
By Misha

Author’s Notes- This was inspired by one of my answers for the Kenna/Diavolos fluffy OTP asks. It involved Kenna sitting on his lap and then the two of them making love on his desk and I couldn’t get the idea of out of my mind. So this was born. It is set a couple years into their marriage.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna is bored and decides to seek out her husband. 

Words- 931

Kenna was bored.

It wasn’t a feeling that she was used to. Her duties as Queen of Stormholt usually kept her busy and when she did have free time, there were lots of people to fill it. Except, she was currently at Lykos, not Stormholt. While she was Queen of Abanthus, she was less involved in running the kingdom, and her duties tended to be more social. Which left her with a lot more free time and no way to fill it.

Diavolos’s days were filled with king duties, especially since he spent so little time at Lykos that when he was there he was usually swamped with requests and paperwork. Zenobia and Adder were the closest things she had to friends at court and Zenobia was currently in Fydoria making arrangements for her upcoming marriage and who knew where Adder was. Anyways, while Kenna appreciated Adder as an ally, they didn’t really connect on a social level.

Even Jackson had disappeared, slipping off somewhere with Commander Magnus, leaving Kenna with an afternoon on her own to fill. She played with Leon for a while, but then it was time for his nap, leaving Kenna to her own devices once more.

It was raining out or she would have gone for a  walk or a ride. Instead, she was left to wander the castle. She found herself heading towards Diavolos’s study. She opened the door and peeked inside, not bothering to knock.

Diavolos looked up at the sound, the irritation face vanishing as soon as he saw her. “Hello, my love,” he greeted with a warm smile, “to what do I the pleasure of your company?”

Kenna shrugged, not wanting to admit how bored she was. Instead, she crossed the room to where he sat behind the large desk. “I just wanted to see you,” she told him, coming to stand beside the chair.

Diavolos smirked as he pulled her down onto his lap, “finding yourself without anything to do?”

“Maybe,” Kenna admitted, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Do you need any help?” She tried to leave the running of Abanthus to him, but he often asked for her opinion. They kept their kingdoms separate, but they were still a couple and they tried to share everything.

“If you want,” Diavolos said, “I’m just going over the latest shipping figures.”

Not her area of expertise, Kenna had to admit, but she took the papers Diavolos offered anyway. She moved to stand up, intending to go sit in one of the other chairs, but Diavolos wrapped his arm around her, anchoring her in place.

“I like you where you are,” he told her in a low voice.

Kenna smiled and relaxed against him as she read the papers. After a few minutes though, she found herself putting it down and running her hands over her husband’s shoulders.

“Hmmm?” Diavolos said, looking up from his own paperwork.

Instead of answering, Kenna lifted her mouth to his. Diavolos quickly deepened the kiss, threading his hand through her hair and pulling her close. Kenna shifted so that she was straddling him, her hands playing with the top button on his shirt.

“Kenna,” Diavolos groaned against her mouth. He picked her up and lifted her up onto the desk. He got to his feet and moved to stand between her legs, his hands still on her hips, his lips trailing down her throat.

“I want you,” Kenna told him as she undid his shirt and tugged it off of his broad shoulders, running her hands along his smooth muscles.

Diavolos didn’t need any more encouragement. His lips were on hers again in a deep possessive kiss, while he pushed her skirt up around her hips and pulled off her undergarments. He explored her with his fingers, groaning when he felt how ready she was.

As she arched against his hand, Kenna’s hand tugged at the ties of his pants and slipped inside. She ran her hands over his length, noting the effect it had on him. His breathing became more labored and he hastily discarded his pants, kicking them to the side, and then he gripped her hips in his large hands before slamming himself into her.

“Ohh…” Kenna moaned, grabbing the side of the desk for support as he continued to thrust into her. She wrapped her leg around him, which gave him an even better angle and had her gasping and clutching the desk.

Diavolos kissed her hungrily as their bodies moved together at a desperate pace. Kenna bit his lip as she came, her nails scratching his back. She could feel him tighten his grip on her hips as she clenched around him and then a moment later, he spilled himself inside of her, her name pouring off his lips.

Diavolos pressed his forehead against hers, his hands now lightly resting on her hips. “Hells… The things you do to me,” he told her, placing a quick kiss on her lips before reaching for his discarded clothes.

Kenna hopped off the desk and quickly located her undergarments. Once they were both presentable, Diavolos sat back down in his big chair and pulled her into his lap again.

“Still bored?” He asked her in amusement, his breath warm against her ear.

“No, you managed to occupy my time quite well,” Kenna told him, resting her head on his shoulder.

She picked up the paperwork she had discarded and studied it. Diavolos smirked at her and then did the same, his arm resting casually against her as they began to read in quiet companionship.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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