Chapter 2: Capture

Summary: One year after the attack in the palace where Queen Victoria dies Liam has another moment he has to fight. What happens and will everyone survive?

It’s been one year since the assassins killed Queen Victoria and left King Liam and Prince Alex behind. The loss of Victoria was the hardest moment in the life of Liam. Without the help of Hana, Maxwell, Bertand and especially Drake, he wouldn’t be a great King or father. He would have given up everything. Drake moved to him into the suite so he can be there to help him with Alex. Drake never knew he would be a great help with children but since Savannah has come back into his life with Bartie he knows what to do – he is still no professional in that topic but he knows more things than Liam does. And beside that Liam is still a King and has more duties than childcare, so Drake is also a huge help.

Today is a day where Liam wishes Victoria would be around. Drake has to leave for his guarding job, Hana is with his father in Shanghai and Bertand and Maxwell have to take care about the Beaumont Estate. So Liam is alone with Prince Alexander. Alex is ill for the first time beside having colics in the first months of his life. But today he has fever and his nose is running all the time. Prince Alex is crying a lot but Liam doesn’t know what to do beside putting a cold flannel on his head. He remembers Victoria once said she doesn’t want to give her children leg compresses. Liam paces with Alex through the suite trying to calm him down. It’s 1AM and Alex cries for half an hour now. Liam sings soft songs and kisses his head. He lies Alex back into the bed next to Liam’s bed and strokes his head before putting the flannel carefully on his head again. After a short while Alex falls asleep again, while Liam is wide awake now. He walks over to the balcony and looks up into the night sky.

“Vicky I wish you would be here. I bet you would know exactly what to do. Am I a bad father for not knowing what to do?” Liam sighs and leans against the balcony railings.

“I still miss you so much.” Liam closes his eyes letting the tears fall down his cheek.

“Every morning I wake up in an empty bed and get reminded that it wasn’t just a nightmare, it was the truth.” Liam whispers into the night sky, looking at his wedding ring.

“And even after one year I can’t take of our ring. It’s like if I do that, I make it official. I still think it is all a mistake and one time you come back through that door. Stupid isn’t it?” Liam laughs in between is sobs.

“It isn’t stupid.“ Drake stands in the door frame and walking over to him. “To be honest, sometimes I hope that she comes through the door and shakes his head and screams at me for drinking whiskey again.”

Liam chuckles. “I can do that.”

Drake looks over to his best friend and smiles. “How is Alex?”

“Well still fever but at least he sleeps now.”

“Savannah is here, she can help you with him now.”

“And Bartie?” Liam narrows his eyes.

“Bartie is with Bertrand, some Dad quality time.“ Drake chuckles and Liam joins.

“Thank you.”

Drake nods, before entering the suite again.

“Thank you Savannah for helping me. You woman seems to know what to do.”

“We don’t know what to do, we as clueless as you dads are.“ Savannah smiles. “But I know what to do, I mean Bartie went through this time too.”

Liam nods and looks over to Alex and strokes his cheek very carefully. “He looks like her, don’t you think?” Liam whispers.

“Yes, he does.“ Savannah responds quietly.

“Let’s get some sleep before he wakes up again?”

Drake suggest whispering. Savannah and Liam nods.

“I am on the sofa if Alex wakes up again.” Savannah explains and leaves the room.

Liam lies down into the bed and looks over to the empty space next to him. He sighs and closes his eyes. “I miss you.” Liam whispers before falling in an uneasy sleep.

At 8AM Alex wakes up again crying. Liam wakes up too and gets him out of the bed.

“How is my baby today?“ Alex stops crying and looks at Liam.

Liam strokes away his tears. “Oh temperature is down, that means my Prince needs some food huh?”

Liam comes out of the bedroom where Savannah just wanted to walk over. “He seems better?”

“Yes, fever is down and now my little boy is hungry.” Liam smiles.

“Wait I prepare the bottle.“ Savannah suggests and smiles.

