Battle Of Wits Pt. 2

Summary: Jordan was just excited to be open with her girlfriend in front of their friends. Leave it to Becca to turn her good intentions into a competition.

Immediately after Becca issued the official challenge, I fled to my room. Maybe I should’ve known better than to encourage her competitive side, but at least pick-up lines were harmless, right?

I spent a few minutes scrolling through cheesy pick-up lines online before the rapid knocking at my door startled me and I slammed my laptop shut. I let out a sigh of relief when the knocking didn’t let up, knowing that Becca wouldn’t have knocked more than twice before coming in, invited or not.

“Come in!”

Zack and Kaitlyn barreled in and threw themselves on my bed, staring at me with manic grins and wide eyes.

“Hey,” I said slowly. They weren’t blinking as they stared me down, and I felt chills run up my spine. ”Um…what?”

Zack finally spoke up. “Are you gonna tell us what’s going on, or do we have to go ask Becca?” His voice was teasing, but I knew he was serious.

I swallowed in fear. “What’s there to tell?” I hoped they would drop it so I could get back to my research, but my hopes were quickly dashed when Kaitlyn huffed and rolled her eyes.

“How about explaining why you’re holed up in here at seven o’clock on a Saturday? Or why the hell you guys are in some kind of pick-up line battle?”

My eyebrows furrowed. “Kaitlyn, you weren’t even there, how do you already know about this?”

“Zack told me, obviously!” She exclaimed. “But he didn’t tell me why this is suddenly a thing!”

“That’s because Zack doesn’t know either!” Zack cut in.

I sighed, but relented. If they were gonna be stuck in the middle of this war, they might as well have all the info. Besides, I know them well enough to know they’re both way too stubborn to drop this.

“Alright, well, when I woke up yesterday, I was, like, really happy, you know? ‘Cause Becca and I don’t have to hide our relationship anymore.” I eyed Kaitlyn as I said this, but she didn’t visibly react, so I kept going. “So, when I saw her there in the kitchen, the line kinda just slipped out.”

“Hold on,” Kaitlyn interrupted. “What line was that again?”

Zack snickered. “The Hershey’s one.”

“Ah,” Kaitlyn cringed. “Yikes. Okay, proceed.”

I huffed and started rambling. “Anyway, Becca pretended to hate it, but I could tell she didn’t, so I figured, okay, I’m off the hook. Right? But then I saw the look in her eyes, and, like, I just knew she wasn’t gonna let it go. Then she used a line on me, and I couldn’t just let her beat me at my own game like that, right? Right?” They both nodded, and I continued on. “So I used another line on her and she declared war and I totally released the beast. She’s so competitive why did I do this to myself? Help me! Help! Me!” I gasped for air and let my hands fall into my hands.

“Um,” Zack gulped after a moment of silence. “Okay, I’m not sure how you managed to say all that in one breath, but…what do you need from us, exactly?”

I looked up excitedly. “You guys are gonna help me?”

Kaitlyn scoffed. “Duh! Any chance to beat Becca at something!”

Wait, what? “Um, Kaitlyn, are you-”

“What Kaitlyn meant to say,” Zack interrupted, “Is of course we’ll help you, because you’ve always done the same for us!”

“Whoa,” I chuckled. “I appreciate the sentiment, but all I need is some help coming up with more pick-up lines.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Kaitlyn said. “You started a pick-up line war with Becca, the most competitive person we know, and you only know the two lines you’ve already used?” They both stared at me incredulously. They have a point.

Slowly, I nodded. “I may have made a mistake.”

Kaitlyn snorted. “Gee, you think?”

Before I knew it, we’d spent the whole night coming up with corny lines and they were headed off to bed. I was about to get in bed myself when there were two knocks at my door and Becca let herself in.

She noticed me tense up and smirked. “Hey, now, I come in peace.” At my disbelieving look, she held up her hands in surrender. “What fun is humiliating you if no one’s around to see?”

I rolled my eyes. “So, this is a temporary truce, then?”

“If you want to call it that, sure,” She teased. “My rooms cold, so I’m sleeping here.”

She got in my bed and burrito-ed herself into my duvet cover. “Oh, sure, no problem. I didn’t need my blanket tonight or anything.”

She chuckled and held the duvet open. “Get in here, then. Don’t be so needy.”

I couldn’t hold in the smile that overtook my face as I slid under the covers and she put her head on my chest. We’d only been lying there a few minutes when I spoke up.

“Hey, babe?”

“Yeah?” She yawned, reaching up to press a kiss to the underside of my jaw.

“I think I know why you’re so tired.”

“…Jordan, I swear to God-”

“It’s ‘cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.”





“…Did you just push me out of my own bed?”

“Goodnight, sweetie-pie!”

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