Beauty Within the Mess

Author’s Note: I was way late to the ILB train, but I basically hustled my butt off to catch up on the first 14 chapters in 3 days.  While I’m not usually big on horror/fantasy, I’m obsessed with the characters and the underlying emotional themes. Also … Parker Shaw. 😉

This takes place in chapter 7 at/before the gala.  It started off as something else but it morphed into this, and I’m actually pleased with how it turned out.  I don’t feel like the book has focused enough on all the emotions that Ivy (MC) is experiencing right now and I wanted to explore that.  I hope you enjoy!!!


“Wow, Ivy.  You look … like a girl.”  Elliot murmured under his breath to his sister, watching in awe as she stepped out of the bathroom wearing the swanky crimson beaded dress.  “I mean, you look, errr, really pretty.”

“Really, Scoot?  I dunno …” She mused, still unconvinced as she turned to face herself in the full-length mirror.  She almost didn’t recognize the woman before her. Her long chestnut curls that normally cascaded haphazardly down her back were pinned into a loose updo, her skin glowing in the dim light of her shared bedroom thanks to the extra makeup she’d applied.  Taking a deep breath as she surveyed the stranger in front of her, her eyes studied the polished figure before finally meeting her light brown gaze.

“Really.”  Elliot whispered reassuringly from behind her, his hand cupping her shoulder.  “Is there maybe a special someone you’re trying impress?” He asked with a devious grin.

An image of Parker laughing in his Jeep the other day flashed across her mind, but she swiftly pushed it aside.  Ivy scoffed, quickly brushing off her brother’s implication. “Please, Elliot, with everything that’s going on, after what happened to mom and dad …” her voice trailed off as the lump formed at the back of her throat.  Most of the time she was able to suppress her grief regarding her parents’ gruesome murders, focusing on her brother’s well-being or her investigation of the absurd occurrences in their new town of Pine Springs. But she couldn’t suppress the feelings of guilt every time she felt that twinge of a different kind of emotion in regards to one khaki-clad officer.  “Besides, there’s so much more important things to worry about right now. Which is why I need to get going before I’m late.”

Ivy turned abruptly from the mirror, only to be stopped mid-step by her much shorter brother.  Placing a hand on each shoulder and blocking her path, Ivy was unable to avoid meeting his concerned stare.  “It’s okay to miss them and still allow yourself some happiness.” Ivy nods, her eyes involuntarily welling with tears.  Elliot releases her from his grasp and takes a step back, a sly grin curling the edge of his mouth. “Besides aren’t you the one who’s been pushing me to be bolder in love lately?  Seems awfully hypocritical Sis.”

Ivy sputtered a combined sobbing laugh, wiping her eyes to avoid the tears from smearing her makeup.  “Don’t you know I’m your big sister and I’m supposed to be giving you advice?” She straightens up and focuses on her little brother, a soft smile reaching the corners of her eyes.  “When did you get to be so smart?”

“It’s all that milk Mom and Dad made me drink growing up.  Does a body good.” The two siblings chuckle, the somber mood in the room slowly lifting.  “Now, what did you say about being late?”


Trying to be discreet amongst the hordes of guests filtering through the front entrance of the ornate Sutcliffe mansion, Ivy makes a quick cut to right into the lush green landscaping of the garden path.  Under the canopy of the ivy portico, she takes a deep breath and smooths the slick fabric of her red satin dress with the palms of her hands, attempting to calm her nerves. She knew she normally would have no business at an event such as this, cavorting with the rich and fabulous populace of Pine Springs, chumming around like there wasn’t something darker lurking in this mysterious town.  Despite her posh ensemble and best effort to conduct herself as one of these elite citizens, she still feared she stood out like a sore thumb. The new girl in town, the poor orphan girl who seems to be attracting nothing but trouble since the day she showed up. As she approached the end of path, the chords of swanky jazz music and soft hum of guests mingling becoming louder, Ivy paused and closed her eyes.  Pushing all the fretful thoughts from her mind, she inhaled sharply and stood up straight, channeling all the strength within her before finally moving forward to the back veranda.

