Chapter 1: The Loss

Summary: Another attack on King Liam and Queen Victoria of Cordonia seems to change the life of Liam again. What will happen to them? What will happen to Cordonia?

After the attack at the homecoming ball Victoria was afraid to enter the ballroom. She always saw that man pointing the gun at her. But after a while Victoria was able to enter the ballroom with the help of her fiancé Liam. And after the wedding with him she was able to dance in the ballroom. Now she almost forgot about the people threatened her life. She was able to put all the nobles on her side and no one was against that wedding except the people who attacked her.

Two years after the wedding Liam and Victoria enjoy their life together. Victoria is pregnant in the eighth months and both look forward to hold their son in their arms.

“I am so happy Vicky.“

“Me too Liam.”

“I am just so glad we were able to marry and now I will be a father.” He beams at her stroking her stomach.

“You will be an amazing Dad.“

“I hope that.”

“Oh I am sure.” He blushes at her words.

“I don’t want to go to the meeting.“ Liam admits.

“But we have to. It’s important for Cordonia.”

Liam sighs. “I know. Are you ready?”


At the meeting they discussed some issues that have to be solved soon, Liam and Victoria reassured them they will take care of it. Now they are in the ball room and dance.

“I am glad people aren’t afraid at the moment.“

“That’s true. And they seem to accept the monarchy.”

“Except a minority.”

“Yeah but we won’t change their mind I guess.” Victoria nods. “I get something to drink.”

“I can do that for you.” Liam interrupts.

“Thank you Liam. I wait over there.“ Liam nods and leaves to get some water or orange juice for her.

Suddenly the light go off again and he knows what that means. The attack repeats itself.

“Vicky!” He screams but he can’t seem to see her in the darkness.

He tries to turn around and find her blindly. In the darkness he can hear a gunshot and screaming. As the lights go back on, the people run out of ballroom as fast as they can.

Bastien come over to Liam “Your majesty we have to leave.”

“I can’t. Victoria is here somewhere.”

Bastien looks over to the people. Over the intercom he contacts Mara. “Can you see Queen Victoria somewhere?”

Liam listens to the intercom too. “Yes, she lies in my arms, she got shot. I am so sorry. We are at the back door.”

Liam runs over to her and knees beside her. “Vicky.”

Vicky looks weak up to him and smiles as far as she can. “I love you Liam, never forget that.”

“Stop saying goodbye. You are not leaving me.” Victoria takes a deep breath. “My love, please don’t leave me.“ He looks over to her and looks at the wound.

The stomach. My boy.

Liam closes his eyes and kisses her hand. “Don’t leave me, my love.”

“Thank you for giving me this fairytale. If I won’t make it, don’t hesitate to marry again.”

“Don’t say that.” Tears start to fall down his cheeks. “Promise me Liam. Please.”

Liam nods. “I promise.”

Victoria coughs and closes her eyes. The grip on Liam hands loosens. “My love?” He shakes her carefully. “Vicky!“ Liam looks at her for any sign of life.

The paramedics rushes over to them and works on her, trying to get her back to life.

Drake rushes over to Liam. “Don’t look at it now.”

Liam looks at his best friend. “She is my life Drake. How am I supposed rule the kingdom on my own. My child. My wife. I can’t lose them.”

They bring her into the ambulance but a doctor comes over to him. “We have to take her into the hospital, but we don’t know if we can safe her. We do our best.”

Liam nods. Drake takes his arm. “Come we follow the ambulance?” Drake looks over to Bastien who nods at Drake.

“I need bodyguards.“ Liam says unfocused.

“I am your personal bodyguard now.” Liam sits into the backseat of the car and Drake drives behind the ambulance.

At the hospital Victoria gets into the emergency surgery and Drake waits with Liam outside the door.

“Everything was perfect.“ Liam whispers. “Drake if I lose her, I will make those people regret ever laying a hand on her.” Liam looks angry to Drake.

Drake lays one hand on Liams shoulder. “I know. I know. And I will do that do.”

After nine hours surgery the doctor comes out. Drake and Liam stand up in sync. “The good news are we were able to safe your son, you can see him on the baby station. He is still very weak because he is four weeks too early but he is healthy.“

“And my wife?” Liam looks at the doctor who shakes his head.

“We weren’t able to stop the bleeding. I am sorry.“

Liam sits back down and buries his face in his hands and cries.

“Thank you doc. Is he able to see her too? One last time?” Drake asks for Liam.

“Yes, we prepare her for that. I pick you up at the baby station. His son is waiting.“ Drake nods and sits down next to Liam.

“Shall we go to your son?” Liam nods.

Together they go over to the baby station to Liam and Victoria son. He sits down next to the baby boy and looks at him.

“He looks like her.” Liam whispers and Drake encourages him by laying his hands on each of his shoulder.

