Bring Me to My Knees

Bring Me to My Knees
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is just a super short reaction fic to this week’s RCD, it’s also a follow-up to “You Take My Breath Away” and against touches on Seth’s insecurities regarding Matt.
Pairing- Seth/MC
Rating- PG
Summary- Seth and Kat talk more about her fake relationship with Chadley and Seth confesses to some insecurities.

Words- 575

“I can’t believe I have to fake date a guy named Chadley,” I complained to Seth as we ate the Chinese food he’d brought over to cheer me up.

“I’m sorry,” he said, rubbing my shoulders, “it really sucks.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, “I asked if I could fake date Matt instead but apparently that wouldn’t have the same impact.”

Seth stiffened, stopping his movement.

“Seth, what’s wrong?” I asked, tilting my head to look at him.

“I am going to sound like an ass, but I’m really glad they said no,” he admitted, his hands falling from my shoulder.

“Why?” I asked with a frown. “I mean, at least I like Matt and honestly, I feel like it would be far more believable that I’d date Matt than that I’d ever date Chadley.”

“Yeah,” Seth said quietly, “and that’s why I’m glad. Because it’s Matt. Because, of course, people would buy it. You two are close, you made an amazing movie together, you look incredible together. Who wouldn’t buy that you are in love?”

Oh. Damn. I remembered our conversation from a few weeks earlier when Seth had confessed to feeling a little insecure about the fact that Matt and I’d be making another movie together. Of course, he wouldn’t have wanted me to be in a fake relationship with Matt.

“Just because I would have preferred Matt, doesn’t mean I want to date him,” I said gently, taking Seth’s hand. “He’s just more tolerable than Chadley. What kind of a name is Chadley anyway?”

Seth laughed. “Maybe his parents had an inkling of what he was going to grow up to be and I know, Kat. I know you picked me, but part of its ego, when this is over, we’re going public, right?”

“Of course,” I assured him, “I can’t wait to show off my amazingly funny and talented boyfriend.”

“I look forward to it, but I admit I’m glad I’m going to be coming after Chadley and not Matt,” Seth told me, “people are probably going to be a lot more understanding of you dumping a guy like that for someone like me, but no one compares favorably to Matt and I really don’t want to be your ‘downgrade lover’.”

“Seth…” I said, wincing at his words, “it wouldn’t be like that.”

He just raised an eyebrow.

“Ok, maybe it would,” I admit, knowing that he was probably right. Plus given, Matt and mine’s close friendship, a break-up might also be harder to sell. “But in the end, they’d all be wrong, because you could never be a downgrade, not when you are the only one I’ll ever want.”

“How do you do it?” He asked, shaking his head. “How do you bring me to my knees with just a few words?”

“It’s a gift,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck, and pressing closer. “But I can also use actions if you need to be convinced.”

He grinned. “I’m not going to say no.”

I leaned in and kissed him passionately. He responded eagerly, holding me close.

“How’s that for a start?” I asked when we pulled away.

“Good, but I think I can use more convincing,” he told me and then, suddenly, he stood with me in his arms, “and maybe a change of location.”

“I like the way you think, Ohio.” I grinned as he carried me to our bedroom, our food, and the awkward conversation, quickly forgotten.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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