She walks over to the small kitchen prepares the bottle. After a while she comes back and hands it over to Liam. Liam takes it and checks the temperature before giving the bottle to Alex. He can hold the bottle almost alone but Liam still has to hold it as a support. Liam strokes his hear and smiles at him.

“You are a wonderful father Liam. You are doing so great.” Savannah smiles.

Liam looks up to her. “Thank you, I try to be a great father even with all the weight I have on my shoulder.”

“And you do a wonderful job, Victoria would be proud of you.”

“I hope.” Liam has a bittersweet smile on his face. “What do I have today? Any meetings?“

“Yes with Lucretia Nevrakis.” Liam narrows his eyes. “Why again?”

“Because we think she is the one behind all this.”

“Oh yeah I remember. Well Savannah?”

“I take Alex out to the park and spend some time with him as long as you are gone.”

“Thank you so much!”

Liam goes together with Drake to the meeting with Lucretia while Savannah leaves with Alex into the park of the palace.

“Lucretia Nevrakis, you wonder why you here right?”

“Do you finally came to your senses and wants to marry my niece?”

“NO!” Liam clears his throat. “You are here because you under suspicion to be behind all the attacks.”

“What? Liam, I -”

“It’s Your Majesty for you. Back to the business, your sister and brother-in-law already betrayed the Royal Family. You were close to them so everything points at you.”

“Your Majesty.” She says with an angry undertone. “I have nothing to do with that. I am not a killer.”

“That’s what your sister said to before killing my mother.” Liam narrows his eyes at her.

But before he could say something more Savannah runs into the room, Drake looks up at the same time as Liam.

Savannah has bruises in her face. “I am so sorry Liam!” Drake walks over to Savannah.

“What happened?” Liam nods to Bastien who takes Lucretia into another room.

Liam walks over to Savannah and looks at her. “What. Happened? Where. Is. My.Son?” Liam looks at her, heart beating faster.

“They took him.” Liam grits his teeth and turns around. “This means war! MARA!”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Get the whole security together and find my son!”

“Yes, shall we use the GPS?”

“Yes, you know the number?”

“Yes, Sir.” She bows and leaves the room.

“GPS??“ Drake looks confused.

“The bracelet Alex has, there is a GPS inside that shows me where he is. I gave it to him in case this would happen.” Liam turns around to Drake.

“If anything will happen to my son I will kill those people!”

Drake walks over to him. “Don’t you think jail and bad treatment is more of a punishment for them?” Liam nods to that before leaving the room.

Drake tells Savannah to see a doctor before running after Liam. As Liam enters the room Liam puts on old clothes he used to wear when they go to a hunt.

“Liam?” Drake walks over to him.

“Don’t hold me back! I will get my son back! This is personal now! No one touches my son! He is only one year old he shouldn’t experience any of that!“Liam takes a gun and a sword.

“Wait! I come with you!” Drake says before changing clothes too and takes a gun and sword.

“Let’s get our Prince back.” Liam and Drake walk out together.

As they leave the palace Regina stands there. “Oh Regina, good that you are here, you have to take care of my appointments for today. They have Alex.”

Regina eyes widen. “Get him back, I take care of it.”

“Oh and can you look after Savannah if she really sees a doctor. And tell her I am not angry.” Regina nods and looks after the two men.

After a short drive, Liam and Drake arrive at place where Mara and the security already made up a plan. She turns around to the car of Liam and Drake.

Her eyes widen. “Your Majesty?“

“Drake and I go in. You stay close to us. If you hear a shot come in!”

Mara nods. “Yes, Sir.”

Liam and Drake walk over to the house which is out of side of the security and knock at the door. “I already said we won’t open the door!”

“Why? I mean now you have to find the man you hate the most. And maybe kill him once and for all. And then you can try to change the politic of Cordonia.”

The man opens the door and smirks at Liam. “King Liam, come in.”

Liam enters the room together with Drake. Drake looks around but can’t find Alex.

“Where is my son.”

