Chapter 4: Family

Summary: After the terrible day yesterday it seems like Alex finally loves to go to school. But a lot of crisis awaits Liam and Alex, which one?

The next morning Alex wakes up at 5am because his alarm goes off. He walks in his pyjama over to Liam’s bedroom but the moment he enters it, Liam isn’t in the bed.

“Dad?“ Alex walks over to the study of his father and as he enters he sees his father sleeping over his desk. “Dad?”

Liam stirs and opens his eyes and then jumps up. “What time is it?”

“5 in the morning.”

Liam wishes his hand through his face. “How did you sleep?” Liam gets up and walks over to his son.

“Dad, I don’t want to school, what if Paul is saying bad things again.”

“He won’t. I called your teacher last night and I explained to her what is wrong. Uncle Drake went to Penelope and Olivia to talk about the ban from Cordonia for the family. Paul has to leave the school.“

Alex nods. “So no one will say something bad to me?”

“No one.” He kisses the forehead of his son. “Shall I bring you to school or shall Uncle Max bring you?“

“Uncle Max, so you can take a shower and sleep in your bed.” Alex giggles.

Liam shakes his head and grins. “You are like your mother.”

Together Alex and Liam walk to the kitchen and Liam looks around.

“Dad can you make pancakes just like Uncle Drake?”

“I can try but there won’t be as good as Uncle Drake’s pancakes.“ Liam chuckles.

He looks through the whole kitchen. “Dad? Do you even know how to do some?” Alex giggles.

Liam looks at his son. “No, I never used to cook anything. It always was your mother or my maids.” Liam strokes nervously his hands through his hair.

“Call Uncle Drake!”

Liam nods and takes his phone. “Good morning Liam. You know that we don’t have to get up this early right?”

“Sorry, but my son wants pancakes and – ”

“you have no idea how to do them?”


“Give me twenty minutes.”

They end the call.

After twenty minutes Drake walks into the kitchen. “So where is the pancake crises?”

“This is not funny!” Liam says but Alex and Drake chuckles.

“Excuse me?” Liam walks over to Alex and tickles him.

“Ahh! Dad!“

“Did you just laugh about me!”

“Dad, stop!” Alex laughs.

Liam stops and grins down at his son. Alex walks over to Drake and Liam follows him and sits him down onto the kitchen desk. He stands next to his son and looks at Drake.

“So Liam.. For pancakes you need three eggs but only the yolk. Then you mix the yolk foamy. Afterwards you mix the one and a half litre buttermilk underneath it, then the 250 grams four. Then you add one tea spoon natron and one table spoon sugar and mix it underneath it. But you have to be careful that you don’t work on the dough too long but not too short either. I always work on it for two minutes and then I add the sixty grams melted butter. So you pit this aside and take the egg white and mix it foamy too. Then you put it underneath the prepared dough.“

Liam listens closely and looks at how Drake does it. The moment Drake does them in the pan he looks close too.

“It isn’t that hard Liam, the first time it can get bad, but the longer you do them, the better they are.” Drake looks at Liam and smiles.

“Yeah, but you do them for a long time, while I just ate them.” Liam looks at Drake and looks a little sad.

Drake puts one pancake on a plate and put bananas on it. “One Pancake for the Crown Prince.”

Liam stands Alex down onto the floor who takes his pancake and walks over to the table.

Drake whispers. “If you want I can teach you as soon as Alex is away?”

Liam nods and walks over to Alex and sits down. Drake brings him a pancake with bananas too and Liam tries them.

“They are very good.” Liam admits.

Drake smiles and cooks the last pancakes.

Alex says goodbye to Liam before he drives off to school with the Beaumonts.

“That you trust your son with Maxwell.“ Drake murmurs.

Liam narrows his eyes at him. “I think Maxwell changed over the past years. He really is a father now, taking responsibilities. And as long as your daughter isn’t at school, Alex will drive with Maxwell.”

Drake chuckles. “Okay, okay!”

The two man taking the last steps to banish Neville and his son away from Cordonia before their children can go to school in peace. It was surprisingly easy to track down Neville, they really thought it would be harder to find him, but no, he was in his old mansion. Even though it was forbidden for him to enter it any time. Now he gets the consequences, he won’t be able to enter Cordonia ever again. Liam made a agreement with Cuba. Neville will live in Cuba now and has no possibility to fly to Cordonia, not even under a wrong name.
The security system of Cordonia is higher then normally. After everything that happened everyone who travels to Cordonia will have to get through a huge security. But Liam won’t take the risk that someone threatening his family. After the death of Victoria, then the death of Constantine, the constant threating videos or letter they got, he was sick to be worried. So he took more work into security, he trained more security guard, after putting them through a past check. And now Cordonia doesn’t have to worry about any bad people.

After some hours Liam can hear footsteps in the hall. The whole day Drake showed him how to do pancakes properly. Liam could feed whole Cordonia with all the pancakes he did. Alex runs into the kitchen with a smile.

Liam is relieved at the sight of his son, smiling bright. “How was school today?”

