Boys Weekend

Boys Weekend
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Note- This is my entry for day 11 “family”. Darley1101 actually sent me this request for “camping” but I already had a request for that day, however, I loved the idea, so I made it work for another day. This is Drake, Liam, and their sons camping. This is set in my “Drake and Amelia” universe and about 15 years after the end of TRR3.
Pairing- Minor Drake/Amelia, Liam/Olivia
Rating- PG
Summary- Drake and Liam go on a camping trip, but this time they have company.
Words- 619

“Jackson put that stick down!” Drake yelled out, not even looking up from where he was setting up the tent. Nine years of parenthood had given him great instincts.

“I need a sword!” His son retorted, “Leon and I are going to have a duel!”

“Nothing above the shoulders,” Liam spoke up before Drake could say a word, “I wouldn’t want to explain it either of your mother’s if you lost an eye.”

There was happy agreement and then the sound of feet rushing towards the woods.

“I thought you would have been more strict,” Drake commented as Liam crouched down to help him with the tent. “I mean, royal protocol and all.”

“I want my children to have the childhood I never did,” Liam said simply, “the camping trips with your family were as close to normal as I ever got.”

“Those were good times,” Drake agreed, sitting back. He shook his head. “And now we’re here with our sons.”

“We are,” Liam agreed, “it’s a good traditional and good bonding.”

“Plus, it’s a nice change of pace for Jackson to battle with someone other than Will,” Drake joked, moving on to the next tent, this time with Liam’s help. “They fight like cats and dogs.”

“As do my children,” Liam said with a chuckle, “actually I think Leon is just grateful to be away from Emma, she’s usually the first to throw a punch.”

“Like mother, like daughter,” Drake said dryly. “Hell, I’m surprised your children aren’t dueling with real swords instead of sticks.”

“We do discourage that,” Liam told him, “or at least I do, Olivia makes disapproving comments about our children learning with poor substitutes whenever the kids play with plastic weapons.”

Drake snorted, that sounded like Olivia. They weren’t friends, but in the almost fifteen years she and Liam had been married, they’d learned to co-exist and he was almost fond of her now.

“Dad!!!” Drake turned to see Will running towards him. “Is it s’mores time yet?” The boy asked eagerly, bouncing up and down. This was the first time he’d joined them on their annual men’s camping trip and his excitement was evident.

“What you make me do all the work and now you want s’mores?” Drake teased.

“Yep!” Will answered with a cheeky grin that was pure Amelia. Drake could never resist that grin, whether it came from his wife or his son.

“I think s’mores sound like an excellent idea,’ Liam agreed and then he leaned down, speaking to will in a mock-whisper, “I always get really hungry watching your dad work hard.”

Will giggled.

Drake just rolled his eyes. “Sure, sure, we know how it is, the King of Cordonia is a slacker.”

“I prefer to call it delegation,” Liam retorted as he walked towards the cooler, “however never let it be said that I don’t do my part, I’ll get the supplies.”

“While I start the fire,” Drake retorted, already moving to do just that. “I see how this goes.”

He turned to Will. “Go get me some sticks and make your brother and Leon come here, I’m going to teach you guys how to roast a marshmallow properly.”

Will nodded and ran towards the forest, shouting out his brother’s name.

“This probably won’t be the quietest camping trip we’ve ever had,” Liam commented as he worked on gathering the necessary supplies.

Drake laughed. “No, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

It was the truth. He was enjoying nature with his best friend and their sons and then when the weekend was over, he’d drop the boys off with Uncle Maxwell for the night and spend some time alone with his wife.

Life was good.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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