Chapter 3: Enrolment

Summary: The first day of School arrived. Liam and Alex prepare for the first day of school, and Alex seems to look forward but at the end of the school that changed. Why? And who is behind this all?

The time flew past Liam very fast. It feels like Alex was just born yesterday, but right now Liam prepares Alex for his first day of school. Normally, he should have went to school last year, but Liam decided to let him stay at home one more year so that he can go to school together with his best friend Chris Beaumont.

The moment Liam found out Valentina is pregnant he was surprised and sad, not because they have a family. No, sad because Valentina and Maxwell didn’t tell him anything, which led to the surprised feeling. Liam wondered why he didn’t see the pregnancy on Valentine at first, but he came to the conclusion it might be because he was always so focused on Alex, and he still is. But he still thinks Valentina should have told him, because Liam is very happy for Alex to have a friend. And next year his other best friend comes to school to, Sophia Walker. Drake and Catherine got a baby one year after Maxwell and Valentina. They waited for it, because they didn’t want to hurt Liam, but when they saw him being happy for Maxwell and Valentina, they changed their opinion and decided to get a child too. The three children are inseparable. Even though they have different ages, they come along very good.

“Dad! This doesn’t fit!” Alex shouts from his room.

Liam comes running in. “What doesn’t fit?”

His son stands in front of the mirror trying to put on a pullover. “Well it really seems like it is too small now.” He laughs.

“DAD! It’s not funny!” Alex whines.

Liam clears his throat to stop laughing, but he still grins. “Then I guess you have to put on new clothes huh?”

He holds up a black jeans, with a blue t-shirt and a black bomber jacket.

“Dad! This is amazing!” Alex jumps up and hugs him.

“Uff!“ Liam hugs him back. “Now try it on.” Liam smiles at him and watches his son putting on the new clothes.

“So cool!“ Alex beams.

“Well you will be way cooler with the school cone I bought for you.” Drake comes in and smiles, holding a dinosaur school cone and at the top there is a lion.

“Ooohh Mommy’s favourite animal!!” He runs over and takes the school cone and looks at the lion.

“Thank you, Uncle Drake.“ Alex smiles and walks over to Liam.

“Mommy would be so happy to see you now.” Liam explains.

“But Dad, she does! She watches over us!” Alex smiles at his father and hugs him.

A couple of months ago, Alex started to ask questions about Victoria. He wondered why do Chris and Sophia have a mother but he doesn’t have one. Liam was scared to have this talk, but Alex took it better than he expected.

A couple months ago
Liam sits at his desk, preparing a new edict for the kingdom. After finding out that Lucretia Nevrakis had also help from Justin, the closest person to Victoria, he changes some agreements with Lythikos, who is ruled by Olivia Nevrakis now.

Suddenly Alex stands in the doorway, fumbling with his hands. “Dad? Can I disturb?“

Liam looks up and smiles, putting the glasses down. “You never disturb, what is wrong?”

He stands up and walks over to him, kneeing down in front of him, holding him by his waist.

“Um.. why don’t I have a mommy? But Chris and Sophia do?” Alex looks sad down at his father who stops smiling.

“Come let’s sit down and I tell you.” Liam sits down on the sofa in the study, and picks Alex up to let him sit on his lap.

Alex cuddles on his chest and listens and Liam lays his head on Alex’ head. “You know I am a King and you the Crown Prince right?”


“Well and before you were born Cordonia had a rough time.. there were people who threatened us – Mommy and me.”

Alex looks up. “Bad people?”

“Very bad people.” Alex nods and cuddles back on his father. “And one time there was a second attack, I spare you the details. But Mommy were pregnant with you, we were looking forward to you.”

“Mommy too?”

“Oh yes!” Liam smiles.

“She brought so many clothes for you, she gave you the name Anthony, she brought toys and stuffed animals for you. She loved you with all of her heart.”

“And why isn’t mommy here anymore.” Alex looks up at his father.

“The bad people succeeded. They took Mommy from us. At the hospital the doctor where able to save you, but Mommy went to heaven.”

“Am I bad when I don’t have a mother?”

“Oh baby, no!” Liam looks down at him. “You have a Mommy, she is just not with you. But Mommy will always watch over us. And believe me, she loves you!” He kisses his sons forehead.

“Do you hate me?“ Liam looks bewildered and shocked at his son.

“No! Why should I?”

“Well I survived but Mommy didn’t.”

Liam looks in his eyes. “Alex, you are my baby boy, I love you more than anything. You are the most important part in my life. And that Mommy isn’t with us anymore, has nothing to do with your birth, okay? And I don’t hate you, I never would.”

Alex nods and hugs his father. Liam holds him close and kisses his cheek. “I love you Dad.”Alex smiles at him. “Can you tell me how Mommy was? How did she look like?”

Liam smiles. “Let’s go to my bed room and I show you photos and tell you some things about your mother?”

Alex beams and runs to Liam’s bedroom. Liam put the papers from his desk in the drawer and locks it. Then he follows his son into his bedroom to show him the photo album of Liam and Victoria.

Back To Now
“Uncle Maxwell!!” Alex runs over to Maxwell who catches him easily.

“How is the school boy?“ Maxwell sat him down again.

“Good, where is Chris?” Alex looks up to his Uncle.

“Here!” Chris beams entering the palace.

