Both of Them

Summary: Daphne talks about Adrian and Jax with Lily, reflects on her relationships with them, and comes up with an idea to try to save Adrian.

Author’s note: If you do the threesome scene but choose to only be with Jax, he is clothed when the MC wakes up. An explanation for this is included here.

Daphne couldn’t accept the Council’s decision. Adrian didn’t have anything to do with the ferals or their attacks. He shouldn’t be put to death for something he didn’t do. It wasn’t fair.

“We have to find a way to save Adrian,” she said to Lily. “We can’t just let him die. He doesn’t deserve this.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

“You really care about him a lot, don’t you?” Lily responded.

Daphne nodded. “I do. We’ve gotten pretty close. I know we haven’t known each other that long, but we’ve shared a lot already. More than just work.”

“Yeah, things will never be the same for either of us.” Lily paused. “Wait a minute. Do you mean the whole vampire scene, or something else? Did you sleep with him?”

Daphne blushed. “Yeah, I did.”

“I thought you liked Jax.” Lily smiled slightly. “If you’re not that into him, can I have him?”

Daphne seethed with jealousy. “Hell no!” She thought of what Lily had said in the Shadow Den’s feeding lounge after Jax said he wouldn’t say no to anything she had to offer: “Me neither. To either of you.” Then Lily had watched them have sex. Daphne didn’t want Lily looking at Jax, so she hadn’t taken his clothes off; she had just unzipped his fly.

“Relax! I was just kidding!”

Daphne wasn’t sure she believed Lily. Lily obviously found him attractive. Although she didn’t really think that Jax would choose Lily over her, she couldn’t help feeling insecure. She had a feeling that if she had wanted to have sex with both of them in the feeding lounge, he would have done it. And she might not be the only woman in his life. Liv had called him “my Jaxxie.” Did her use of the possessive case mean that there was something going on between them? And what about what Griff had said to Jax? “How is it you just happen to be friends with every hot Clanless girl?” Jax clearly had options. She had thought she was special to him, but was she?

She realized she was being a hypocrite, wondering about other women in Jax’s life when she also had feelings for Adrian. But she didn’t really know where she stood with him either. At first, he kept saying they needed to keep things professional. The night they slept together, Adrian had been very emotional, thinking about his lost love. Maybe he didn’t want a serious relationship with her. And he might still be feeding on Nicole. He sure wasn’t feeding on her. Daphne knew firsthand how erotic feeding could be. She thought back to the night that she had found Nicole sprawled out on top of Adrian’s desk. How far would things have gone if she hadn’t interrupted? Nicole didn’t have to be in that position in order for Adrian to feed on her. It looked like more was going to happen, and probably had in the past.

Daphne didn’t even know which one she would choose, if she had to decide. When she met Adrian, she had been intrigued by him immediately, and they had grown closer as they spent time working together. But then Jax had rescued her from the Baron, and they formed a connection. When he fed on her, she felt as if they were being intimate.

She also identified with both their backgrounds. Her father was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. His family had been in the United States since colonial times. Adrian had lived through that time. He had met Alexander Hamilton and had assisted George Washington.

She had been moved by the story of Jax’s grandparents, who had been in a Japanese internment camp. His grandfather had been a leader in the community there, and had helped the people carry on despite their difficult circumstances. Daphne’s maternal grandparents were of Japanese descent, and had been in internment camps with their families when they were children. She hoped someone like Jax’s grandfather had been there for them. Maybe their families had even known each other.

Jax had told her that she could call him if she needed help. With Adrian awaiting death, she definitely could use some help. But would he help Adrian? He didn’t trust the Council. Then again, Griff had said they were coming after the Council. If the Clanless fought against Adam Vega, Priya, Lester, and the Baron, maybe there was a chance to rescue Adrian. She had nothing to lose by reaching out to Jax.

Daphne turned to Lily. “Speaking of Jax, I have an idea.” She reached for her phone, hoping for the best.

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