Battle Of Wits Pt. 1

Summary: Jordan was just excited to be open with her girlfriend in front of their friends. Leave it to Becca to turn her good intentions into a competition.

It started off rather innocently.

We’d finally told our friends about us being a…well…us. Granted, Kaitlyn and Chris were the only ones at all surprised by the revelation, but still – I was excited. So, naturally, when I saw her making coffee the next morning while chatting with Abbie and Zack, I just had to take advantage of the fact that we no longer had to hide.

“Hey, Becca, you’re so sweet that you put Hershey’s out of business!”

You could’ve heard a pin drop. I winked to try and break the tension, but all that did was shift Zack and Abbie’s attention from me to Becca, who looked…appalled, to say the least. Her mouth twitched as she tried and failed to hide her smile, and I thought that meant I was off the hook.

“Ew,” She deadpanned, her nose scrunching up in that cute way it does when I say something cheesy.

That was all it took for our friends to burst into laughter. Sure, they were laughing at me, but I honestly couldn’t blame them. That line was pretty corny. But, hey, at least it made her smile.

I was ready to grab some toast and move on when I noticed the mischievous glint in Becca’s eyes. It was the same look she had before she gave me that lap dance at Girls’ Night.

I gulped and looked away, taking a seat next to Zack. He regained his composure and wiggled his eyebrows at me before returning to his yogurt.

“Hey, Jordan.” I tensed and slowly looked up.  Oh, no. Once again, the room went quiet as we became the center of attention.

“Y-yeah, babe?” Her eyes softened at the term of endearment, but her smirk only got wider. Yep, I’m screwed.

“Are you a painting? Because I’d like to nail you against the wall.”

My jaw dropped, and heat rose to my face as our friends started howling in laughter once again, Zack wheezing as he fell against my shoulder.

“Thank God,” Zack sighed when the laughter died down. “I thought you were going to say you wanted to hang her.”

Abbie snorted, and I dropped my head into my hands with a groan. After a moment, I looked up and met Becca’s pleased smirk with a glare. Oh, it is so on.

The next evening, I decided it was time to get back at her for turning the tides on me yesterday. She and Zack were sitting on the couch together watching America’s Next Top Model. I couldn’t help the smile it brought to my face, knowing that my friends had finally become hers, too.

I shook my head to snap myself out of it. You got this, Jordan.

I waited for a commercial break (because, despite popular belief, I do not have a death wish) and plopped beside Zack.

“Hey, Zack?” I asked innocently.

He raised an eyebrow. “What’s up, Jordan?” Becca leaned toward us, giving me a small smile. Clearly, she forgot about yesterday’s incident. Perfect.

“Do you have a spare heart I can borrow? She stole mine.” I nodded to Becca with an exaggerated wink, and, to my delight, I could pinpoint the exact moment they both realized what I said.

Becca’s face slowly transformed from adoringly bemused to horrified. “Wha-”

“Oh my god!” Zack exclaimed, tears in his eyes from holding back his laughter. “I am so glad this is going be a thing! I have to tell Kaitlyn about this, she’s gonna die!”

Personally, I doubted my ex-girlfriend would enjoy hearing about how hilariously cute he thought Becca and I were being, but I was much more interested in the challenging look my current girlfriend was giving me.

“Jordan?” She forced out through clenched teeth.

I fluttered my eyelashes teasingly. “Yes?”

“This. Means. War.”

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