“He is really cute. How will you call him?”

“Alexander Anthony.”

“A reason for that name?”

Liam nods. “She always wanted to call her son Anthony, and I wanted to call him Alexander. We never could decide what name we take. So I give him both names.”

“Good reason. She would have loved it.”

“Drake? Will you come with me to her?”

“Of course. I am not going to leave your side.”

A nurse comes over and smiles. “You can put your hand inside and hold his tiny hands.”

Liam carefully puts his hand in the box and takes the tiny hand of Alexander. “He is so small.”

Liam starts to cry again and the nurse looks bewildered between the two men. Drake shakes his head and points with his head towards the door. The nurse understands and leaves them.

“She will never see him grow up Drake.”

Drake sits next to him on a chair. “She will look over you both Liam. She will always be by your side. Always.” Liam strokes the cheek of Alexander who starts to smile.

“He already loves you.“ Drake explains.

Liam smiles lightly. “I will protect him with my life.”

“Oh please no, let me do that. Alex needs his father.” Liam chuckles lightly and Drake does too.

The doctor comes in “Your majesty, you can see your wife now.”

Liam takes a deep breath and follows the doctor into a room where Victoria lays. Liam puts his hand on his mouth and sobs. The doctor nods to Drake and leaves the room. Drake stands at the door leaving a little distance between Liam and him. He gives Liam time to say goodbye to his beloved wife, but he still be there to catch Liam whenever he need it.

“My love.“ He strokes the hair of Victoria looking down at her. “We have a wonderful son, he is looking like you.” Liam tells her. “I called him Alexander Anthony.” Liam closes his eyes and kisses her forehead. “Why did you leave me? How am I supposed to live without you?“ Liam sits down on a nearby chair and lays his head on her bed and cries.

Drake heart breaks at the sight of his best friend, losing the love of his life.

“I will always love you, my love. And I will always protect our son. Believe me I will make them pay for this.” Liam looks up to her one more time. “And even though I promised you to marry someone new. I won’t be able to do that.” He kisses her lips one more time and goes over to Drake who opens the door for him.

As he steps outside the corridor a voice he knows echoes in his ears.

“Liam?” Liam turns around and sees his elder brother.

“Leo..” Liam starts to cry again and Leo runs over to his brother and hugs him tight.

Liam cuddles on him. “She is gone.”

Leo holds Liam close. “She will always be here with you Liam. She never dies because she lives in your heart and in the heart of your beloved son.” Leo whispers in his ear.

“I don’t know how to rule without her.” Leo releases him and looks at him.

“I will help you. I come back to Cordonia, not as a Prince or a King, but as a brother and friend.”

“Thank you Leo.”

“You are my brother Liam, I am here for you.”

Liam nods. “I want to go home.”

Leo and Drake takes Liam who buries himself inside his and Victoria’s suite. He looks over the pictures they made together: New York where everything started, hidden moments during the engagement tour, and the wedding pictures with the ultrasound photos of his son.

For weeks Liam never left his suite, Leo tries to do the job of him as best as he can, even his parents help him with his duties. They think it’s better for him to feel the grief and come back as a stronger king.

Drake knocks at the door of Liam. “Liam?”

“Come in Drake.”

As Drake enters the room, Liam lays on the bed holding the pillow of Victoria close to his chest. Next to him lays the pictures of them together.

“I brought you someone home.” Drake holds Alexander on his arm.

Liam sits up and goes over to him. Carefully he takes his son in his arms and holds him close. He sits back down on the bed holding his son, looking at him.

“He has your eyes Liam.“ Drake says.

Liam smiles at Alexander. “Welcome home, my boy.” Liam kisses the head of him and Alexander giggles. “I am not sure I will be a good father.“

“Oh you will Liam. You will give Alex everything he needs. And always remember. You are not alone.” Drake responds.

“Did he already got his bottle?”

Drake holds the bottle towards Liam. “I thought it’s better if you do it.”

Liam takes the bottle and looks if it’s too hot for him. After he checked it he feeds Alex.

“I said, you will be a great father.” Drake affirms.

With the help of Drake, Hana, Maxwell, his brother Leo and his parents he can raise Alexander Anthony to a great person. He can survive the sorrow he feels in his heart losing his beloved wife. And his parents reassured him to never marry someone new if he doesn’t want it. Together they look for the people who did that to Victoria. And as long as they’re not finding them, no parties will be held. The only occasions that will be held is firstly the funeral of Queen Victoria in the private cemetery of the Palace and the birthdays of Prince Alexander Anthony. But only the Beaumont brothers, the Walkers, Hana are allowed to be there. Liam never opens the door to a palace as long as the people who took the most important of his life are out there, they stayed close for Cordonia. And maybe one day Cordonia will find its glory back, but for now, Cordonia fell into sorrow of their beloved Queen, wife, mother and daughter.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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