
Summary: After going fishing with Drake, Mika finds herself unable to sleep. Set during the Unity Tour.

Mika can’t sleep. It’s almost two in the morning, and she knows they have to leave early, but she can’t get her eyes to stay closed. She rolls to her left side, then back to the right, flips the pillow over to the cool side, then finally huffs in frustration and gets out of bed.

She wonders if Drake is asleep. Probably, she decides. She sometimes envies his ability to just fall asleep whenever he decides to, while she usually tosses and turns. Mika slips out of her room and down the hall to Drake’s room, knocking twice. He’s sleep rumpled and yawning and looks slightly annoyed when he opens the door.

“Kelemen? It’s…two in the morning,” Drake grumbles.

“I know. I can’t sleep,” she says, taking in his bare chest, the pajama pants riding low on his hips, and the scar on his shoulder that always makes her frown and sends a little pang of worry through her.

She reaches out and runs her fingertips over it, until Drake covers her hand with his and squeezes.

“Come on,” he says, stepping aside enough so she can enter his room.

Mika follows him to the bed, getting into the right side out of habit. Drake flips the bedside lamp back off, then scoots in next to her. Her fingers find his in the dark, her head coming to rest on his chest. She closes her eyes, willing herself to sleep, then sighs noisily and opens her eyes.

“Drake,” she murmurs.


“I still can’t sleep.”

“Give it more than two minutes,” he mumbles.

She lifts her head up and can see the faint shine of his eyes as he opens them.

“This is your fault, you know,” Mika says.

“How is this my fault?” Drake asks.

She leans down, her nose brushing against his. “You almost made love to me by the pool and then just stopped.”

Mika feels his quiet exhale against her lips. “Kelemen…”

“I want you,” she murmurs pleadingly. “I won’t be able to sleep if I just keep thinking about you.”

Drake doesn’t say anything, but his hand trails down her back, then dips just under the waistband of her pajama shorts.

“Unless you don’t want to,” Mika says against his mouth, pressing her lips softly to his.

“That’s not it at all,” Drake says, his hand drifting lower.

Mika shifts until they’re lying chest to chest, her legs on either side of his, groaning quietly when their hips collide. She rocks against him, whimpering when Drake grunts and hardens underneath her.

“Are you sure?” she manages to gasp.

“Trust me,” he groans. “I want you, Kelemen. All the time.”

His hands run under her shirt, gliding up her sides and across her stomach. She sighs when Drake cups her breasts and runs his thumbs over her nipples until they harden, then stops abruptly and pulls her shirt over her head. He lifts her just enough to roll her underneath him, then brings his mouth to her neck, sucking and gently biting.

“Mm,” Mika sighs, tilting her head to the side.

He moves slowly, unhurried. Mika runs her hands through his hair, the soft strands tickling her fingers. Drake shifts down, his lips warm and soft against her collarbones and her chest, then becoming more urgent when he kisses down her stomach and across her hips. She lifts her hips so he can pull her pajama shorts and underwear off. Drake groans when he lifts one of her thighs over his shoulder and presses his mouth to her core, feeling how wet she is for him.

“I told you I wanted you,” she whimpers.

He runs his tongue over her, teasing his tongue over her clit until she’s moaning. Her hands tangle back in his hair, her grip tightening and her eyes flying open when he presses his fingers into her and curls them.

Oh,” she groans, arching up into him.

She frowns when he stops, until he lifts his head slightly and murmurs, “You can’t be loud here, baby”, and she nearly comes apart just from him calling her baby.

Instead, she bites her lip, trying desperately to keep quiet while Drake glides his fingers in and out of her and presses the tip of his tongue to her sensitive skin. Her hips arch up into him, and she’s a little concerned she’s not going to be able to stop herself from crying out.

“Drake,” she says in a strangled tone, and he moves up, pumping his fingers faster and pressing his mouth hard to hers.

It muffles the noises she makes when she nearly screams and sobs his name, her fingers tugging at his hair on reflex when her orgasm rushes through her.

“Oh my god,” she gasps when he leans back, sucking in shaky breaths.

He’s looking at her with a tinge of pride on his face, but it’s mostly deep longing and arousal. She tugs at his hair again, kissing him desperately and reaching down to push his pajama pants over his hips and run her hand over him. Drake groans, getting his pants off and over his feet, then slowly presses into her.

Mika doesn’t know how he manages to be this in control when she’s so turned on and desperate for him. She supposes she shouldn’t be all that surprised, given the restraint he’d had in waiting to be with her. She whimpers, pressing her hips up into his and digging her fingers into his shoulders. He slams into her once, making her breathing pick up, then resumes his gentle rhythm.

“Drake,” she murmurs, arching into him again.

“You’re impatient,” he says, kissing her deeply.

He dips his head, kissing her neck, finally starting to move a little faster.

“Oh,” she groans.

She brings her legs around his back and buries her fingers in his hair, matching his pace. He murmurs her name when she starts moaning loudly, then brings his mouth back to hers. Drake props himself up over her, tilting his hips, his lips never leaving hers.

Mika feels his muscles tense and knows he’s close. She wrenches their mouths apart just long enough to softly moan his name. Drake thrusts into her, his movements becoming erratic and his breathing rapid. Her teeth just barely sink into his shoulder when she comes, her cries lost into his skin.

Drake slams into her, once, twice, before he lets out a guttural groan and drops his forehead to hers. She trails her fingers over his back, feeling his muscles twitch, his skin warm, nearly hot. Mika smiles when he kisses her slowly, then rolls them so her back is pressed against his chest.

Their breathing gradually slows, their skin cooling, and she sighs contentedly at having Drake’s arms wrapped around her. She remembers their conversation from early and suddenly starts giggling.

“Why are you laughing?” Drake asks into her neck.

“Just thinking.”


“Earlier. You promised you’d always provide for me. I’d say you came through on that.”

Drake groans loudly. “Kelemen…”

Mika laughs again, turning in his arms. “You know you love me,” she says.

Drake shakes his head, but she can also see him smiling. “I do love you. Now go to sleep.”

“Yes, captain.”

He groans again. “That’s the last time I take you fishing.”

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