Casual Night In

Author’s Note:  Continuation of the (now AU) series of The Real Thing and Truth.  Been pondering this one for a while and wanted to do it justice.  Hopefully I gave this couple the sweet, funny and hot first time of our dreams.  I hope you enjoy and welcome your feedback. 😘


Camille was finishing getting ready when she heard three knocks on her front door signaling his arrival.  Although Damien had been to her apartment about a million times before, she hadn’t been able to fight the butterflies in her stomach that had plagued her all afternoon.  This time was different.  This time things were out in the open after they’d finally confessed their feelings for one another two weeks ago.  While they were still navigating the new terrains of their relationship and had not yet disclosed this development to her cousin and their close friend Nadia, they had enjoyed spending some time together as more than friends.  Of course, adjusting to the different dynamic of their relationship had been slow-going, mostly trying to act normal despite their nerves and stealing the occasional tender kiss if the opportunity presented itself.  But nerves aside, the past two weeks had been positively blissful for both Camille and Damien as they explored this uncharted territory in their relationship.

Camille peered in the mirror, applied a touch more lip gloss and pulled a few tendrils at her temples from the messy bun on top of her head.  She quickly pinched her cheeks and adjusted the baggy long sleeve tunic to hang across her shoulders before giving her appearance a final glance of approval.  She turned from the bathroom and padded barefoot down the hallway towards the front door.

She opened the door to find Damien leaning against her doorframe, his laptop bag slung over one shoulder, wearing a sly smile with a pizza box in one hand and a six-pack of beer in the other.  “I come bearing gifts!”  He said triumphantly with a playful twinkle in his eye.  She fought a chuckle as she shook her head in amusement and opened the door wider for him to enter.  He beamed down at her as he brushed past, pausing in an awkward state of limbo before leaning down to place a chaste kiss on her cheek.  “Hi.” he said shyly.  She beamed up at him as he pulled away before moving inside to place the items on the kitchen table.

She closed the door and followed him inside.  “So, what’d you get me?”  She asked as she started studying the contents of the pizza box.  “Oh, you got pepperoni and pineapple?!?!”

Damien looked proud at his selection, but tried to play it cool.  “After several years I think I know what kind of pizza you like.  And I got you that craft lager that you liked last time.”  He pulled one out of the six-pack and popped the top off before handing it to her.

“Why thank you, sir.”  Camille took the bottle from his hand and took a long swig.  She enjoyed the way he watched her before bringing his own drink to his lips.  She felt his gaze lingering on her while she moved around her kitchenette to dig out two plates and some napkins.  “Here you go.  I’m starving.”

After piling two pieces of pizza on a plate and plopping down on the couch, she flipped on the TV and started searching her DVR as she bit into her food.  “Oh, I haven’t watched last night’s Dancing with the Stars!  Do you mind?”

Damien gave her an annoyed look as he set his plate of pizza down on the coffee table in front of her.  “You’re really going to subject me to that excuse for entertainment, Cami?”  He walked back over to his things on the kitchen table to dig his laptop out of his bag before returning to sit on the floor next to her.  “Good thing for you I have to get some work done, so I won’t argue with your show selection.”  He leaned his back against the couch as he booted up his computer before digging into his own food.

They sat there in comfortable silence for a while as they ate, Camille watching DWTS and Damien making case notes on his laptop.  After finishing her meal Camille nestled into the couch, watching the TV over Damien’s shoulder as he clicked away.  The show went to a commercial break and Camille quickly lost interest in the cheap car insurance advertisement.  She propped herself up and studied Damien, working intently and seemingly unaware of her.  “Soooo … whatcha working on?” She asked in a sing-song voice.

“Hmm?”  Damien didn’t seem to hear her as he continued reviewing his notes and bit into another bite of pizza.

Oh, I’ll get you to pay attention. Camille thought mischeviously.  “I said – “ She leaned her torso over Damien’s shoulder to grab her drink from the coffee table, allowing breast to softly graze his arm.  “Whatcha working on?” Her voice dropped to a sultry whisper as her mouth passed by his ear.  She could visibly see him hold his breath as she brushed past him.

Damien cleared his throat nervously, trying to focus on a coherent response.  ”Ahem … making notes on a new case.  I had to tail this guy all day and need to document each destination and time.”  He looked at his screen in front of him, then back to her.  “Sorry, I guess I’m just used to my routine of making case notes every night after work.  I … I’m not used to being around anyone … like this.” His voice sounded shaky as he said the last two words … like this.  

Camille placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.  “No, I get it.  If you need to work, I understand.  But if I promise to let you have 50/50 say in the show choice, will you come sit with me after?”  She gave him a sweet wishful smile, making it nearly impossible for him to say no.

