Bending the Rules – Matt x MC

Summary: MC (Ava) convinces the nurse to bend the rules a little while she visits Matt in the hospital.

Notes: This takes place during Chapter 9 of Book 2, a re-imagining of when MC visits Matt in the hospital after his accident in Russia. It’s just a little shorty, but I hope you enjoy it!

“I’m sorry, but visiting hours are over.”

Ava’s head snapped up as she looked towards the nurse. “Oh no. Please, just a few more minutes?”

The nurse hesitated, looking pained. “I’m sorry, it’s hospital policy.”

“But …” Ava grabbed her purse and dug inside, pulling out her wallet. “Could I bribe you? I could give you … six American dollars?”

The nurse sighed, her eyes sympathetic. “I’m so sorry, I can’t. Only a family member is allowed to stay after hours.”

Ava looked back over her shoulder at Matt. She took in the sight of him and his casts and she just … couldn’t.

“I know I’m not family, but I’m his girlfriend,” Ava said. “And it’s not a casual kind of thing. We live together.”

“I’m sorry, I–”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I totally forgot,” Ava said quickly, cutting off the nurse. “We actually got married recently. Eloped. It’s so new, it just slipped my mind.” The lie sounded ridiculous as she said it, and the nurse’s expression quickly shifted from sympathetic to exasperated. The nurse sighed again, glancing over at Matt.

“If anyone asks, I know nothing.”

“Thank you,” Ava breathed, feeling relieved.

“I don’t know why you’re thanking me,” the nurse said as she turned on her heel and headed for the door. “As Mr. Rodriguez’s wife, you have a right to be here.”

The nurse left and Ava sank back down into her chair, relieved. She looked over at Matt’s sleeping form, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest. Ava scooted her chair closer and settled in, trying to get comfortable. She reached over and gently took Matt’s hand before she closed her eyes.

“Goodnight, Mrs. Rodriguez,” Matt said, his voice as dry as autumn leaves. Ava cracked open her eyes and glared at him.

“Hush, you.”

Ava closed her eyes once more and relaxed into her chair as best she could. She felt Matt squeeze her fingers before his weak thumb lightly traced over the bare space on her ring finger, over and over again until she fell asleep.

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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: Patreon:

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