over, if she ever could, and that killed Damien. He couldn’t imagine his life anymore without Kai in it.


Kai had gotten back from St. Thomas on Monday and planned to go right back to work on Tuesday. But then she lost the two most important men in her life all at once, and she couldn’t bear to go back yet. She only emerged from her room to grab some food (when she actually had an appetite) or she needed to use the bathroom.

If she was being honest with herself, she was much more upset about Damien than Kyle. She now realized she was more in love with the idea of Kyle than the man himself. Although not thrilled with the circumstances, she was glad she found out his true character now rather than after she married him. But Damien…she had trusted him more than anyone aside from Nadia. Why hadn’t he trusted her enough to talk to her right away? Maybe she was being too hard on him, but with everything happening all at once, she needed more time to sort out her feelings. She wanted to let Damien back in again, but she wasn’t sure yet if she should.

“Are you ever going to join the real world again?” Nadia asked standing in Kai’s bedroom doorway. “This isn’t healthy, and you aren’t feeling any better by isolating yourself.”

“It’s Friday,” Kai said softly. Kai used to look forward to Fridays all week long, getting to hang out with her two best friends. This Friday was just a big fat reminder that she didn’t have Damien as a friend anymore, at least not now.

“I’m glad you still have a grasp of what day it is.” Nadia joked. “Being that it is Friday, it is all the more reason to get out of here and do something fun. Something that doesn’t remind you of those guys who shall not be named. “I know, let’s go dancing! Dam-, I mean that guy we won’t talk about would never go dancing with us. It will take your mind off of everything.”

“That would require showering and putting on real clothes. I’m not sure I’m up for it.”

“Please Kai, do this for me. I’m really stating to worry about you. I’ll pick out your clothes and do your hair and makeup. Minimal effort on your part.”

“Fine,” Kai conceded, “but I can’t promise I’ll stay out long.”

“All I ask is that you try.” Nadia smiled as she headed towards Kai’s closet.


There was a long line to get into the club, but Nadia knew the bouncer, so she and Kai got in right away. Kai was feeling a bit self conscious in the short and sparkly dress Nadia picked out. Nadia said Kai didn’t have anything sexy enough in her closet, so she grabbed one of her own dresses. She had to admit, she looked really good, but she wasn’t necessarily up for the type of attention this might bring.

“Are you ready to hit the dance floor?” Nadia asked as soon as they walked through the doors.

“I think I need a drink or two first,” Kai said as she dragged Nadia to the bar.

Several shots and some time later, Kai had lost track of how many drinks she had and was past the point of making good decisions. Nadia was off at one of the corner tables engaged in conversation with some guy she was dancing with earlier. Kai felt someone come up from behind and start grinding on her. On any other night she would have turned around and said “no thanks,” but on this night and in her current condition, she welcomed any feeling that wasn’t sadness or depression. They danced for a couple songs and Kai could feel how turned on he was. Again, normal, sensible Kai would have been turned off by this, but not now.

The guy leaned down to whisper in her ear, “You want to go somewhere more private?”

Kai turned to face him. Her inner voice was screaming no, but her head nodded yes. He was hot and she was feeling reckless. He led her way in the back to more secluded bathroom and locked the door behind them.

His lips came down on hers with urgency. He wasted no time spinning her around and bending her over the counter. This was not like her. She did not do one night stands. But for some reason she wanted this, needed this. He traced his hand up her leg between her thighs. He pulled the fabric of her underwear aside to feel her wetness. A moan escaped as his fingers grazed her clit. He pulled her hair aside and kissed her neck as he pressed himself closer to her.

“Oh Damien…” She froze as soon as the words escaped her lips.

“That’s not my name, but I’ll let you call me whatever you want.”

“Oh my god, oh my god, what am I doing…I’m so sorry I can’t do this.” Kai ran out of the bathroom at found Nadia still talking to that same guy.

“Kai, are you okay?”

“Sorry Nadia but we need to leave right now. I’ll explain later.”

“Okay. James it was nice to meet you. Call me sometime.”


Kai and Nadia got back to their apartment. “So Kai, are you ready to tell me what happened back there.”

“Umm…let’s just say I was seconds away from having sex with some random guy, and the only thing that saved me was that I accidentally called him Damien. I’m going to bed now. Please don’t bring this up ever again. I’m drunk enough now to tell you about it, and will be too sober in morning to acknowledge that it ever happened.

Kai got ready for bed. She knew she had told Damien not to contact her, but she was halfway dissapointed that he hadn’t ignored her wishes. Was this not hard for him like it was for her? She looked at her phone one more time, and still being drunk enough to make bad decisions, she decided to text Damien.

Kai: I’m still mad at u

Damien: OK. That’s understandable

Kai: but i miss u

Kai: shit. nevermind. Im drink. Pretnd i didnt say aynthign

Damien: Are you okay?

Damien: Kai, are you there?


Damien was caught off guard by Kai’s text. It was good to hear from her, no matter what she said. She sounded pretty drunk but she wouldn’t have said she missed him if it wasn’t true. He was a little concerned that she didn’t respond to his last text so he decided to text Nadia and make sure Kai was home safe. They had messaged back and forth a few times since that night. Nadia wasn’t as mad at Damien, but she was letting Kai take the lead on this. He received a text back a few minutes later:

Nadia: Kai is home safe and sleeping. She almost made a choice she would have regretted in the morning, but you saved her, in a way. I promised Kai I wouldn’t say any more. You will have to ask her some day.

Damien had no idea what that meant, but for the first time all week, he had hope his friendship with Kai could be repaired.

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