Can’t Stop

Summary: Kenna can’t sleep after that kiss with Diavolos in the airship.

Diavolos is not what Kenna expects. She certainly doesn’t expect her initial reaction to him. She’d anticipated she would have the same feelings she usually does around members of the Nevrakis family – disgust, contempt, anger, a strong desire to set Val and Sei loose on them.

Instead, she feels some sort of pull, an attraction. Those dark eyes, high cheekbones, the strong outline of his jaw…He’s big and broad, flashing her a cocky, self-assured grin that has all rational thought giving way to her baser desires as she flushes and looks away.

He’s still part of the enemy, Kenna, she scolds herself. His father murdered your mother.

Luther’s grating voice interrupts her thoughts. She smiles politely at Diavolos, attempting to ignore the way his gaze lingers on her half a second too long. They manage to survive dinner with no injuries or casualties, for which Kenna is grateful. She’d half hoped Diavolos would somehow turn out to be a useless bumbling idiot, but of course he isn’t. Obviously Luther wouldn’t let him lead any of their forces if he was. It’s a good thing, considering they’ll be working together to take down Azura, but Kenna kind of wishes she had a reason to dislike him other than his family name.


When she invites Diavolos up to her room on the airship to talk, she has no intentions of kissing him. She’d truly felt a pang of sympathy, and wanted to cement a hint of a positive relationship with at least one member of the Nevrakis family.

But his surprising willingness to open up, coupled with the undeniable pull she feels towards him, makes it difficult not to kiss him. His lips are softer than she’d imagined, his hand tugging at her hair slightly rough but pleasurable. He’d flicked his tongue into her mouth teasingly, causing her to whimper and yank harder at his collar.

Of course he was a good kisser. He was a Nevrakis, and they tended to throw themselves in to whatever it was they were doing with a single-minded determination. Apparently that extended beyond the battlefield.

When he leaves, Kenna finds herself unable to sleep. She kneels on her bed, watching the blue-black of the evening sky and the occasional gray cloud drift by the small oval window. The evening is mostly clear as she searches for her favorite constellations. She spots Taurus and smiles, recalling how her mother used to tell her it made her think of Kenna. When Kenna had asked why, her mother laughed affectionately as she explained, “You’re stubborn like a bull. And you’re always so anxious for spring; did you know that the Egyptians associated Taurus with spring time?”

As she’d gotten older, Kenna’s mother had taught her about many more constellations. She’d mostly forgotten them now, but the story of Taurus always stuck with her. Kenna locates Perseus and Cetus nearby, and she sighs in frustration as she lays back in her bed. Normally, looking for the constellations is enough to relax her into a peaceful slumber, but tonight she’s restless.

Her thoughts drift back to Diavolos. She wonders how his callused fingers would feel against her, if he liked to bite, if he would relinquish any control to her. She thinks he would be rough but passionate, can’t see him being tender and slow. Her breathing picks up and her heart starts pounding between her ears as she closes her eyes, picturing him kneeling between her legs with that cocky grin.

Kenna’s mind races, thinking about him tearing her clothes off, gliding his fingers over her bare skin, everywhere but where she wanted him the most. He’d tease her, she thinks, about how obviously turned on she would be for him. He’d start out slow, barely touching her with his fingertips, and then, when she would be about ready to cry out for him to hurry up already, he’d drive into her, setting a pace that would push her over the edge.

Her hands clench as she squirms against her sheets, panting.

Fuck. Her eyes fly open at the sound of a door gently clicking closed just below the ladder to her room, and she lets out a strangled groan.

Almost of their own accord, her hands have wandered down her belly and towards her underwear. But she doesn’t want that tonight. She wants Diavolos, last name be damned. He’s not his father or his half-brother. For one night, she thinks, they could forget about their family dynamics. Maybe just one night could get him out of her system.

She looks for more constellations in the night sky as she gets her breathing under control, their familiarity soothing, then gets out of bed and pulls a cloak on. It’s getting late, but she doesn’t want to risk running into the others in just a nightgown. Climbing down the ladder to her room quietly, she peers down the darkened hallways before hurrying to Diavolos’ room.

She hesitates before knocking. Maybe the kiss was just a one time thing, or maybe he dismissed it immediately. Maybe kissing her back was just a ploy to manipulate her later. Before she can really contemplate returning to her room and forgetting the whole thing, his door flies open.

“Oh!” she gasps. “I-I…”

Diavolos’ smirk makes her want to punch him and kiss him all at the same time as he leans against the door frame. He crosses his arms across his bare chest, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I thought I heard someone out here. Do you need something, Queen Kenna?”

Kenna swallows hard, unable to tear her eyes away from him, the ripple of muscle under his tan skin, the silvery scars running across his chest and shoulder, the dark hair on his stomach that disappears into his waistband. She feels her face heat up as she drags her eyes up to his.

“You,” she finally groans.

She’s pleased that he’s not completely unaffected by her, judging by the sudden widening of his eyes and the hitch in his breath. His mouth drops open just slightly before he recovers, narrowing his eyes at her and giving her a smile that makes her want him even more. He steps back, pulling his door open further, and she steps inside.

Diavolos has her back pressed up against his door immediately, towering over her, and she bites back a moan as he brings his mouth to her ear. “And what exactly do you need me for?”

His breath is hot against her neck, and she can feel the heat radiating off of him. Kenna brings her hands up to his bare chest, letting her fingertips dance over his skin, then leans forward and sucks lightly at his pulse point.

“I can’t sleep,” she whispers.