The man stands in front of him, staring at Liam with his icy blue eyes. “Not here.”

“Oh and the crying is just the television?”

“Yes, my brothers love to watch reality TV with children.”

“You know you are talking to the King of Cordonia who knows his country better than anyone, right?”

“And?” Liam walks over to the man and stares angrily into his eyes.

“Here is no internet connection or any connection for televisions. So I ask you a last time! Where is my son!“

“What will you two do? Kill me and my brothers?”

“Don’t think the King can’t fight.”

The other man laughs. “That would be two against four.”

“We don’t care.” Liam stand ice there.

“Give my son back, immediately!“

The man smirks. “Hey, bring him in!”

Three men come out of another room and holds Alex who cries. Liam looks at Alex. “Hand him over.”

The man shakes his head. “You can’t do anything.”

Liam takes his gun but the four men take a gun too. Liam just smirks and shots on the floor. After a short time the whole security comes in and gets the man. Liam rushes over to Alex and takes him into his arm. Drake and Liam go out of the house and stand on the side.

“Never underestimate the Royal Family. We aren’t monarchy for so many years because of nothing.” Liam says as the assassins are walked out by security.

“Your Majesty? Where shall we bring them?”

“High Security dungeon in the palace and afterwards check if they are alone behind of it or if it more.” Mara nods and leaves with the assassins.

“It’s okay baby, Dada is here now and nothing happens to you.“ He kisses his head and Alex stops crying slowly and falls asleep on Liam’s arm.

“He fell asleep.” Drake whispers.

Liam nods and drives back with Drake to the palace. “Can you take care for a second? I ask those man who is there boss.“ Drake nods and carefully takes Prince Alex back to Liam’s suite.

Liam walks down to the dungeon where the four men are in single cells. “Do you want to tell me who is your boss or should I use some special treatments?” Liam paces in front of the cells.

“Whoever speaks first gets out with money to leave Cordonia.“ Liam still paces in front of the cells before one of the men says something.

Liam walks over to cell and looks into it. “What was that?”

“Lucretia Nevrakis wants the Royal Family to die so she can take over Cordonia.” Liam smiles.

“Thank you, but I have to say, she should have used some more intelligent people.“

He smirks. “You really thought I let you out and give you money to leave Cordonia?”

Liam laughs and then stares angry at him. “You will rot in this dungeon for killing my wife and for kidnapping my son.”

Liam leaves the dungeon and walks up to the room where Bastien waits with Lucretia. “Ah your Majesty, can I leave now?“

“Yes, but you will follow me to the dungeon!” Bastien immediately take Lucretia and holds her.

“You can’t do that.“ Lucretia screamed.

“I can. One of your man told me that you are the one behind this all. And you will get into the same trial than those men downstairs.”

Liam looks at her. “Shame to you Lucretia. How can someone be so cruel and kill a young woman because she isn’t noble. How can someone be so cruel and kidnap a one year old boy.”

Before she can speak up he raises his hand. “I don’t want an answer this was rhetorical.”

He nods to Bastien who walks her out. Liam sighs and walks upstairs to his suite where Savannah and Drake lay on the floor with Alex in the middle playing with building bricks.

Alex looks up the moment the door opens.


Liam eyes widen and he walks over to his son, kneeing down, smiling. “What did you say?”

“Dada!” He points at Liam.

Liam smiles and picks him up and hugs him. “Yes I am your Dada!” He looks at Alex and kisses him.

“He said Dada.“ Liam chuckles.

Drake and Savannah gets up too. “The Prince grows up.” Drake smiles.

“Way too fast!” Liam chuckles.

“Dada!” He holds a building brick.

“Yes, let’s build a tower.“ He sits Alex down and Liam lies down next to him and building a tower.

Savannah and Drake smiles to each other before leaving Liam alone with Alex. Even though Liam will always be a King and has a lot to do, he will always put Alex first and no matter what he will protect him with his own life. And he is sure that even though Victoria is dead, Alex will grow to a wonderful man.


Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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