“Okay, I can do that.  As long as it doesn’t involve dancing or home renovations.”  She rolled her eyes before he turned back to his work.  He stared at his notes and tried to continue, but the appealing thought of sitting close to Cami quickly overruled his desire to keep his routine.  He sighed and closed his laptop.  “I guess that’s enough for tonight.”  He stood up and pointed to the bottle in her hands before moving to put his things away.  “I’m getting another, you want one?”

Camille looked at the 1/3 full bottle and brought it to her lips, downing the remains in one big chug.  “Now I will.”  Damien laughed as he got them too more drinks and came to sit next to her on the couch.  He loved that she was a pizza and beer kind of girl, not pretentious or overtly feminine like too many other women he’d met.  He loved just hanging out with her, watching TV at her place like they always had … but whatever they were doing now was so much better. He nestled in next to her, sitting close to her but allowing a small space between them.  He could smell the aroma of her light floral body lotion mixed with the smell of laundry detergent.  “So, you promised me a good show now.”  Do I put my arm around her?  Was she expecting to cuddle?

Camille settled in beside him, her shoulder leaning against his as she started flipping through the channel guide.  “Oooh, how about Grey’s Anatomy?”

“Nope, vetoed.  I can’t handle that glorified soap opera.”  He scanned the channel guide.  “Seinfeld’s on?”  

“No way!  They all talk too much.”  She continued scrolling.  “What about How I Met Your Mother?”  She glanced sideways to him expectantly.

“Deal.”  He couldn’t resist a grin at her giddy reaction as she flipped to the channel.  

They sat peacefully together, laughing at the comedic dialogues in the show and exchanging occasional jokes of their own.  When the show took a more sentimental turn as Ted and Robin discussed their friendship/romance predicament for the thousandth time, a hush fell upon the couch.  After an awkward moment or two, Camille broke the silence.  “This show always bothered me that Ted and Robin wasted so much time trying to be just friends before they could finally be together.”  She sighed deeply before continuing.  “I mean, I know life never goes as planned and that everything happens for a reason, but … “ she turned to look up at him “sometimes who you were meant to find was standing right next to you the whole time.”

He inhaled sharply, dumbfounded by her insinuation.  “Do you think we wasted too much time being just friends?”

She looked thoughtfully at him, a tiny smile quirking the side of her lips.  “Maybe not at first, when we were just getting to know each other.  But after a while … yes, I do.  Don’t you?”  She cocked her head to the side and bit her lip, waiting in anticipation for his answer.

His eyes dropped to her lips, watching as she tugged at the lower one with her teeth while he processed her statement.  Suddenly his nerves were gone.  He didn’t want to waste any more time playing games with her.  “Hell yes I do.”  He murmured as he leaned in to press his mouths on hers.  

Camille responded immediately to his kiss, emitting a quiet moan as she shifted towards him and moved her hands up to his neck to pull his mouth closer to hers.  The kiss was slow but passionate, a timid dance of lips and tongues testing their boundaries.  Damien pulled away from her mouth, placing gentle nips along her jawline and down her neck causing Camille to squirm against him.  Her hand dropped the his chest, gripping his shirt in her hand before finding her way to his top button to pry it undone.  He leaned back and peered into her eyes as she brought both hands to work on the remaining buttons down his shirt.  His gaze never left hers as she eased it over his shoulders and he shrugged it off to expose his plain white undershirt.  Camille grasped his shirt in her fists and began pulling it upwards as she moved to straddle his lap.  Soon he was bare chested, toned skin glowing in the dim light of the tv as she trailed her fingers delicately down his chest and admired him.  His hands found the hem of her top and went to tug it off but found resistance when it caught on her head as he struggled to free her of her clothing.  By the time they finally maneuvered her out of the garment, Camille was giggling.  Suddenly very aware that she was nearly naked in front of him only resulted in further nervous laughter.

Damien’s lips turned up at the corners as he reached a finger up to brush a piece of hair from her face.  “You know, it’s normally not a good sign to have a girl laugh at you when you start getting undressed.”

Camille looked down, embarrassed as her laughter faded.  “Sorry D, I just . . . I guess I’m just a little nervous.”  She looked back to his eyes, focused on her as she spoke.  “I know we’ve already started this . . . this thing between us.  But what comes next will change everything, you know?”

He looked at her with concern.  “I know, Cami.  And I don’t want to rush anything.  We can wait as long as you want, I’m just happy we’re giving this thing a shot.”