Diavolos glides his hands down her sides, sliding under her cloak and pushing her negligee up just slightly to caress her bare skin. “Interesting. I’m having the same problem,” he murmurs, bringing his mouth to her earlobe and biting gently.

Inhaling sharply, Kenna closes her eyes as Diavolos kisses and lightly bites his way across her neck, pausing briefly to yank her cloak off. He pulls the straps of her white negligee out of the way with his teeth, then bites her bare shoulders.

“This is what you sleep in?” he groans.

“Yes,” she manages to gasp. She’s consumed by him, his hands and mouth making it difficult to focus on anything else. Gods, he’s good at this, and they’ve barely gotten started.

“I like it,” Diavolos mutters, “but it’s in my way.” He pulls the negligee over her head unceremoniously, then steps back, drinking her in.

Kenna feels a little self-conscious at him staring at her, but he grabs her wrists the second she moves to cover herself.

“No,” he says lowly. “Gods, look at you.”

He releases her hands with a warning look that makes her shiver, then glides his hands up her belly, between her breasts, and over her collarbones. She whimpers as he teasingly circles his fingertips around her breasts.

“Please,” she whimpers.

“Please what?”

“Touch me,” she moans. She’s begging but she doesn’t even care. She’s desperate for him, to feel him.

Stepping back into her, Diavolos places one hand against the door next to her.

“What do you want here, Kenna?” he asks.

He’s asking this NOW?

“What?” she asks incredulously. “Isn’t that pretty obvious?”

“Yeah,” he replies. “But for tonight only? Tomorrow? Until we rescue Dom?”

She pushes against his chest, but he doesn’t budge. “Dom and I are friends,” she retorts. “And this…” she gestures between them.

“I want you,” she continues. “Tonight? Yes. After that…I don’t know, Diavolos. I’m not putting a time limit on this.”

“Works for me.”

He lifts her suddenly, easily, and she giggles as he deposits her on the edge of his bed.

“What’s funny?” he asks gruffly.

“Nothing. That was just…” Her words die on the tip of her tongue as he joins her in the bed, pushing her onto her back, sucking and nipping his way down her chest and over her breasts. He groans as she threads her hands into his hair and tugs. As he makes his way down her stomach and pauses at the edge of her underwear, he lifts his head briefly.

“You sure?” he asks.

“Mmm,” she hums in confirmation. “But you should take your pants off.”

He grins at her as he stands and she sits up. “Let me,” she murmurs.

She traces her fingertip around the bulge in his pants, then cups him and squeezes gently. He groans out her name, dropping his head forward.

Kenna pushes his pants down slowly and he steps out of them, catching her eye as she slides her hand over his erection. He stops her gently as she scoots forward, tugging at his hips.

“Just…not tonight.”

“Next time,” she whispers as she pulls him back down to the bed.

“Gods, yes,” he murmurs.

Kenna lifts her hips as Diavolos pulls her underwear down. He’s hot and hard against her thigh, and she doesn’t want to wait anymore.

“Tell me what you want,” he says in a low voice.

“You,” she gasps, as he glides a hand down between them and slides two fingers into her.

“Gods, Diavolos, please,” she begs, bucking her hips into his hand as he sets a pace that nearly has her coming undone. She grips his arm, digging her fingernails in and stilling his movement.

“I want you,” he says roughly, propping himself up on both arms above her. She pulls him down hard to kiss him, biting his lip and wrapping her legs around him.

“Then have me,” she whispers. She can’t keep herself from moaning loudly as he finally pushes into her. He claps a hand over her mouth and leans down.

“This ship isn’t exactly sound proof,” he murmurs, removing his hand momentarily to press his lips to hers. “Think you can be quiet?”

She narrows her eyes and squeezes her muscles around him, smirking as he curses. “I can,” she murmurs, raking her fingernails down his back. “Can you?”

Diavolos shudders slightly. “Oh, I can be quiet all night.”

He pulls out of her suddenly, flipping her over and pulling her hips up into him as he slides into her from behind.

She clamps her teeth down on his pillow, fingers clawing at his sheets as he sets a rapid pace. Diavolos leans forward slightly, one hand sliding between her legs, the other caressing her breast. The barely restrained groans escaping his mouth, his skillful hands manipulating her, his low voice commanding her to come for him, has her coming undone, the pillow muffling her moans.

He pulls out of her suddenly as he comes, muttering curse words under his breath and panting heavily. Kenna feels the edge of the bed dip as he stands, then returns moments later, sliding in beside her and tugging her back against his chest. She shivers slightly as the drying sweat cools her skin, then rolls so she can face him.

She expects him to look smug and triumphant, and there’s a glimmer of it, but he also looks surprisingly affectionate as he kisses her. She smiles, pushing his dark hair off his forehead.

“Think you can sleep now?” he asks.

“I don’t know. You kind of wound me up instead of relaxing me,” she teases.

He grins. “I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry.”

She lets herself curl against his chest for a few minutes before she climbs over him and tugs her negligee and cloak back on. He climbs out of bed, wrapping the sheet around his waist as she heads towards his door.

“Don’t want to stay?” he asks, grinning suggestively.

Kenna smiles. “Yes…but that would really cause a scandal if someone saw me leave your room in the morning. Good night, Diavolos.”

He stops her momentarily, leaning in to kiss her. “Good night, Queen Kenna. Until next time.”

As she sinks into her bed and watches the star filled sky through her window, a slow, sleepy smile crosses her face as Diavolos’ last words echo through her head…“Until next time.”

She never thought she’d say it…but she hopes he’s right.

One thought on “Can’t Stop”

  1. God, I love this fic. And I love these two. I miss them so much. His smugness, their incredible chemistry. Gah.

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