Be the One Ch. 1 – Drake x MC AU

A/N: Part one in my Be the One AU series originally called Drunk In Love on Tumblr. Drake & Jaclyn get swept up in another stolen moment until they are almost caught by the people who would be hurt the most. NSFW.

Drake & Jaclyn sat on a bench in a courtyard outside the palace at dusk. They drank much more than they should have tonight. Jaclyn had been scheduled to go to yet another stuffy party and Drake had jokingly made a bet with her that she wouldn’t blow it off to steal a bottle of whiskey from the bar and drink under the stars with him instead. Truly, he had hoped just this once he would lose their bet.

Since the coronation, it seemed Jaclyn had been finding any excuse for them to spend time together. Not that he minded, he loved being with her. They understood each other, and for some reason Drake would never understand, the walls he had so carefully built around himself came crumbling down when she was around. He just couldn’t shake her.

A 26 of whiskey lay nearly empty at their feet. Jaclyn had a serious case of the giggles. They hadn’t stopped laughing at nothing for at least the last 10 minutes.

“Walker… We should go swimming!” Jaclyn’s eyes lit up as she motioned to the outdoor pool in the courtyard. Drake laughed heartily and shook his head. “You’re drunk, Rowan. And you’ll ruin your dress.”

“Pfft I’ll take off the dress.” Jaclyn disputed. “We’ll swim in our skivvies!” Drake raised an eyebrow at her in response feeling his cheeks burn red. Still, he couldn’t help the goofy grin that spread across his face at her suggestion.

“My my, Drake Walker I believe you’re blushing!” She teased.

“I’m not blushing. It’s just hot out.” He was blushing profusely. The thought of seeing Jaclyn exposed like that made him feel flushed all over. He studied her face carefully trying to figure out just how this mysterious woman had managed to worm her way into his heart. Drake was completely enamoured with every part of her. He loved her the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled hard, how she absently talked to herself when she was anxious, the way her brow furrowed when she was concentrating, how her very expressive features prevented her from hiding how she was feeling without fail. He loved her.

Jaclyn hiccupped and starting giggling hysterically again. “What are you laughing at now, Rowan?” Her laughter was contagious and Drake quickly found himself laughing too.

“I’m just so damn happy with you.” She blurted out before having a chance to consider what she was saying. At some point Jaclyn hadn’t quite determined, she had fallen hard for Drake. Her desire for him was so strong she didn’t quite know what to make of it. She certainly hadn’t expected for things to turn out the way they had.

Jaclyn felt a searing heat burning low in her belly. Feeling a little too bold from the whiskey, Jaclyn inched closer to Drake placing her hand on the inside of his thigh squeezing slightly.

There was something electric between them. An unspoken and overwhelming affection for each other they both felt, but neither had yet had the guts to act on it. And how could they, really? Drake knew damn well that Jaclyn was Liam’s girl. He hadn’t seen Liam this happy since before Leo left home. What kind of friend would be if he knowingly took that away from him? He wouldn’t allow himself to hurt the one person who always had his back, even if it meant he would suffer himself.

“Jac…” Drake twitched and swallowed hard, his body involuntarily responding to her touch. “We shouldn’t. All it takes is one cell phone picture of you in your underwear swimming with the prince’s best friend for this media circus to really get out of hand.”

“Come oooon. No one is watching.”

He gently pushed her hand away. Disappointed at his rejection but not quite willing to quit her pursuit tonight, Jaclyn removed her hand from Drake’s thigh and strutted toward to the pool.

“Rowan where are you –?” Before he could finish asking Jaclyn was ten feet away unzipping her dress. Drake’s mouth hung open as he watched it fall to the floor. Looking back over her shoulder, Jaclyn teased him, slowly taking down her hair and stepping out of her dress until she was standing in nothing but a pair of underwear at the edge of the pool. She giggled to herself realizing the style of dress she had chosen for the dinner hadn’t allowed for a bra. Woops. She purposely lingered for a few moments allowing Drake to take the sight of her body before she jumped in. “Coming?”

His mind told him no. It said, no it screamed, say goodnight and go before this escalates, but the whiskey, her smile, the way the moonlight illuminated her curves so perfectly, and the burning look desire in her eyes created a perfect storm and he simply couldn’t help himself. Powerless to her advances, he rushed toward the pool practically ripping his clothing off and jumped in splashing Jaclyn in the process.

Jaclyn laughed loudly as she sent a giant splash his way. “Retribution, Walker! This is a splash war and you’re going down!”

“You’re…” Drake wanted to tell her how she was the most amazing woman he had ever known. He wanted to take her in his arms, feel her body against his and kiss her in her places friends don’t kiss.

“You’re going down! Bring it on Rowan. You’ll be waterlogged and begging for mercy in no time!” Drake challenged with little gleam of mischief in his eye. They sent wave after wave of water after each other blissfully happy as they splashed and wrestled in the water.