Alex looks behind Maxwell and walks over to him. “Do you also have a cool school cone?” Alex asks.

“Yes, my Dad bought me one with sea animals” Chris and Alex run out to show him the school cone.

Maxwell walks over to Liam and looks after the boys. “How time flies right?” Maxwell admits.

“Yes it feels like just yesterday I had to change the diaper”

Maxwell chuckles. “I know exactly what you mean. Are you ready to drive to school?”

“Yes, I am.” Liam takes his car key, the school cone of his son, and his school bag and walks outside to the car.

“Alex it’s time. You both see each other at school!” Liam smiles.

Alex walks over to Liam who holds open the door for him. “I’m ready!” Alex beams at his father who can’t help it and grins back. Liam sits into the car and follows Maxwell’s car to the school.

One year ago, when Liam started to look for schools he had never thought he would find a school for Alex. The Cordonian citizen know about the Crown Prince and how he looks like, the same for the King. But a just a short time before school started he found that private school for nobles and royals. Liam knows that Alex will be in good hands in that school. That private school has every school on one campus which makes it easier for Alex to change the school because it is sure that Chris will be change to the same school.

Liam parks the car next to Maxwell and goes out of the car and opens Alex door.

“Thank you Dad.« Alex walks out to the back of the car and takes his school bag and school cone.

He faces his father who holds a hand to him. Alex takes it and walks together with his father, Uncle Maxwell, Aunt Valentina and his best friend Chris to the other kids at school.

“Hello you two must be Alex Rhys and Chris Beaumont? I am your principal Mrs. Labenski.“

Alex takes her hand first. “I am Alex Rhys.”

“Hello Alex, nice to meet you and welcome to school! Then your friend over here is Chris Beaumont?” Chris nods and takes her hand to shake it. “Nice to meet you Chris!“ Chris nods and the teacher smiles but addresses the father and one mother.

She looks at Liam first. “Hello Mr. Rhys, nice to meet you.” Liam nods and shakes her hand.

“The pleasure is all mine.“ Liam loses the hand grip and walks over to his son and knees down to him. “Nervous?”

Alex nods. “A bit, what if they don’t like me? Or just like me because they know I am royal?”

Liam strokes the cheek of his son. “You have Chris now, Sophia next year and one more thing.”

“What?” Alex looks down to his father who takes something out of his pocket.

He holds up a keychain with the Statue of Liberty. “This is what Mum gave to me as a present on my coronation. I want you to take it, so Mommy brings you luck. Take good care of it, okay?” Liam holds it to his son who takes it carefully.

“Why the Statue Of Liberty?“ Alex wonders.

“That’s where I met you Mommy for the first time. We spent a wonderful night together, I still have no idea how she got that boat just for us.”

“Well that will always be Mommy’s secret, but thank you Dad. I will take good care of it!” He hugs his father who hugs him back.

“So it’s time to say goodbye to the family” Alex and Chris turns to everyone who stands close to each other. Alex runs over to his father and hugs him again.

Liam kisses his cheek. “I will pick you up at 12pm okay?”

Alex nods and doesn’t want to let him go. “You have your phone Alex, if you want me to pick you up, just call me and I’ll be here.”

Alex releases him. “I love you Dad”

“I love you too” He kisses his son one last time on his forehead before he follows Chris into the building.

“Is it hard for Alex?”

“It is, it’s the first time we are separated. Usually, we were always together but now?” Maxwell puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“I think it’s also hard for you huh?“

Liam nods. “Yes, a little bit.”

After Maxwell and Valentina said goodbye Liam lingers a little longer looking at the building but then leaves.

At 12pm Liam and Valentina stand before the building waiting for his son. As children runs out of the building towards their parents Liam sees his son walking slowly beside Chris who walks slowly too.

“Why aren’t they running?” Liam asks confused.

“Maybe they talk about something?” Maxwell answers.

“Alex cried.” Liam admits.

“Huh? You see that?“ Valentina looks over to them.

“Yes, you are right his cheeks are red.”

Liam walks over to his son who looks up and cuddles on Liam’s legs. Valentina approaches her son.

“What happened?” She knees next to Chris.

Liam takes of the bag of Alex and picks up Alex on his arm as he hears him sob.

“Sorry, we drive home now okay?“

Valentina stands back up and looks at Liam. “Of course, call us if you need anything”

Liam carries Alex over to the car and sits him down into the car and strokes away the tears.

“We talk at home?”

“Dad.. I don’t want to go to this school.”

“Why, my love?”

“They laughed because my Mommy wasn’t at the car. They said she doesn’t love me”

“Who said it?”


“Do you know his last name?”


Liam narrows his eyes. “He won’t go to this school anymore!”

Alex looks at the angry face of his father. “Do you know him?” »

“I don’t know Paul, but I know his father. So this whole thing doesn’t have to do anything with you, but with the relationship of Mommy and me. But let’s drive home now?“

Alex nods and Liam drives them home.

Alex walks over to his room, not even greeting Drake.

Drake arches a brow at Liam. “Neville seems to be in the country. His son is bullying my son!”

Drake eyes widen. “I take care of it.” “Please, and ask Portavira, Lythikos too. If we have their permission to take Paul Vancoeur from school he won’t terrorize my son anymore. And then we just have to find Neville.“

Drake nods. “I am on it.”

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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