Boring, Mundane, Everyday Life

“So,” Aurora called from the kitchen, emptying the newly popped bag of popcorn into a bowl, “What’s on the schedule for tonight?”

“We’ve got Deadly December: A Holiday Murder on in a few minutes.” Damien replied, popping the tops off of two bottles of beer.

“Ooh a classic! Especially in April.” Aurora flopped onto the couch next to him, draping her legs across his lap.

“Ugh!” He lifted one of her feet up and wrinkled his nose exaggeratedly, “Your feet smell awful.”

“Well that’s pretty rude of you to say!” She gave a small kick which he easily dodged without losing his grip on her foot.

“Maybe, but it’s the truth.” He brought it closer, and placed a gentle kiss on the side of it. She let out a squeal and kicked again, this time making contact with his chin. “Hey!

“Sorry! That one wasn’t on purpose, it just tickled!”

“Oh yeah?” He raised an eyebrow mischievously and lifted her foot back up. “Does this tickle?” He kissed it again and began moving his mouth slowly down her leg.

She bit her lip and shook her head, “Nope.”

“How about… now?” Aurora gave a small scream as he pounced on her, fingers tickling her sides.

“You’ll never break me!” She shouted in between gasping laughs.

“Never say never, Rory!” He nuzzled into her neck and covering her with light, teasing kisses as he continued his assault.

“Wait!” She yelled, “Stop stop stop, it’s on!” They both quickly sat up, attention turning to the cheesy, made-for-tv movie’s opening scene.

“Ah, Bianca Stone, nepotism at its finest!” Damien exclaimed, draping his arm around her shoulder as she snuggled into his side and reached for the bowl of popcorn.

“Oh, be fair, she’s not that bad.”

“I heard that they made her character in Clash at Sunset an android specifically because her acting was so robotic, though you and I know better than most the inaccuracies in that move.”

Aurora let out a laugh, “Didn’t know you were so into Hollywood gossip, D.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Rory, I’m a complex man.”

“Well, I’m really looking forward to learning everything there is to know about the enigma that is Damien Nazario.” She kissed him tenderly on the lips.

He pulled back with a teasing grin. “And you call me the sappy one.” She made a faux offended face and gently lobbed a piece of popcorn at his head. He chuckled, pulling her in closer as he turned his attention back to the movie.

Aurora watched Damien with the a lingering smile on her lips as he let out a snort in response to whatever was happening on screen and took a sip of his beer. Her heart felt so full she thought it might burst.

Feeling the weight of her stare, he looked over at her questioningly, “What?”

She gave her head a small shake, smile still on her face, “Nothing.” She placed a hand on his chin and turned his face back towards the TV, “Watch the movie, Nazario.”

Damien had expressed his worries that once life returned to normal, she’d get bored and leave him, but what he didn’t realize was that to Aurora, nights like this with the man she loved were nothing short of perfection.

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