Chapter 1: The Mess

Summary: The drama between Liam and Victoria keeps going on. It seems like someone doesn’t want them to be together. Will Liam find his luck? And will Victoria find hers?

Late at Night Victoria is sitting in her room of the Beaumont house and thinking back to all the things that have happened. About the moment Tariq came in her room and Drake was there to help her. She felt so bad for him to get hurt. She cares for him a lot, but she cares for Liam too.

“I’m so confused!” she muttered to herself.

She sits up and went on the balcony to get some fresh air. Soon Liam will decide who he is going to chose. What will happen to Drake? It will break his heart, maybe he won’t be around Liam a lot, but that would break Liam’s heart. When she first came here to Cordonia she didn’t think that it will turn out like this – complicated and heartbroken. And it’s all her fault. She stands between two best friends who have fallen for her. And Victoria? She fell for Liam – head over heels. But she makes a decision.

“I’m leaving.“ she whispered.

She walked back to her bed and took her suitcase and packed all her things. Suddenly someone is knocking on her door. First she doesn’t respond because is scared Liam or Drake could see her.

“Little blossom, open the door.” Maxwell says happy.

A feeling of relief came over her. She went to the door and opens it and let Maxwell in. As he stepped in he saw the suitcase on her bed and turned back to her, completely shocked.

“What is that?“ Maxwell’s happy voice disappeared.

She couldn’t look at him. “I know I ruin everything but I can’t stay here. Bertrand will find a way to get you back to a financial stability. I’m sorry Maxwell.” She sat down on her bed and looked at her own hands.

“What happened? The way you look at Liam, you fell in love with him.”

Of course I do.

“Yes, but sometimes love is not enough. But.. that’s not the reason you came here right?” Trying to change the subject, she looked up at him for the first time.

“No it’s not. I wanted to bring you to Liam. Some alone time, but now when I see you here, I don’t think you want to have those time.” She felt tears filling up her eyes. Her heart is breaking but she can’t think of another way.

“You can do me a favour Maxwell.“

He looked at her, confused and still a bit shocked. “What is it?” He sat next to her and took her hand.

“I will write two letters. Can you give one to Drake and one to Liam? 1 hour after I left, please?”

Maxwell didn’t want her to leave. In her he found someone he can open up to, tell the truth. And now everything is over? But the way she looked like right now, he could tell it isn’t easy for her. “Of course.”

She nods and stands up. “Pick them up in 20 minutes. And don’t tell anyone what I’m planning.”

20 minutes later

Maxwell knocked at the door again but this time no one opened the door. He noticed that the door is not locked so he went in. “Hey little blossom, I –” The room is empty, just the two letters for Drake in Liam are lying on the desk and a little note.

Thank you Maxwell, and I’m sorry.

After one hour Maxwell went straight to Liam’s room. At first he wanted to knock at the door to give him the letter personally, but he decided to push the letter under the door and knock then. And before Liam could see him he ran down the corridor. The same thing he did with Drake. After he delivered the letters he went back to his room to prepare himself for the talk with Bertrand.

Liam was wandering who put the letter under the door but when he saw the handwriting he knew it was from Victoria. He started to smile immediately. He loves her so much and can’t wait to propose to her soon. Since the day in New York, when she took him on that cliff, he was fascinated by her smile, the way she is talking. Just everything.

Dear Liam,
you are probably smiling now – the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. And… I’m going to miss that.

His smile is fading away and is now replaced with a confused look.

When you received that letter I’m not in Cordonia anymore. It’s not because I don’t love you. I do that’s why I write this letter, because if I talk to you in person, I would not have the courage to leave you. Liam, you are such an amazing man, I always dreamed to have someone like you in my life and I don’t regret anything. I will always remember those moments we had together, I will always remember your lips on mine, the way you look at me. I won’t forget you or anything that was between us. I will always love you. And I will miss you every day. But I can’t stand between two people who know each other so long. Good bye Liam.

PS: Choose at least Hana – she won’t care if you can’t give her the things a king should give her queen. She will understand.

Your Victoria

Liam started to cry after the first words. He couldn’t hold it back, his life is crashing down. It is like someone took something from him. But he can tell that she was crying to while she wrote that letter. Some of the letters are fading like water, or tears – her tears fell down on the paper. He stood up and walked over to Drake. He could tell him what the last sentence mean.

Before Drake could read the letter Liam came in and stared at him and his letter. “Liam? What are you doing at this time here?“ Drake tried to put the letter away but Liam saw it.

“Read the letter out loud.” Drake was shocked? Why does Liam want that?

“Why?“ Drake swallowed hard.

Liam came over to him and stand in front of him. “The letter is from Victoria. She left and I want to know why. What did you tell her Drake?” Liam got angry. It has to do something with Drake.

“Liam… I…”

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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