Chapter 1: The Betrayal

Summary: Liam and Victoria are King and Queen for some months. Liam is the happiest person in the whole life but is Victoria happy too?

“Are you really okay,  Vic?“ Liam asks concerned.

“Liam I am fine, really. Why do you always ask?”

“I ask, because you are acting weird for the past weeks.”

“I am okay.” Victoria kisses him on the cheek and takes her coat. “Ready?“ She smiles at Liam who nods and takes her hand.

Liam and Victoria meet up with Drake, Maxwell and Hana in a little bar to talk about the wedding of Maxwell and Valentina.

“Hey there is our Royal couple!” Maxwell shouts cheerful.

“Well and here is our squishy lover couple.“ Victoria jokes.

“Ha ha. Very funny.” Maxwell laughs, hugs her and kisses her cheek.

Afterwards he hugs Liam. Victoria greets Hana with a hug and then Drake.

“Can we talk?“ Drake whispers in her ear while hugging her.

“Yes, later we can go out.” Victoria looks up into his chestnut eyes, he smiles at her and looks back into her hazel eyes.

“Okay, just give me a sign and we talk.“ Victoria nods and lets him go.

She sits down next to Liam who looks at her. “Are you both okay?”

“Huh? Oh. Yeah we just have to talk about something later.”

Liam nods. “Do it now. We wait here.” Liam suggests. “It would be weird if you don’t put it aside.”

Victoria nods and looks at Drake. “Drake?”

Drake looks up to her and nods, together they stand up and go over to the balcony.

“We have to tell him Drake.” Drake stands beside her and taking her hand, giving it squeeze.

“I know. But I am scared to lose him. He is like a brother for me. He always took care of me after my father died.”

Victoria looks at their intertwined hands. “I know that. And I am scared to lose him too. He is my husband and don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret what we did. But I love Liam and I decided to be with him.”

“I know Vic. And I am not angry about it. I am sad, yes but I know you love him more than you love me.”

two days ago

“Where is Liam right now?“

“He has an appointment in France he comes back the day after tomorrow when we meet Maxwell and Valentina.”

“Is that the reason why you called me over?” Drake jokes.

“Actually yeah. I am bored and I thought we could watch a movie together?“ Victoria smiles.

“Of course!”

Drake and Victoria sits down on the sofa with some whiskey and turn on Netflix.

“Are you happy?” Drake suddenly threw into the room.

“Drake. I love Liam. You know that.“ Drake looks at her, resting his arm on the backrest of the sofa.

“I know that but it wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear.”

“I am happy but I still miss you Drake.” Victoria looks up into his eyes and then down to his lips. “I miss the moments in between. I miss your touches.“

Drake sucks in a breath. “Vicky.” he groans.

“I know I shouldn’t say that, but I need you to know it.“

Drake strokes her cheek and put one streak of hair behind her ear. “Give me one more night, Vicky. One more moment.” He whispers.

Victoria looks at him and breaths heavy. “One more moment, Drake – the last one.“

Drake nods and kisses her carefully. Victoria kisses him back and straddles him. Drake put his hands on her hips holding her close and kisses her. Then he leaves feather light kisses on her neck and collarbone. While Victoria opens his denim shirt and puts of his white shirt.

“Someone is in a hurry.” Drake smirks.

“Shut up Walker, and take me!“

Drake groans. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Drake opens her dress and kisses her. “Stand up!”

Victoria does as he says and stands up to let the dress fall down to the floor. Drake looks at her and biting his lower lips.

“You are so pretty!” Drake murmurs and kisses her again.

“Bed?“ Drake opens her bra and throws it to the dress.

Victoria takes his hand and leads him to her bedroom. She lies down on the bed and looks up at him.

“Strip down.” She smirks.

Drake arches his brow. “Wow. So demanding?”

He opens his belt and put the jeans down along his boxer, standing naked in front of her. She puts off her panties and spread her legs.

“And now come here.” Drake hovers over her and teasing her with the tip of his erection.

“I love you so much Vicky.“ Drake murmurs and kisses her while he enters her slowly.

Victoria moans into his mouth. Drake looks into her eyes and smiles.

“You can move Drake.”

Drake moves in a steady pace in and out of her, making her moan. She put her legs around his torso and put her hands around his neck.

“I love you Drake.”

Drake kisses her and moves deeper inside of her. All you can hear is the movements of the bed caused by their movements and the moaning leaving their mouths.

“Drake I am close!”

Drake kisses her forehead and speeds up. “Come for me.”

Victoria reaches her climax at the same time as Drake does. And as she comes she scratches his back.

