Carried Away

Carried Away
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- So this is short and silly Kenji fluff. The prompt was “one thing they never expected their lover to say” and the first thing that popped into my mind was “Darling, I think you just dented me” and I went from there. Thanks to @kenj for the screenshots for reference and @genne for the request.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Kenji/MC

Summary- Kenji and Sarah get a little carried away and an incident occurs…

Words- 516

“How did this happen?” Dax asked as he concentrated on Talos’ chest. “Were you sparring?”

“Uhhh…” I said, looking away. “Yeah, that’s it.”

I could tell no one believed me, though it could be because despite his injury Kenji was looking very satisfied with himself and I probably looked like I wanted to be anywhere else.

Poppy smirked, “suuurre… We believe you.”

“I want to believe you,” Dax said quickly, but then sighed, “however I probably need to know what really happened.”

I groaned, I’d been afraid of this.

“We were fooling around,” Kenji said, not at all embarrassed, “and we got a little carried away.”

“In Talos form?” Dax asked, pointing to Kenji’s bronze sheen.

Kenji smirked, “why not?”

“This! This is why not!” Dax insisted, glaring at us both. “Because it makes me ask questions I don’t want to know the answer to.” He turned to me, “I expected better of you, Sarah.”

“This is not my fault,” I insisted unable to meet Dax’s disapproving gaze.

Poppy smirked, “sure it’s not.”

“It’s not!” I repeated, glaring at my boyfriend. “It was his idea.”

“Well, ok, I believe that,” Poppy conceded and I could tell she was taking way too much pleasure in the situation.

I sighed, thinking back to an hour earlier and the way I’d gotten into this mess.

“Come on darling,” Kenji urged his hands on my hips. “Aren’t you up for a little role-play?”

“I’m not sure having sex in our superhero forms count as roleplay,” I commented, “since we’re still us.”

“Yeah, but it’s hot.” Kenji, or rather Talos, said as he kissed my neck, his hands cupping my breast through my uniform.

I sighed into his touch. “Only for a little while.” I conceded, running my hands over the shiny metal of his abs.

“Whatever you want, darling,” Kenji told me, kissing me again, “but you know I’m more durable like this.”

I groaned before pulling him towards me and kissing him deeply. Soon we were both getting carried away, hands and mouths everywhere and then suddenly I heard Kenji cry out in a decidedly non-romantic way.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, pulling away and then I immediately saw the problem.

“Darling, I think you just dented me,” he told me, a hint of a smile lurking behind the wince of pain.

And that was how we’d ended up in the Clocktower with Dax patching Kenji up and me feeling like I wanted to sink through the floor. Or maybe return to the portal universe. Yeah, that sounded good right about now. Anywhere that wasn’t here.

“All done,” Dax said after a moment, stepping back, “please be more careful in the future, I beg of you.”

“Don’t worry,” I told him, “there won’t be a repeat.”

Kenji grinned, “Is that a challenge, darling?”

I glared at him as Poppy laughed and Dax looked like he wanted to be anywhere else, but he just continued to smirk at me like he knew that he’d be able to make me forget all about this embarrassing encounter and damn him, he was probably right.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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