Chapter 3: The Hurt

Summary: The lead in Chicago was another fail, will Liam finally find the right person? Is Avery Thompson actually Queen Victoria?

After nine hours Liam arrives in Honolulu in the Hilton Waikiki Beach Hotel. He decided to sleep now before looking for Avery, in hope it might be Victoria. Compared to the other times of flying to the person his hope is shattered. He doesn’t think Avery will be the right person, why should it be different now? He looked everywhere in the US. And all the leads he had were wrong, why should it be different now?

Liam throws himself on the bed and takes out his wallet with the wedding photo of Victoria and him.

“Baby.. Where are you?“ Liam kisses the photo and looks up to the ceiling.

Tears streaming down his cheek. “I am so sorry! If I can’t find you I will never forgive myself!” Liam lies on his side and hugs his legs. “I am an idiot.”

The next morning Liam wakes up out of an uneasy sleep. He groans and sits up. His cheeks feel dry from all the salty tears. He stands up and takes a shower and changes into clean clothes. He looks into the mirror.

“Time to find Avery Thompson.” Liam takes his watch and binds it around his wrist. He takes his wallet and the two addresses he has.

Bastien waits downstairs with a rented car. “Where to first?”

“Manoa, to the address in Puhala Rise.” Bastien nods and opens the door for Liam. In silence the two man drive to the place.

“Amazing. The luck isn’t with me. The house is for sale, that means no one lives there.” Liam sighs and looks down at the other address.

“The other address is in Kaimuki, George Street.“ Bastien puts it into the navigation and drives off.

To Liam’s luck this time someone lives in the house.

“Wait here okay?” Liam addresses Bastien who just nods.

Liam puts on his sunglasses and walks over to the house and looks for the bell.

“Thompson.“ Liam smiles lightly and pushes the small button of the bell. As the door opens he can’t believe it – Victoria.

“Can I help you, Sir?”

“Actually yes.” Victoria tenses up but hides it very fast.

“How can I help you?“

“You are Victoria Jennings, just with blond hair right?”

“I don’t know who that person is but I am sure you will find her.”

Liam puts down his sunglasses and looks into the hazel eyes of his beloved wife.

“Vicky, I know it is you. I know it.”

“Sorry, but I am not your Vicky.” She says without looking him directly into the eye.

“You are!” Liam whispers.

“Liam! Get lost okay? I have a new life here!“

“I deserve that. But please come back to me.”

“I said get lost!” She shuts the door before he can say anything more.

“I won’t give up.“ He can hear a ‘you’re wasting your time!’

Liam sighs and leaves for the car. He sits in.

“It’s her. I need people to watch over her so I won’t lose her again. I need to find a way to make her come back to me.”

Bastien takes his phone and calls some people he knows. “My old colleagues are on their way. They will watch over her.”

“Thank you.”

After that meeting Liam walks along of the Waikiki Beach in hope he gets a call of Bastien that Victoria is walking to some place and he can talk to her without her being able to shut him out. He knows the tactic he puts into it is not a great one but he is too scared to lose her, to never have a change to explain it to her.

Suddenly his phone rings.


“She is moving your way Sir.”

“Thank you!”

Liam look around and sees her coming to the beach. She doesn’t seem to notice him so he waits until she sees him. Just before she pumps into him she sees him.
But before she could turn around and walk over Liam jumps in front of her.

“Please let me explain it? Let me apologise..” Liam begs.

“Liam, there is nothing we could talk about. Oh except one thing.“

“Which one?” Liam looks at her and sees she is handing him a envelope. He takes it and opens it to reveal.

“Divorce paper? No no! That’s not what I want!”

“You made it clear I am not welcomed back in Cordonia.”

“You are! You are my wife, Vicky!”

“I was your wife before you declared me dead!”

Liam looks at her shocked.

“I saw the speech you gave, really good acting. If you wouldn’t be a King you should try a filming career.” Victoria’s anger rises up.

Liam looks down. “Vicky I didn’t say it because you were dead for me, I did it because I wanted the people to stop asking about you.”

“Because you hate me.”

Liam shakes his head. “My love, I can’t hate you! I forgave Drake and I forgive you if you let me. I was looking for you in Los Angeles, in New York, in Miami and in Chicago. And now I finally found you. I can’t let you go! Not after looking for you over six months. Please come back home.” Liam begs to her but Victoria shakes her head and walks over to the water.

“My home is here now, Liam. My name is Avery Thompson. I am a blond woman with a new life on Hawaii.” She walks way but she turns back to him one more time and he looks to the water with his hands in his pocket.
At the sight of him, Victoria heart hurts. She almost forgot how good he looks in a black chino with a navy blue shirt and above that a white pullover. His hair moving with the wind and his sad expression breaks her heart.

He looks down to the divorce papers. “I won’t sign this Vicky. I won’t. I will make everything right again. You belong to me, even if it means to get the hate of all the people in Cordonia for lying to them. But I won’t give you up. I won’t give us up.”

He loses the grip on the paper and let it fly away with the wind.

“Liam! The paper!“ She tries to runs after them but the wind is too strong on the water. She turns around to him.

“I love you, and I will never stop.” Liam turns away and walks away.

Victoria looks after him and her heart aches. She really doesn’t want to lose him but what she did, she can’t forgive herself, how could Liam do it?

Victoria looks one more moment after the divorce paper flying with the wind right into the water before she walks back to her house.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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