Can’t Stop

Can’t Stop
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- So a few weeks ago, I got a request for Zig “laughing during sex” and I sat on it until the right idea came. Then when I was writing my “A Dangerous Game” NSFW alphabet, I wrote a drabble where Sofia confided in Lilith about falling off the couch during sex and realized I had the perfect idea. This is set in the same universe as “A Dangerous Game”, though you don’t have to read that to read this. It’s also set a year after graduation and Zig and Sofia are living together while he is in grad school and she is working on her writing career.

Pairing- Zig/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Zig and Sofia get caught in the moment, too wrapped in each other to care about anything else.

Words- 855


“Hey babe, how was lunch?” Zig asked as I entered our apartment.

“Incredible,” I told him, setting my bag down and crossing the living room. “Though I had this ‘do I belong here’ feeling the whole time and tried not to wince at the prices.”

“I’m guessing this place isn’t going to be a date night location then?” Zig joked as he pulled me down next to him on the couch.

“Not unless it’s the only meal we want to eat for a few days,” I answered, “but Senator’s wives have different budgets than fledgling authors and grad students.”

Which was why Lilith had insisted that instead of us each picking up our own check for our weekly girl’s lunch, that we take turns picking the restaurant and paying. She was happy with the diners I chose and she treated me to the city’s finest establishments on her turn.

“I got that impression from the wedding,” Zig commented and I laughed remembering the extravaganza that had been my best friend’s wedding, “but location aside, did you have a good time?”

“I did,” I told her, “it’s nice living close to Lilith again. What did you do while I was out?”

“Studied, grabbed a sandwich, and then studied some more,” Zig said, nodding his head towards the textbook on the coffee table.

“Should I leave you to it?” I asked, knowing how busy he was with school and how important his coursework was to him. The decision to go to grad school wasn’t one he’d made lightly.

“No, I’m due for a break,” he said, wrapping his arms around me, “and I know just how I want to spend it.”

“Do you?” I asked teasingly, “and how’s that?”

“Let me show you,” Zig said and then drew me in for a deep kiss.

I sighed and kissed him back hungrily, sliding my arms around his neck as his body pressed mine into the couch. My hands slipped under his t-shirt, caressing the hard muscle, while Zig’s hand crept up under the hem of my dress.

We kissed and caressed, gradually discarding items of clothing and tossing them to the floor.

“We have a bedroom,” I reminded him, as his lips trailed down my neck.

“That requires moving,” he commented, pausing to suck on my collarbone and make me whimper, “and for that, I’d have to stop touching you and I don’t want that.”

Yeah, that actually sounded pretty terrible. “Here is good.” I conceded, my hands moving down to caress him through his underwear. “But these need to come off.”

“That can be arranged,” Zig promised, shifting briefly to quickly kick them off, and then he was kissing me again, but as we shifted slightly something happened and the next thing I knew we were tumbling to the floor.

“Ouch,” I cried as my leg bumped into the coffee table, that was going to leave a bruise.

“Are you ok?” Zig asked, concern shining out of his eyes as he pulled back slightly.

“Yeah,” I told him, “what about you?”

I’d landed on top of him, so he was now on his back on the floor.

“No complaints,” he said, his hands resting on my hips. “Though I think we need to invest in a carpet.”

“Then we’d have rug burns on our asses,” I teased, laughter bubbling out.

Zig joined me, pulling me down to him, the laughter subsiding as his lips found mine and I realized how close our bodies were. “Do you want to move this to the bedroom?”

“No,” I told him, positioning myself over him, “This is fine.” I sank down onto him, watching the way he swallowed hard and the way his eyes filled with desire. He sat up, gripping my hips and holding me in place as we began to move.

“You are so beautiful,” he told me as he thrust up into me, “I love watching you like this.”

His arms fastened tighter and I moaned, throwing my head back as I felt myself getting closer.

“Yes, just like that,” he encouraged and then suddenly he wrapped his arm around me and flipped me onto my back on the floor. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer as he sped up his pace.

“Oh Zig!” I cried out as I felt the orgasm building. “Zig!!!”

I clenched around him, digging my nails into his back as I went over the edge and I could feel him stiffen and then he spilled himself inside of me with a groan. “Sofia!”

He collapsed against me for a moment, both of us spent. As the high wore off, I realized how hard the floor was and I started to laugh again.

“Four years together and we still can’t keep our hands off each other,” I commented as Zig got up and helped me to my feet.

“And hopefully, the same will be true in forty years,” he said tenderly, pulling me against him for a soft kiss.

I smiled into his embrace, like the sound of that, of the lifetime Zig and I had ahead of us.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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