It didn’t take long for the eclectic group to congregate under the twinkling lights strung across the patio.  Seeing her friends all dressed to the nines and seemingly pulling it off put her mind at ease … maybe they could blend in easier than she had feared.  Imogen of course fit right in, having frequented parties such as these her entire life. However seeing the others chatting animatedly as they strategized their plan for the evening, Danni in her gold sequined dress and Tom in his hipster-chic suit, the group seemed to meld in with the other party-goers seamlessly.  Ivy’s gaze lingered for a moment too long on Parker, admiring the way his broad muscular frame filled out the classic beige suit way too well, startled from her gaping when she noticed his brilliant green eyes on hers. He gave her a coy smirk and she smiled back quickly before averting her eyes back to the others, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks as her heart thumped in her chest.  She pushed her distraction to the side, bringing her attention back to the task at hand.

“Okay, does everyone understand their job?”  Imogen piped in, assertive and determined as her eyes roamed over the crowd.  

The men grumbled their agreements, and Danni bounced a bit in place as she eyed her spot by her artwork hanging on the wall.  “I’m good, as long as someone promises to come check on me in case I need rescuing from one of these rich douche-noodles.”

Everyone reacted to Danni’s outburst, Imogen wide-eyed in shock and Tom chuckling under his breath with a wide grin.  Parker, always so proper, simply shook his head and looked down, trying to mask the amused smile on his face. Ivy piped up, trying to distill the air of dismay swirling from Imogen’s gaping mouth.  “I’ll come check on you, Danni. My job is to circulate the room anyway, right? But first, I could really use a drink!” Danni grinned and gave her a wink as the hodge-podge crew dispersed for their respective assignments.

Ivy turned on her heel towards the bar, her shoulder colliding with Parker as he made his way in the opposite direction.  “Oof!”  The air gushed out of her lungs before she emitted an awkward laugh.  She glanced up to find his eyes upon her, a thoughtful smile on his lips.  “Fancy running into you here …” She jested, followed by another awkward chuckle.  As the laughter died down, she swore she could hear the electricity of tension sizzling in the air.

“You look really good, Ivy.  Red’s a good color on you.” Parker broke the silence, his appreciative stare never leaving her eyes.  “You look like you were born for parties like these.”

“And yet I prefer beer pong and pizza … this is a little outta my league.”  She gave him a wistful smile, letting her tough facade crumble for just a moment.  Even when she tried to hold back, somehow this man was able to break through her barriers.  

Parker gave her a curt nod, his eyes finally breaking contact to scan the room.  “As do I. But when in Rome…” he reached both hands out to scoop up two champagne flutes from a waiter passing by, handing one to her.  He tilted his own glass towards hers, the clinking of their crystal surfaces echoing around them. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.”  Ivy beamed up into his clear green eyes, sparkling under the lights.  Filled with such honor, such honesty, such concern … she felt a warmth suddenly envelop her, as if someone had draped a blanket around her shoulders.  She watched as he lifted his glass to his lips before doing the same.

“Well, we should get to it. Danni may need saving here pretty soon.”  He took her empty glass, his fingertips grazing the inside of her wrist slightly and sending a tingle up her arm.  Ivy just nodded in agreement, her mind a bit hazy at the slight contact. “Good luck tonight, Ivy. Stay safe.”

“Good luck, Parker.”  She muttered softly with a timid smile, slowly turning to walk inside the house to make her rounds.  

Perhaps her life was messy right now.  She was grieving a loss that she may never recover from.  Her sisterly instincts had kicked into overdrive trying to watch out for Elliot.  She was living with her grandfather who was practically a stranger and sharing a room with her little brother, for chrissakes!  But for the first time since all of this began, she finally had a glimpse that perhaps there could be some happiness left for her in the future.  


2 thoughts on “Beauty Within the Mess”

  1. Flirty Parker is my weakness <3 His righteous nature and grounded persona is devastatingly disarming. After what Ivy went through with her parents, I think he's definitely what she needs to help bring back some light into her life. Thanks for this!

    1. Officer Shaw in any way is my weakness lately June! I just can’t get enough of him. This was honestly my first attempt to dip my toe into writing the ILB universe and I’m so happy you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading and your comment dear! 😘

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