Break the Rules

Summary: Liam has been in his office for hours. Allie goes to check on him. Utter smut. Set a year after Break Your Plans, but it’s not necessary to read that first.

Liam has been in his office for six hours when Allie finally goes to see him. He’s so engrossed in whatever he’s doing, his brow furrowed in concentration, that he barely glances up when she shuts the door. She settles in one of the chairs at his desk, watching him work for a few minutes. Her phone vibrates as a text comes through from Maxwell, asking if she and Liam are still coming tonight.


“Hmm?” he asks distractedly, flipping a page.

“Are we still doing dinner tonight?”


Allie stares at him pointedly until he finally glances up over his glasses. Liam smiles apologetically, taking his glasses off and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“I’m sorry. I really wanted to get this finalized before tonight so I don’t have to worry about it tomorrow. But yes. Let’s do dinner.”

Allie texts Maxwell back, and when she looks up, Liam’s glasses are back on and he’s staring at the documents again.

“You should take a break,” she suggests, resting her elbows on the edge of his desk and looking at him until his eyes flicker up to hers again.

“I would, but I don’t want to deal with this tomorrow.”

“You’ll strain your eyes,” Allie argues, and Liam laughs.

“That’s why I have reading glasses.”

“You need to eat.”

“I did,” he assures her.

Allie rises slowly, perching on the edge of his desk next to him.

“You need to kiss your wife,” she tries.

A warm smile crosses Liam’s face as he takes his glasses off again and sits back in his chair, tugging her down to sit on his lap and burying one of his hands in her hair. His other arm wraps around her waist as he kisses her deeply. Allie sighs, closing her eyes and looping her arms around his neck. He kisses her like they have all the time in the world, and she loves that as dedicated as Liam is to Cordonia, she knows how devoted he is to her too.

When she leans back, opening her eyes slowly, he’s looking at her with a mixture of affection and amusement.

“Hi,” she murmurs, tightening her arms around him.

Liam tilts his head, gaze locked on hers as he kisses the sensitive skin on the inside of her arm. “Hi.”

“Take a break?”

Liam sighs. “I want to, my love, I do. But these tariff agreements aren’t going to review and sign themselves.”

“I know. But you’ve been in here for six hours,” Allie points out.

He glances up at the clock in surprise. “I have?”

“You have.”

Allie leans in, brushing her lips over his. “Please?”

“I need to get this done. And I have a meeting in half an hour,” he murmurs against her mouth, but his hand has slipped out of her hair and down to her bare knee.

“Please, Liam?” Allie says, shivering as his fingers drift a little higher, almost brushing the hem of her skirt.

“Allison Elizabeth,” Liam says in mock dismay. “Are you begging?”

Allie laughs. “Possibly.”

Liam looks at her sternly, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. “You know I can’t ever say no when you beg.”

“That’s kind of the point.”

Liam grins as he nudges her to stand, then rises, wrapping his arms around her back as he presses his lips to hers. She giggles when he suddenly shoves the stacks of papers aside and lifts her up to sit on his desk, his lips still fused to hers.

“Liam,” she sighs in pleasure, closing her eyes as he kisses her down her neck, his fingers running under the hem of her shirt and brushing over her stomach.

Allie cracks her eyes open when he suddenly stops and steps away from her, looking over her shoulder to find him locking the door.

“Here?” she asks in surprise.

They’ve always had a strict rule about doing anything in his office, mainly, Liam likes to tell her, because he’d never be able to focus on anything else in here again. She likes to tease him about how it’s the only place they have such a rule, which always makes him blush a little and then laugh.

“I have a meeting soon,” he reminds her, pulling her shirt easily over her head and reaching for the buttons on his own shirt.

He chuckles at the look on her face as she watches him, biting her lip. “You’re thoroughly enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Liam lays his shirt over his chair, then reaches behind her to unhook her bra.

“Maybe a little,” she admits with a slow smile, bracing herself back on her hands as he nips at her collarbone.

“A little?”

“A lot,” she moans as he kisses down her chest.

His mouth is warm, almost hot, probably from the tea he’s forever drinking, as he sucks on her nipples, biting her tender skin lightly. Allie groans, reaching up to run one of her hands through his dark hair. Liam finds the zipper at the back of her skirt, sliding it down and watching through hooded eyes as she wriggles out of it. He keeps watching her as she sits forward and undoes his belt, then his zipper and the button on his pants, pushing them down.

Liam doesn’t even bother stepping out of them and stills her hand as she goes to slip it into his boxers. Allie makes a quiet noise of protest.

“We don’t have time, my love.”

Allie glances at the clock and realizes he’s right. She lifts her hips as Liam tugs her underwear off and pushes his boxers down. A groan escapes her mouth at how hard he already is and it sends a rush of moisture between her legs. She can’t help but reach for him again, running her hand over his length until Liam grunts and grabs her wrist.

“Fuck, you look incredible right now,” he groans as she leans back, parting her knees so he can step between her legs.

He kisses her insistently, gliding two fingers over her wet folds and then slipping them inside her, pumping in and out.

“Oh,” she sighs, closing her eyes and trying to stay quiet.

Liam nudges her to lean further back after a moment, withdrawing his fingers. When her eyes open, he’s staring at her again, an almost possessive look on his face that makes her moan as he pushes into her. Liam stills when he’s inside her, kissing her again.

“Say you’re mine, baby,” he whispers hotly, and she groans at the way he squeezes her hips and thrusts against her just slightly.

“I’m-oh!” she gasps as he pulls back and thrusts into her harder.

“I’m yours, Liam,” Allie manages to gasp, and that spurs him into action, his hips slamming into hers over and over again.

Her fingers grip the edge of his desk as they move rapidly, frantically, desperate and wanting and knowing they don’t have time to go slow. She bites at his lower lip as they kiss messily, rocking her hips against his, until Liam massages his thumb over her clit, his mouth claiming hers in a bruising kiss to muffle her cries as she comes. He groans as her muscles clench around him, thrusting against her shallowly before he reaches his release. His head drops to her shoulder and be takes a few ragged breaths before he leans back and helps her sit upright.

“Fuck, baby,” he groans.

He’s flushed and breathless and Allie doesn’t think she’ll ever tire of getting him to come undone like this. She sighs as he kisses her slowly, sliding her hands back up into his hair. They dress after a minute, Liam smiling affectionately as she buttons up his shirt for him.

“Hey,” she says when she’s done, running her fingers over his hair to smooth it out.

“Not that I mind the dominant, possessive side of you-“

His cheeks flush, and Allie grins. “-but what was with the ‘say you’re mine’?”

Liam responds by kissing her again. “It’s just the day,” he explains.

She’s confused for a second, and then she remembers. “It was a year ago,” she murmurs.

“Yes. A year ago today you almost went home,” he says, sitting back in his chair and tugging her back on his lap.

Allie turns her head, brushing her lips over his sweetly. “I’m glad I didn’t.”

Liam smiles. “So am I.”

They’ve had their fair share of challenges in the past year, without question, but she’s never once regretted staying here with him. Liam plays with her wedding band, twisting it around her finger and running his fingertip over the stones.

“I love you, Allie,” he says, tucking her tightly against him.

“I love you, too.”

She stands up reluctantly after a minute, knowing his meeting starts soon.

“I’ll see you later?” she asks, leaning down and brushing her lips against his again.

“I’ll see you later,” he confirms.

He laughs as she picks up his glasses and puts them back on him.

“Now get back to work, my king,” she teases him.

“Yes, my love.”

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