Drake lies down next to her and looks at her. Victoria cuddles on him, intertwines her legs with his. Drake kisses her forehead and holds her.

“That was the last time Drake. Now we have to say goodbye.”

“I know.” Drake holds her close. “I will leave tomorrow morning, okay?”

“Okay.” She strokes his cheek.

“Someties I wish I had chosen you.”

Drake shakes his head. “Don’t. You decided right.” Drake strokes her arm.

“If you think so.”

“I do.” He kisses her.

back to now

“How are we supposed to tell him? We can’t walk over and say ‘Hey Liam, Drake and I had sex. But we love you.’ Victoria sighs.

“You both had what?”

Drake and Victoria looks shocked over to the door. “Liam!”

“Is this the reason why you have been weird lately? Because you had sex with my best friend?” Liam gets angry.

“Liam let us explain.”

“What is there to explain? You had sex with him. How often did you have sex? Was he better in bed? Oh wait I really don’t want to know it.” Liam glares at them.

“Liam!“ Victoria walks over to him but he pushes her away so that she tripped over something and falls down to the floor.

Drake looks down to her. “Are you okay?” Drake asks her and she nods as a respond.

“How dare you to touch my wife?” Liam goes over to him and glares at him.

Victoria stands between them and looks up into Liam’s black eyes. “He has nothing to do with it. I wanted it as much as he wanted it. I am sorry Liam. I know I can’t make it right. We didn’t tell you yet because we were scared of this moment. Losing you. I am sorry.”

“Sorry won’t undo it. You cheated on me, with my best friend. Victoria, you are a monster!”

Victoria looks at him. “Indeed. I am. I pack my suitcase now. You don’t have to see me anymore.” Victoria looks down.

“Good. And hurry up. If I come back in two hours I don’t want to see anything from you anymore.” Liam glares at her.

“Of course.“ Victoria goes inside and says goodbye to Hana and Maxwell. “I will explain it to you later. I am sorry.” Victoria told them before she went away.

Liam still looks at Drake. “Mate, she loves you. She told me this was the last time. And we really wanted to tell you. I – ”

“Stop saying sorry. Why Drake? Why couldn’t you just leave her? Push her away?”

“Because I fell in love with her and I pushed her away for so long but something changed and I lost control about my feelings.” Drake looks at his best friend. “I do understand if you want me to leave to.”

“No. You stay here. And you will be reminded for the rest of your life that it is your fault that Cordonia lost its queen and I lost my wife because of you.”

Drake nods and looks down ashamed.

“This punishment should be enough for you.” Liam said and goes back inside and leaves Drake on the balcony.

He messages Victoria one more time:

I am sorry Vicky. This is my fault. I should have stopped you or we should have talked somewhere else. My punishment is to stay here. I really am sorry. I hope you’ll be fine.

Drake xx

He put his phone back after her responds:

It’s not your fault Drake. I shouldn’t have started it in the first place. I am sorry that you lost your best friend. And I am sorry for everything!
Goodbye Drake.

Vicky xx

Drake puts his phone into his jeans pocket and enters the living room where Liam sits with Hana, Maxwell and Valentina to look over some wedding decorations.

“Will Victoria be there on our wedding?“ Valentina ask. “She left out of a hurry and didn’t explain anything.” She adds.

“No, she won’t come.“ Liam answers cold.

Drake sighs. “I go back to my cabin.” Drake leaves.

After one week, the day before the wedding Maxwell archives one message from Victoria:

I can’t come to your wedding Maxwell but I wish you and Valentina all the best. I am not the Queen of Cordonia anymore. Liam and I broke up. I am sorry that it happened before your wedding.

All the best for you both! Goodbye Maxwell. Thank you for everything. And tell Bertand I am thankful for his support too.

Victoria xx

This is the last message from Victoria they ever heard. After this message they tried to reach out to her but she changed her number and it seems like she changed everything else too. The city she lives in, her name and her appearance. No matter how hard they searched for her, they couldn’t find her.

Some months later Drake and Liam talked about what happened and Liam isn’t angry anymore about the fact they said goodbye. Deep down he knew that Victoria felt guilty for the fact she had sex with his best friend, because she really loved Liam. And he is mad at himself for letting her go, for pushing her out of her life. But he stopped looking for her, because it seems like she doesn’t want to be found anymore.

For him this is the end of a Queen in Cordonia, he will rule this country alone. And they will tell the people that Victoria died in a car accident, so no one will know what happened behind those four walls. And maybe one time they ways will cross again. Maybe.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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