“It was so cool! But we got homework!“ Alex pouts and Liam chuckles.

“That’s school, my love. But believe me the homework you have now, is nothing compared to later. What you got?”

“Math, English and French.”

“Do you need help?”

“Yes, a little bit.”

“Okay, come.”

Usually children get French later but they think it is important for children to start with a language as early as possible. It is easy French but still they get used to the language easily than later.

“Let’s start with Maths?” Alex sits down and takes his folder.

“Sure! I watch over you, and if you don’t know further, I am here to answer questions.“

Alex nods and takes the first paper. “Today we learned the numbers from one to ten. And how we can do addition and subtraction.” Alex talks about the day. “So we have four wolves and we had one, how many do we have. Five.“ Alex looks up at his father who nods and smiles.

“Three wolves plus two makes Also five.” Liam nods again.

“You can do that alone!” Liam says proud.

“Two wolves and two wolves are four wolves?“

“Yes, very good.” Alex nods and writes it down.

“Oh now we don’t have wolves anymore.“ Alex giggles.

“One plus four is five.” Alex writes it down and answers the rest of the addition paper too. “I have one with subtraction, it isn’t that easy.“ Alex takes the paper and looks on it.

“So if I have five dogs and I take away two.” Alex looks at the wolves. “Then I have three”

“That’s right. Where can’t you do it?“ Liam smiles.

“Here, when I don’t have wolves anymore. “eight minus five.” Alex looks up to his father.

“Still think you have wolves. Just imagine them in your head. Like you have eight wolves. And you take away five.“

Alex thinks and then looks down to the paper. “Three?”

“Yes!” Liam kisses his head and Alex writes down the answer very proud.

“Now English, I have to repeat the letters O L A E M P.“ Liam nods and looks at him, trying to write the letters. “You doing very good work, Alex.”

Alex grins. “It’s so easy Dad, I already can read!” Liam looks at his son.

“Really?” Alex nods.

“Wait here, okay?“

Alex nods and looks after his father who comes back after a short time with his tablet. »Read aloud this short poem please.« Alex takes the tablet and starts to read:

Lights and Shadows

Lights and Shadows describe my life

After the light you brought left me behind,

Darkness came into my heart, my beloved wife.

Only the gift our love keeps me alive,

His laugh, his eyes makes me survive.

The shadows you left behind unwind.

I can finally breath,

After your death.

“Dad, did you wrote that about Mommy?”

Liam looks at his son and nods.

“Why can you already read? Who taught you?” Alex sits over on the lap of Liam.

“I taught myself, but I didn’t know you could write poems dad.“

Liam cuddles on his son and smiles. “No one knows I write them. They all hidden behind the four walls. Only I know about the poems.”

“And now I do.” Liam nods.

“You still miss Mommy right?“ Alex looks up to his father who looks very sad.

“I do, every day of my life, I miss her. That won’t ever stop. She was the love of my life, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, get more children with her. Maybe a sister for you.” A tear falls down his cheek.

Alex strokes away the cheek. “Mommy would have loved that too, but Mommy wouldn’t have loved the fact that you are sad for the rest of your life.” Alex smiles at him and Liam smiles back.

“I feel like I have a older son sitting on my lap.“

“Dad I am already 7 years old.”

Liam chuckles and kisses the head of his son. “Yes, I know. But now let’s finish the rest of the homework.”

Alex groans but obeys his father and finishes the rest of the homework.

One year later Sophia Walker gets into the same school, even though her parents are commoners, but Liam and Drake think it is better for Sophia to already know two of the students at the school.

“Sophia!” Alex and Chris runs towards Sophia who stands in front of Drake and Catherine.

“I don’t want to go Daddy.“ Sophia cuddles on the leg of Drake.

“Honey, look here are Alex and Chris who will take care of you the whole day. And if someone treats you wrong, tell them you know someone from the second class! They will envy you!”

Catherine strokes through the brown curly hair of Sophia. Sophia looks up to her mother and then to Chris and Alex who stands there and waits for her.

“Okay..” Sophia walks over to Chris and Alex and hugs them. The teacher walks over to the little group. “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Walker. I am the teacher of Sophia. My name is Mrs. Dale.”

“Hello, nice to meet you. There is our daughter, Sophia.” Catherine shakes the hand and points afterwards to her daughter, while the teacher shakes the hand of Drake.

“Oh, she already got friends?“

“Yes, Alex and Chris are close friends to her, because we parents are also very close together.” Catherine explains.

“Well it’s always great to know people here on our school.“ She smiles and offers the hand to Sophia.

“Shall we go to our first lesson?” Sophia waves over to her father and Drake let’s her go with a heavy heart.

After the day ends for Sophia she walks out of school together with Alex and Chris. “Shall I bring you home too, boys?”

They responds in sync: “Yees!” Alex and Chris jump into the car while Drake knees in front of his daughter.

“And? How was school? Did you made friends?“

“Not really, but there are all nice, especially Ariana.”

“Maybe you become friends over the time at this school.” He kisses his daughter cheek and takes her bag so she can sit into the car between Alex and Chris.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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