
Summary: Imagine your OTP watching a movie on Netflix.  However, the network connection is faulty, so the movie begins to buffer. Person A eventually gets bored, and begins to talk to Person B between little kisses all along their body, trying to get them to tear their attention away from the screen.  Eventually person B gets a bit fed up, and surprises Person A by catching them in a long kiss on the mouth.

Birthday Dedication Fic to @choicessa


Friday nights in were a luxury that Drake and Elizabeth rarely got to enjoy. Most weekend nights were usually filled with fancy balls or state dinners that required either one or both of them to attend but on this particular Friday night, the couple found themselves completely free from events and paperwork.

‘So what are we going to do tonight?’ Elizabeth asked, coming up behind her fiancé and wrapping her arms around his waist as he was putting the last of the dishes away.

‘Hmm its been a while since we had a movie night…’ Drake mused, turning around to face her. ‘I’m thinking you, me, a massive bowl of popcorn and one of those old spy movies. What do you say Harris?’

‘You know I’m down for anything as long as its with you,’ she smiled, giving him a small kiss.

‘That was cheesy and you know it,’ Drake chuckled before pulling her into the lounge room of their home where a massive plasma tv was mounted on the wall.

Just as they settled down on the couch, something occurred to Elizabeth and she jumped back up again.

‘Popcorn! I’ll go make some and you can look for movie options.’

‘Deal,’ he replied, reaching for the remote.

A few minutes later, she returned with a brimming bowl to find Drake still seated on the couch, a dismayed expression on his face as he perused the selections.

‘So apparently we’ve seen all the spy movies that Netflix has to offer and nothing else looks good to m- Oh.’

Elizabeth, who had been sifting through the bowl, looked up at the screen to find that the synopsis of a fishing documentary had captured his attention.

‘Look I know its not really your thing..’ Drake began, hesitantly.

’No its fine,’ she assured him. ‘I mean usually we do things that I like so let’s watch it.’

He regarded her for a moment. ‘You? Fishing documentaries?’

‘Its fiiiine.’ She insisted though he didn’t look convinced. ‘Go on, press play.’

Twenty minutes in and Elizabeth was already regretting her decision.

She found no interest in the fine distinctions between the thunnus albacaresand the clupea herengus and the narrator’s monotone English accent only made the experience of differentiating between the two more miserable. Drake however was enthralled, his eyes never wavering from the TV and Elizabeth busied herself with picking the butteriest pieces of popcorn from the bowl on her lap but even that lost its appeal after a while.

‘Want some?’ She held it out to Drake who shook his head once as his eyes glued to the screen.

With a small huff, Elizabeth set the bowl back on her lap, her eyes roaming across the room until they landed on her fiancé.

He looked so concentrated as he leaned forward to catch something the narrator was saying, his hand rubbing his jaw slightly as he pondered the information. His sharp jawline was just one of the many things she loved about him and especially when he allowed a light stubble to form as it did now. She fantasised about it brushed roughly against the skin of her inner thighs whenever he went down on her. Usually by the time they could find a pocket of privacy, they were so desperate for each other that foreplay was usually skipped but whenever they got the chance, each of them gave as generously as they received. Her fiancé had a very talented tongue and she could feel herself growing wetter at the thought of exactly how she wanted him to use it.

‘Harris… you’re staring..’ His voice broke her out of her little fantasy and though he wasn’t exactly looking at her, Liz blushed slightly from getting caught.

‘Sorry! Don’t mind me,’ she answered weakly. ‘Just lost in thought I guess.’

Drake didn’t reply and she breathed a small sigh that he seemed to accept her feeble answer and resolved to make a better effort to watch the documentary. That attempt last about five minutes and she found herself in an intricate daydream of exactly how she intended to seduce Drake and make him pay for making her watch this stupid show.

If only this damn program could end already!

Her wish came true sooner than she expected when a few moments later Drake’s sudden grown of frustration broke her out of her lascivious reverie.

‘Just when we were getting to the good part too!’ He exclaimed, making for the remote.

As he did, the light grey t-shirt he was wearing slid up a little to reveal his toned abdomen and a devilish idea formed in Elizabeth’s brain. Scooting closer to his side, she draped herself across his shoulder.

‘Whatcha doing?’

‘I’m trying to get this documentary working again,’ he told her as he stared at the remote before aiming it at the screen.

She hummed slightly in response, allowing her fingers to slip under his collar and start tracing small patterns on his collarbone. ‘And what happens if it doesn’t?’

‘Then I’ll make it work,’ he replied stubbornly as Elizabeth pressed a kiss to his cheek.

‘Will you? Because I know how annoying these things can get.’  A kiss on the jaw was next. ‘You know with connectivity issues and stuff.’ Her hand ventured further under his shirt and she placed her lips on his neck next, gently kissing and sucking the skin there but he remained unperturbed.

‘Maybe I could try logging in again,’ Drake suggested, his fingers hovering over the buttons when all she wanted was for them to be pressing into her.

‘You could… But sometimes it’s best to leave it for a while and do something else for a while,’ she whispered seductively before attaching herself back to his neck and her other arm slid under the bottom hem of his shirt to trace his abs.’I thought maybe we can do a little more than just kissing.’

‘Stop teasing me so much…’ He groaned, fighting to keep his attention on the screen as she began to rub up against him. He didn’t need much more convincing, she could tell and Elizabeth lowered her voice, issuing a challenge in his ear.