Damien had barely finished his statement before Camille cupped his face and pulled him into a fervent kiss.  “No . . . “ she said breathlessly between kisses.  “No, I don’t want to wait anymore.”  At this he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, pressing his body to hers as she started to grind on his lap.  He felt himself hard already as she moved back and forth against the bulge in his jeans.  His lips dipped to her neck, then her shoulders before his hands found her breasts and freed one of her nipples from her bra for his tongue to lavish.  She threw her head back and ran her fingers through his hair as he lapped against her sensitive skin.  She could feel herself getting wetter as she rubbed her core against him, and based on the subtle thrusts of his hips she knew he was eager for her too.  She tried to focus for a second before letting herself go completely.  “Wait, do you have a condom?”  

Damien pulled his head back, panting as he looked up at her.  “Uh, actually no.”  He admitted with a sheepish look on his face.  “I honestly never dreamed in a millions years that this was a possibility tonight.”

She leaned down to place a gentle kiss to his lips and then stood up.  “Okay, I got it.”  She started walking down the hall towards her bedroom, but paused and peered around the corner at him with a mischevious look on her face.  “But when I get back in here, those pants better be on the floor.”

Damn.  This assertive side of her is so hot.  He watched her saunter away before tugging his jeans off and discarding them next to his other clothing.  He left his boxers on, figuring he shouldn’t look too eager when she returned. I can’t believe this is really going to happen.

Camille returned to the living room, pleased to find that Damien had heeded her instructions.  She tossed him the foil packet as she approached, then reached an arm around her back to unclasp her bra and let it fall to the floor.  She pulled her leggings down over her hips and down her legs, leaving her standing in front of him in only her panties. She held her breath in nervous anticipation as she observed his gaze trailing her body up and down, eyes dialated dark with desire as she took one step closer.  His hands found his way to her thighs, gliding upwards over her hips to the waistband of her panties and pulling them down all the way to her ankles.  He inhaled sharply at the sight of her as she kicked her undergarments to the side and stood bare in front of him.  He placed one hand at her hip pulling her towards him while the other found its way to her center, already so wet for him.  He glided two fingers over her folds and her nub, enjoying the sound of her soft whimpers while he teased her.  He curled one finger inside her, illiciting a hoarse moan as she gripped his shoulders to steady herself.  

After a few moments of delicious torture, Camille looked down to him pleadingly.  “D … “ was all she said, but they both knew what it meant.  He dropped his hands and pulled his boxers off, tossing them to the floor, his hard length springing back up and waiting for her.  She kneeled on the couch, one knee on each side of him, bracing herself with one arm holding the back of the couch while the other found his erection.  Damien’s eyes shut as she stroked him up and down while shifting closer to him.  She reached beside them to unwrap the latex protection from its foil shell and roll it down over his member.  

He wrapped one hand around her neck and pulled her mouth to his.  “Funny.  You don’t seem to be laughing now.”  He smirked against her lips between kisses.

She smiled back, pausing to look into his eyes.  “This time it’s not funny anymore.”  She bent over to kiss him again, using one hand to position him at her entrance.  She slowly eased onto him, wrapping both arms around his neck to hold him close against her.  She began moving on top of him, taking her time as they adjusted to the feel of each other.  His hands found their way to her hips, fingers wrapped around and kneading the top of her ass while they found their rhythm.  

Their gentle smooth movements gradually became more hurried and erratic.  Damien noticed the change in Camille’s breathing and knew she was getting close.  “Look at me Cami.  I want to watch you.”  He watched her face as she rode him, flushed as she pulled him deeper inside of her desperate to have more of him. Seeing her excitement only riled him up more, but he tried to hold on to let her come first.  Their eyes locked as she franticly moved against him and moaned involuntarily.  She felt the flutter of muscles start twitching deep inside her, her orgasm beginning to radiate throughout her body.  As she reached her climax, her eyes rolled back and she screamed his name in ecstasy.  Hearing his name from her lips while feeling her pulsing around him sent Damien over the edge, and a few hard thrusts later he throbbed inside of her as he found his release.

After they separated their joined bodies they collapsed on the couch, Camille resting her head on Damien’s chest as they both steadied their breathing.  They lay there together not speaking, just enjoying the afterglow until Cami started to nod off.  She lifted her head for a big yawn, resulting in a chuckle from her partner beside her.  “Don’t tell me you’re going to fall asleep on me now?”

She perched herself on one elbow and watched him, feeling the tug on her heartstrings as he beamed up at her.  God, this just feels so right.  “Come on D, that was a good workout.  I’m pretty tired now.”  She placed a single kiss to his lips before pulling away and arching an eyebrow at him curiously.  “Why are you asking?”

Damien gave her a devilish smirk before swiftly lifting her and flipping them both over so that he was lying on top of her.  “Well … I was hoping to make up for lost time tonight.“ He whispered as he started peppering kisses down her neck and chest before looking back up at her playfully.  “But don’t worry …”  his mouth starting venturing down her chest and abdomen to a much more desired location “this time you can just lay back while I do the work.”  


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