blind date

a/n: blind date au
summary: calum and aiden’s mutual friend set them up on a blind date and aiden was sure he’d hate it but calum is actually,,, kind of funny? but because he expected to hate it there’s no way he’s gonna let calum change his mind just because he’s gorgeous and funny and intelligent- oh no, his friend is not winning this

“So… Calum.” Aiden sighed trying to look as not interested as he could. “Tell me something about yourself.”

“I have a dog named Hunter… after Dom from tc&tf.” Calum chuckled. “Sport isn’t my favourite thing but at the same time I like to be in good shape y’know? And music, oh boy, music is my absolute favourite thing in the entire world!” He exclaimed.

And Aiden tried so so hard to keep a poker face to everything Calum was saying and how passionate he was about these things. And dog named after a character from tc&tf? Really? R e a l l y??? Calum was basically his perfect, dream boyfriend. That’s for sure but he couldn’t just let Myra let win like this!

She was telling him about Calum for months before he finally agreed to meet him and every time his name came up she also had to add that they are perfect for each other. And the fact that she was so sure about it stopped him from saying yes to the date in the first place. But she kept on bugging him about it over and over again and finally, he gave up just to make her stop.

And Aiden was sure it’s just gonna be another mismatch and he’ll come back home more frustrated and that will be it. And even if Calum turned out cool with his attitude Aiden knew he would scare the boy off. And to be honest that’s exactly what he wanted. He was just so sick of all these blind dated his friends were trying to set him up for. And he was sure if he blew them all off they would eventually stop finding new people for him.

It’s not like he didn’t want to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. He just wanted to meet ‘the one’ on his own terms – when the time was right. Because not only the majority of the blind dates he was on were just straight awkward but they also made him uncomfortable because he had to live up to this image of himself that his friends presented to the person he was supposed to meet.

But oh boy was he wrong about Calum! Because there he was. With his sense of humour, passion and actual interest in Aiden Not that that wouldn’t be enough but he also had a gorgeous smile, kind eyes and such handsome face There was probably nothing wrong with him and it only made this whole situation even worse because Aiden swore to himself he won’t let Myra win like this. He wanted to prove her that in fact, Calum wasn’t perfect for him as she was keeping on telling him.

There was no way he would ever say it but she was right this time. Calum was perfect for him almost like a soulmate-

“Aiden?” Calum interrupted his train of thoughts. “Something’s wrong? He asked concerned and Aiden couldn’t stop himself from groaning.

“Yes. Because nothing is wrong with you!” Aiden whined.

“I don’t know how I should interpret this.” Calum laughed a little. “I mean isn’t it a good thing? That nothing is wrong with me?”

“Yeah, it is. But Myra will never let me hear the end of this if I tell her that you’re actually a great guy and I honestly wouldn’t mind going on a second, more ‘real’ date with you.” Aiden hid his face in his hands.

“You would?” Calum asked after a few seconds of silence.

“Of course I would! You’re literally everything I’ve been searching for in a partner.” Aiden confessed.

“Well… You don’t look very happy about it.”

“And I’m sorry about that. I let Myra and my own insecurities mess with my head. But if you give me another chance and agree to go out with me again I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

“In that case, I’m looking forward to it.” Calum smiled brightly and just like that Aiden stopped caring about Myra’s reaction.

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