Chapter 2: Separation

Summary: The drama between Liam and Victoria keeps going on. It seems like someone doesn’t want them to be together. Will Liam find his luck? And will Victoria find hers?

“Liam…. I…, I told her how I feel.” Drake couldn’t look in the eyes of his best friend standing in front of him with his red eyes. He knows that Liam must have cried. He feels like betraying him.

“And what do you feel?” Liam sat on his bed and looked at his best friend.

“I.. can’t tell you.“ For the first time he looked at Liam.

“Either you are telling me what you’re feeling or you read out loud the letter. Your choice.” The choice isn’t an easy choice, because he doesn’t even know what stands in the letter, but he decided that this would be easier. With a weak voice he started to read the letter.

Hi Drake,
you wondering now why you got a letter? Maybe you’re wondering from who? It’s me Vicky. And when you read this letter, I’m gone. It’s not because of your feelings trust me; it is because Liam loves me too. 

He can feel Liam gaze on him. He can’t look at him. Now Liam knows what’s going on. It can’t get worse, right?

And I told you that night that I love him but I care for you too. I can’t stay between you two. Please take care for Liam and help him to choose the right person. I don’t think I am the right person, because a queen should never kiss the best friend of the king.

Oh shit. “You.. WHAT?” Liam stands up and pushed against Drakes chest. “WHY DRAKE? WHY?” he shouted at him. He felt so betrayed.

“It didn’t mean anything to her. Liam she loves you! And I tried to stay away from her but I don’t know when it happened. But I promise you I bring her back!” Drake looked at his best friend. “And then I’m leaving you too, alone. If that’s what you want.“ Liam looked up at him and remembered all the things they went through together. The time they were sailing and he almost died, but Drake saved him. He always does. How can he live without his best friend?

“No.. I mean.. I’m angry… but don’t leave. Please..” The only thing Drake could do was nod. “But you won’t fly after her.. I will.”

Drake looked surprised at his best friend. “How? I mean you have duties.”

“I will tell them I have to meet someone to make an alliance. But I won’t let her go away Drake. I love her.” Liam looked down at his letter, he is still holding in his hands.

“I know, and I accept that. It will hurt to see you both together at first but soon I will get over it. I mean there is nothing better to see the two most important people be happy right?“ Somehow Drake was surprised about his own words. But it’s true, the only thing he wants is to see Liam happy and now Victoria too.

In New York at the same time.
Victoria arrived in New York at the airport and realised for the first time, that she has no clue where she could stay. Before she flew to Cordonia she gave up her old life. There are no parents she could go to, they passed away when she was younger and she was an only child. So where should she stay? Suddenly an idea came in her mind. Daniel. Dialling his number she waited for him to pick up the phone.

“Hello?” Daniel responded on the other line.

“Hey it’s me Victoria” Somehow she was nervous. I mean she just left after the bachelor party without a word.

“Victoria! It’s so good to finally hear something from you. You quit the job so abrupt. I didn’t hear anything from you. Where were you?”

She couldn’t tell him what she was doing. She had to lie. “I was just taking a break. But now I’m back in New York at the airport and have a problem.”

“If you just left so abrupt, that means you quit everything?”

“Yeah, I’m homeless.” That’s the first time Riley said these words. And it scares her. I mean how could she start again a life in New York. A life without Liam. Her mind is going back to him all the time. Her heart is aching everytime she thinks about him. She will never be able to love again. Not like she loves him.

“You can sleep in my quest room until you find a way to live in New York on your own.“

“Thank you, Daniel. That means a lot especially I just left without a word.” Just like she left Liam. She hates herself for that but how could she destroy a friendship like this? How could she look in Liam’s eyes when she kissed his best friend.

A while later both arrived at his apartment. “I have to go to work now, I mean you can remember how our – I mean my boss is.“

Victoria smiled lightly at him. “Yes, just go, I will make myself comfortable and look for jobs.” Daniel nod and leaves the room. How stupid was she to think coming back to New York would be easy.

“Maybe I should try it in another city? Without the memories with him.”

Back In Cordonia
Liam didn’t think he could convince his father to let him leave the social season for a few days. He was asking him a lot of questions but at the end he allowed him to go but only for three days.  But how could he find her in New York – in only three days – in the city that never sleeps?

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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