‘Make me.’

Drake’s face was torn between her seductions and the spinning red circle on the screen and he tried for a compromise. ‘Ok just let me finish this and I’ll go down on you later?’

His words sent a thrill through her but she was too impatient.

‘Or,’ she proposed, pausing slightly to suck on the sweet spot behind his ear. ‘We could just get naked now?’

Drake let out a low moan. ‘Nice try Harris, you’re not gonna win this time.’

Elizabeth was taken aback. The man had a will of iron. Usually Drake would be the one to suggest these things and on the rare occasion that she did, he would always concede to her immediately. Still she persisted, not ready to give up yet.

‘Come on baby,’ she murmured, nipping his earlobe gently as she tugged the remote out of his hands. ‘You know you want to.’

‘Elizabeth..’ He voice was thick with desire as she watched the last strands of his resolve unravel and decided that it was time to play her ace. She took her hands off him, withdrawing herself from his body but not before delivering the final blow.

‘Of course if you don’t want to, I guess I’ll have to do the job myself.’

In a second, she was on her back, her arms pinned above her head with his body hovering over her as his brown eyes stared intensely into hers.

‘Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because its working…’‘I’m glad you finally noticed,’ she grinning, snaking a hand up to pull him closer by the neck for another kiss. ‘I was starting to think you found thats stupid fishing documentary more interesting than me.’

His eyes darkened as he grabbed her hand, bringing it to feel the growing hardness through the fabric of his sweats.

‘Can you feel what you’re doing to me? I can’t even watch TV without you drooling over me. Tell me Harris..’ He asked, trapping her hand between their bodies as he grinded himself her into the mattress. ‘What should I do with you?’

Elizabeth’s arousal steeped rapidly at his action and she could barely ‘Fuck me… please.’

Drake seemed to consider that for a second. ‘Hmm I think I’ll do just that.’

He whipped off his top and hers before sinking his fingers under the hem of her shorts and past her lace panties, making her gasp.

‘So wet for me?’ He asked, almost innocently as he coated his fingers in her wetness

‘Only for you baby,’ she cooed in reply, watching his eyes darken as he practically ripped the fabric off her before plunging two digits into her and she cried out sharply.


He smirked, adding a third finger and increasing the pace until she was moaning constantly and bucking her hips towards him as he took a nipple in his mouth.

‘Fuck yes.. ahh.’

‘That’s it babe, tell me what you’re feeling.’

‘I’m feeling so good, baby,’ Elizabeth gasped, wild with desire. ‘Its all you but I need.. I need..’

His fingers brushed that spot inside her and suddenly she lost all ability to speak.

‘What do you need baby?’ He whispered in her ear, enjoying every second of this.’I’m all yours now,’

‘I want your tongue… I want it soo bad.’

‘As you wish.’

She felt his skilful mouth on her most sensitive parts and her fingers immediately moved to his hair.

All her fantasies had nothing on the real thing.

She was moaning louder now, almost at full volume as he continued to pump his fingers inside her before-

‘-The clupea herengus is native to this region but in the summer months it can usually be found-’ 

Just at that moment the documentary finished buffering and began to play again.

‘Oh fuck you!’ she yelled at the TV and her left hand scrabbled across the coffee table until it landed on the remote, her fingers landing on the mute button.

Drake chuckled darkly, lifting his head long enough to reply. ‘I thought that was my job. And you can bet I’m gonna do that right now.’

He withdrew his fingers and mouth from her, slipping his hands under her legs making to carry her to the bedroom but she placed a hand on his chest.

‘Forget the bed,’ Elizabeth insisted, the need for him almost driving her crazy. ‘We can do it right here. I need you now.’

‘Well,’ he mused, ‘When you present such a compelling case, I suppose I can’t say no can I?’

He entered her with a smooth stroke, she’s so ready that he had no problem in sheathing himself in her almost completely on the first try. The heat that had been building in Elizabeth’s core skyrocketed to new heights and she meant to cry out but no sound came from her mouth. One look at Drake told her that he felt it too, cursing loudly as he began to move in her. Soon enough, the pace became too slow for her liking and she met his thrusts half way, a thin film of sweat forming on their bodies.

He filled her so perfectly.

The pleasure almost too much and her nails scratched long lines on the toned muscle of his back. Drake’s hands gripped her tighter, tight enough to leave marks but she didn’t care. All other thoughts vanished as he drove into her relentlessly. With every thrust Elizabeth called out his name feeling, the pressure in her core stretching her taut like a rubber band and just before she was about to snap, she managed to choke out a few words.

‘Drake… I’m close.. I..’

He began to drill into her with renewed vigour until it’s too much to bear. Clinging onto him, Elizabeth finally snapped, howling his name as her release floods her body. Seconds later, she could feel him shudder inside her before he emptied himself, giving her everything he had as their lips mashed together in a heated, sloppy kiss while they rode out the waves of pleasure.

Eventually, Drake heaved himself off her to lay at her side, both of them breathing hard as he propped himself up on a elbow to look at her.

‘Maybe we should watch more documentaries if they’re all going to end like this.’

Grabbing the back of his neck, Elizabeth pulled him in for a long languid kiss. ‘Hmm.. I could live with that.’

Drake chuckled once before pulling her onto his chest.

‘I hope you’re ready for lots more baby cause you have no idea what you’ve just started.’

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