Bad Girl At Heart

Bad Girl At Heart

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- I did not plan on writing Colt, but I woke up from a nap with random inspiration and decided to roll with it. I blame Choicesarehard. Anyway, this is set a few months after the finale.

Pairing- Colt/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- She tried to go back to being the good girl, but she just couldn’t do it. It wasn’t who she was meant to be, not anymore.

Belle makes it until Thanksgiving.

She tries.

She really does. She tries to focus on her life at Langston and her studies and be the girl she was always supposed to be. Or at least the girl she was meant to be.

But it doesn’t work. The truth is, she doesn’t want this life. Not anymore. Maybe she should, her experience with death and danger should have been a wake up call, but… Maybe it was, maybe the whole thing had shown her who she is really meant to be.

She had tried to go back, she’d tried to live a good life and in the end… Belle couldn’t forget the thrill of riding on a motorcycle holding on to Colt, of his lips against hers, of his hands on her skin and all the promises he’d made. All the ones they’d broken, but did it have to end that way? Or could they have a second chance?

He’d made his choice and now she can make hers. So when she goes back to L.A, she doesn’t go home. Instead, she sends a text. I miss you. Can I see you? She knows it’s silly, that he’s probably changed his number by now, she would have, and she has other plans if this one doesn’t work, but it does. She gets a text back almost immediately.

You sure?

She is. She gets an address a moment later and she drives there. Belle knows she should be conflicted, she doesn’t even know what she will tell her dad, things haven’t been the same between them and she knows that by making this choice they never will be, but she can’t live her life for him. She has to do what’s right for her.

And it’s this.

Colt is standing outside the shop, the new shop, waiting for her. It’s only been six months, but he’s changed, however so has she. He seems older, there is a weariness about him, not that it is a surprise. A lot has changed since the night they first met.

“Home for break?” He asks, his hands in his pockets, watching her carefully.

“Home for good,” Belle corrects, “if you want me…” She has to add that, it’s been six months after all and she had chosen to leave.

His eyes widen in surprise. “Belle…”

“No,” she says cutting him off, “you were right, that life wasn’t for me. But I had to try, I had to fulfill my dream, to live the life I’d worked so hard for. I had to do it to realize what I really want. And it’s this. It’s you. I’ve had months to think, no impulse, no heat of the moment, and it’s all telling me the same thing, this is what I am made for.”

She wonder if he will argue with her, send her away anyway, but his lips curved into a grin and the next she knows, she is in his arms, his lips pressed against her. “Hell yeah you were,” he tells her between kisses, “we both were.”

She remembers that night in her car when he first made the offer, telling her they could run this city together, it had seemed crazy then and even crazier later after Jason and everything, but now it just feels right.

Belle knows a lot of people will be disappointed. That they will tell her she could do more or be more. That this time she probably will have to say goodbye to her old life for good, Colt is a wanted criminal after all, but… it’s worth it. She’s not doing this out of hormones or anger or desperation… No, this is who she is meant to be.

Shs had always been the good girl, but she is choosing to be something else. She is going to be the bad girl, with the bad boy and she is going to enjoy every moment of it.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “Bad Girl At Heart”

  1. I love this! I love that Belle tried to do what she thought she wanted but realized it wasn’t what she really wanted after all. And I love that she went to Colt first when she went back. 💕

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