“Okay, okay I surrender! Mercy!” Jaclyn cried throwing her hands in the air and exposing her bare breasts above the water. Drake instinctively swam forward, closing the space between them until their legs were touching under the water and Jaclyn could feel his breath on her lips. He had never seen anyone so beautiful.


She trembled at the use of her first name. “Touch me, Drake.” She purred as she took his left hand in hers and placed it on her breast.

Drake raised his thumb to trace her lips lightly licking his own lips hungrily. “I want to. I really really want to.”

Jaclyn turned his head to look straight into his eyes. She could see he was battling with what do do next. “So do it,” she demanded. She was so tired of being careful with him.

“…Fuck it.” Drake grunted, slamming Jaclyn up against the wall of the pool as he crashed his lips into hers, kissing her desperately and pressing his body to hers tightly. Jaclyn moaned in pleasure running her hands over his chest and arms, memorizing the feeling of his skin against her own.

Propelling herself out of the water and onto the ledge of the pool, Jaclyn spread her legs ever so slightly and guided his hand to the band of her underwear. “Make me cum, Drake.” She moaned breathily, barely believing the words coming from her mouth. She didn’t know if it was the whiskey talking or the unbridled desire she felt for this man, but it didn’t matter now.

“You don’t know what you do to me, Rowan.” Drake’s eyes grew darker and Jaclyn gasped loudly as his hand plunged into the front of her underwear. He slipped his fingers into her relishing in how wet she was. Wet for him. His fingers pumped in and out of her at a steady rhythm.

“I… please… Drake.” Jaclyn begged for release.

Sensing she was close he pressed his thumb to her clit, pumping his fingers faster and faster until she called out his name and collapsed over his shoulder panting.

Catching her breath, Jaclyn grinned wildly.

“Fuck, that’s what I’ve been missing? Get up here now.” she motioned for Drake to come out of the water and over to the lounge chairs. He lifted himself out of the pool and Drake briefly paused, suddenly feeling very sober and vulnerable as she beckoned him to close the distance between them and finish what they started. He wanted to be inside her more than anything. He also knew that if he closed the distance between them he wouldn’t be able to turn back and he carefully considered how that would affect their already complex circumstances.

Suddenly, Drake heard the voices of Liam & Maxwell approaching in the distance, snapping him of his trance. “They can’t see us!” Drake hissed, grabbing Jaclyn by the hand running to grab their clothes and making a beeline for the bushes to hide.

“I’m sure Jaclyn was just really tired, Liam.” Maxwell said, their voices clear now. “This tour has been pretty hard on her. She just needed a night to herself is all.” Maxwell clapped Liam on the back reassuringly.

“Something is different about her lately, Maxwell. I can’t quite put my finger on it but she seems distracted…” Liam scoffs at his own words. “Listen to me whining. Of course she’s distracted. She’s only being called disgusting names by every news organization in Cordonia and having to be a beacon of strength and grace in this mess. I’m just so happy she even came back here after the Coronation. I love her, Maxwell. I wish I could make all this go away.” Terribly drunk, skin to skin with his best friend in the bushes, Jaclyn suddenly felt racked with guilt looking at his anguished expression from their hideout. Liam didn’t deserve to be lied to like this.

“Hey man, she’s going to be okay. Jaclyn is a force of nature. She’ll get through this. I know what we can do to get your mind off this… let’s go down to the kitchens and look for ice cream!!” Maxwell said excitedly.

Drake and Jaclyn held their breath in the bushes as they listened for Liam and Maxwell’s footsteps to fade.

“Jaclyn, we can’t keep doing this.” Drake whispers as they step out of the bushes and begin to dress. “It’s not fair to Liam. I’ve already hurt him enough. This was just… the whiskey and the moonlight, and you and… this was a mistake.” He regretted the words as soon as they left his lips.

A mistake. The word cut like sharp knives plunging into her heart. “You don’t mean that.” Jaclyn whispered. “We’ll come clean to Liam, Drake. Please don’t shut me out. I need you.” she begged feeling unsure about how to even process what just happened. Going from inexplicable bliss to being cast out as a regret in 10 short minutes left her head pounding.

Drake pressed his forehead to Jaclyn’s and considered his choices. He loved this woman. Wouldn’t Liam find a way to forgive him knowing that he would only ever be happy if she belonged to him? After tonight, he thought it worth the risk.

Wrapping his arms firmly around her waist, Drake leaned in for a kiss. She knew instantly this kiss was different. It wasn’t hard or messy like the many they had shared in stolen, passion filled moments. It was tender, soft and loving; the kind of kiss that expressed all you needed to say without speaking. “Okay.” He said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “We’ll find a way to tell him… And Rowan?”


“I need you too. More than you’ll ever know.”

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