Can’t Wait

Author’s Note:  Pure fluffy Drake goodness here, incorporating an anonymous request for fluff prompt #23 “I guess time flies when you’re with somebody you love.” Such am awesome line, it was hard to decide how to use it … I hope you like it!  Thank you for reading! 😘


Emma struggled to lean forward to pick up the stack of folded onesies on the coffee table, trying to position her large belly between her legs as she shifted on the couch.  Every small motion these days was becoming more and more of a struggle as the baby girl grew inside of her.  Despite the swelling in her calves and feet, the random food cravings and the general all-around feeling of discomfort, she had actually enjoyed the wholepregnancy experience.  But the anticipation of what came next, after the pregnancy, filled her with an excitement greater than she had ever felt before.

Tomorrow would mark the 37 week mark in her pregnancy, meaning that the baby was fully developed and could come at any time.  The past two weeks Emma had gone into full-on mama bird nesting mode, making the last big push to finish the nursery and prepare for the baby’s arrival.  She had just finished folding the last of the newborn baby clothes that their friends had gifted them, making sure that this baby girl would be extremely well-dressed and clean throughout the multiple clothing changes that they were about to endure.  After she added the last of the tiny clothes to the pile in the laundry basket, she fought her way off the deep-set couch and started shuffling towards the nursery with basket in hand.

She turned the corner into the nursery to find Drake sitting on the floor surrounded by tools and an almost-assembled crib, peering at the door and waiting for her with a goofy grin on his face.  Yeah, there was no sneaking up on anyone these days with an extra 30 pounds on her.  He jumped up off the floor and came over to take the basket from her arms, leaning down place a sweet kiss to her lips.  “And how are my two favorite girls doing?” he asked cheerfully as he set the basket down on the dresser.

Emma sighed loudly while rubbing her belly, looking down fondly at the roundness filling out her once-baggy maternity t-shirt.  “Well, this girl” she said, pointing to her chest “feels humongous and tired.  While this girl” she pointed down at her stomach “seems to have more energy than should be allowed and won’t stop kicking me.”  She shook her head in feigned annoyance but couldn’t hide the gleeful twinkle in her eyes.

Drake knelt in front of her and placed a hand on each side of her belly, bringing his mouth closer.  “Now baby girl, you need to give mommy a break before you show up.  She needs her rest now because I doubt you’ll let us get much once you arrive.”  He pressed his lips to Emma’s belly and lingered there for a moment, eyes closed as he savored this moment.  Emma stroked his hair gently, a smile forming on her mouth as she admired her sweet husband talking to their unborn daughter.  He pulled away and looked up to meet her gaze, eyes crinkling at the sides with love and emotion.  “I can hardly believe it’s been nine months already. She’ll be here any day now.”  He looked back to the belly between his hands, smoothing his palms across the right flesh and chuckled when the baby gave a swift kick in response.  “I’m so excited to meet her.”

“And obviously she is excited to meet you, too.  She always gets more active when you talk to her.”  Emma places her hands on top of his as he stands up.  “It’s hard to believe that less than three years ago I was living in New York and had only ever heard of Cordonia.  And look at us now.  I feel like this all happened so fast and one day I’m going to wake up from this dream.”

Drake lifted a hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, staring affectionately into his wife’s eyes.  “I know the feeling, Mrs. Walker.  But its not a dream and I thank the universe every day for this beautiful life we’re making together.”  He strokes his thumb along her cheek as she nuzzled her cheek into his palm.  “It’s been the best, although fastest, three years of my life. I guess time flies when you’re with somebody you love.

Emma tried to fight the happy tears forming in her eyes but lost the uphill battle as streams fell down her cheeks.  These pregnancy hormones were nothing to be messed with, and this past month she had found herself likely to cry at the slightest thing.  It didn’t help that Drake had become an even bigger loving sap as her pregnancy progressed.  She sniffled and wiped her face, trying to gain her composure in order to complete the tasks at hand.  “Ahem .. well we better hurry up and finish this nursery.  I have a feeling things are going to start moving even quicker once she gets here.”  She smiled at her husband playfully.

Drake’s face spread into a wide grin at the thought, his heart filled with love and excitement.  “I can’t wait.”


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