Chapter 4: The Jewellery

Summary: The drama between Liam and Victoria keeps going on. It seems like someone doesn’t want them to be together. Will Liam find his luck? And will Victoria find hers?

Day 2 – Liam’s search
He was awake the whole night, couldn’t stop thinking about the search. Remembering the secret cove they went, maybe he can find her there? So he made himself ready to find that cove. It was early in the morning so he had enough time to find it. He almost can’t remember how to get there, but a cab driver needs to know it.

To his luck one taxi driver knew that cove. But when Liam arrived there the cove was empty. But he didn’t want to leave directly. So he went up the cliff where Victoria and Liam sat for a while. He looks to the ocean and tears fell down his cheeks. Leo I know now why you left. Why you abdicated. I wish I could do the same for her. Just live here in New York a normal life with her. He sighed and wipes away the tears.

In that moment, where they both sat at the bonfire he knew she was special. No one ever reacted so normal when he told someone that he is a crown prince.

She didn’t even care, she just said “This doesn’t change anything. I don’t care what your title is. You’re still the same guy I met earlier this evening… Caring, thoughtful…

His answer was the first time he expressed his feelings towards her. That moment he felt attracted to her, and didn’t want to lose her. But deep down he knew he will have to say goodbye soon. The memory of her saying all she wants is to fall in love, find a connection with someone. She has dreams and all he want to do his helping her to receive them. No matter how hard they need to try.
It was now afternoon and he decided to go back to apartment again. He just would freeze to death here at the cove. At night it can get very cold here in New York. Another day without her seems to end. And he doesn’t know how to find her anymore. Tomorrow is the last day. What if he had to return to Cordonia without her? He will choose Hana, like Victoria wrote it in the letter. Pulling out the letter he looked at her name.

Where are you? Please come back to me. You belong to me, Vicky.

Victoria at the same time
Victoria slept late because she drunk a lot of Alcohol last night. She just wanted to forget the moments with Liam. The way he smiles, the way his lips taste, how his brown eyes are shining – when he looks at her. Ugh.. Why can’t I just forget him? She looked at the clock it’s almost late afternoon, so she decided to go to the secret cove. To say goodbye to Liam, and her memories. That’s how she always do it.

Arriving there she just saw a cab driving away from the cove. She is confused because not many people know this cove, but she thinks that maybe some more people found out about this spot. She goes down and before she went up to the cliff where she felt attracted to Liam for the first time, she goes to the spot where Drake built the bonfire. Liam cared so much for the other people, that’s what Victoria always wanted to have. Someone who actually cares.

She started to giggle at the memory of him being so shocked after she just suggested to go to the Statue of Liberty. She just wanted to see him happy, to see him smile, that smile that could light up the world – especially her world.
After a while she climbed up the cliff where there looked out to the sea. Another memory came in her mind. How he cared for her when she started to shiver. She saw it in his eyes, the way they looked at her. It was clear that this was special – between them. But now it means to say goodbye.

That’s why she was here. To say goodbye to the love of her life. Sitting down close to the end of the cliff she noticed someone was sitting here and lost something. She took the little bag and opened it. It was a little bracelet with an engraving for the love of my life. Victoria thought this is so sweet and she felt sorry for him to lose it. She remembered the cab who just left the cove when she arrived. That person must lost it here. Too bad that she didn’t notice the license plate. All she can do is hoping that she can find that person and give it back to him. If she would know that this person is closer to her then she thinks.

At the Beaumont Mansion
Maxwell is sitting in his room. Still haven’t talked with Bertand and isn’t planning to do this in the next days. He has so much hope in Victoria that she will return and become the Queen of Cordonia. If he would tell Bertand now, that she is gone forever he might get very angry on her and him, and won’t forgive her, when she changes her mind.

He saw Liam left last night and all he can think of is that the tries to get her back. Maxwell is really hoping that exactly this is happening. He doesn’t want to miss her and the moments they shared. When they both returning, and she might become the Queen, then they will have a lot of time to go together to the bakery to eat some cronuts. That day was so amazing and Victoria was so different than  all the other suitors. She was nicer, more helpful.

She is amazing. I don’t want to lose her – my best friend, my sister. 

He remembered when she spoke of herself as a part of the Beaumonts, all he wanted was that this is true.

Liam I hope you find her.

Drake was sitting in the library with a whiskey in his hands and blamed himself for the plan she had.

It’s my fault that she left, I never should’ve told her how I feel. Now my best friend, the only person I’ve ever trusted, is going to lose the first person he fell in love with head over heels because of me. 

Drake splashing the glass against the wall. The anger is too strong to hold it back now. He read the letter over and over again. But realising that she is gone, maybe forever, won’t come in his mind. Everytime he hears footsteps outside the door he is hoping that she is coming through the door, laughing about a stupid joke Maxwell just did or asking Drake where Liam is. Or just talking about random things like they always did, but all the time he get disappointed. She is not there anymore. And maybe she will never come back, leaving Maxwell, Liam and him unhappy and without any good days.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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