Chapter 5: More Than Friends

Summary: Time flew and Alex goes to Middle School, what new drama awaits him now? And how does Liam survives Alex’ puberty?

Again, the time flew so fast. Liam still can’t seem to open up to any new woman. There were a lot of nobles who wanted to be close to the King, but Liam can’t. No matter what, Victoria will be his first real relationship and will always be his last.

Chris, Alex and Sophia are now already in Middle School. For Liam it is unbelievable that his son is now 13 years old and will be leaving for High School soon. Just yesterday his son ran into his room and asked him how you know you are in love with someone.

“Daaad!« Alex runs into the study of his father and runs over to him. “How do you know you are in love?” 

Liam looks bewildered into the face of his son. “Huh, you just know it. Like you miss that person when you are gone for some time, you can’t think of anyone else. But mostly you just know when you look at her, that she is the right one.” 

Alex nods. “Okay, thanks Dad.” Alex runs away into his room.

Liam sometimes has struggles with his son, because now he gets into the difficult time, where parents are only annoying or where loud music comes out of his room. And of course the time where he tries to avoid school, but Liam won’t let that happen. He has to be the strict father now, where Alex has to learn to take over responsibilities.

This morning is exact one of those mornings where Alex tries to stay home.

“Oh, Dad! Stop annoying me!”

Liam takes away the blankets. “Get up now! School is important! If you won’t go to school I have to put you on Prince duties!” Liam shouts.

Alex groans and gets up and prepares himself for school. “I will know if you aren’t at school! The teacher will tell me!”

Alex rolls his eyes “Mum wouldn’t have been like that!”

Alex leaves the palace and leaves with his bicycle for school. Liam looks shocked after his son and breathes in deep.

After he tries to work on his king duties he leaves the palace and walks through the garden of the palace to get to the grave at the far end of the garden.

He looks at the grave and sits down in front of it. “Vicky.”

He kisses his hand and lays it on to the stone where her name stands. “Our son is in the puberty and tries to avoid school and I have no idea what to do. I am sure you would have known what to do. It’s like my kind boy is replaced by a tyrant. He also said today that you would have been different. Am I a terrible father now?”

At the same time Alex sits on the tree on the yard of the school. Chris and Sophia sitting next to him. “

I am stupid.” Alex has his head in his hands.

“Why, what happened?” Sophia ask looking at him.

“I told my father today that Mum would be different and not annoying. I mean my father isn’t annoying, it’s just.. I don’t know. I hurt my father pretty bad with it.“ A sob leaves Alex.

Chris lays a comforting hand on his shoulder while Sophia hugs him. Alex cuddles on Sophia and let out the tears.

“Go home, now, I talk to Mrs. Labenski that something urgent happened at home so you had to return.” Chris suggest.

Sophia leans back out of Alex embrace and looks at Alex. “Really you should put that aside with your father now.”

“But he would be angry if I leave now from school.”

“No he wouldn’t, because you came home to apologise and not to skip school.” Sophia reassures him.

Alex looks up to Sophia and looks into her eyes. “You are right.“

Alex hugs Chris and kisses the cheek of Sophia. He leaves with his bicycle.

“You should tell him.” Chris says out of a sudden which makes Sophia looks at him.

“Tell him what?“

“That you have crush on him?”

Sophia blushes. “Shut up, I don’t.” Sophia climbs down the tree and walks over to her class, trying to calm down.

Alex arrives at home and looks through their part of the palace, but the moment he can’t find his father he walks over to his grandmother.


Regina looks to the voice. “I’m in here.”

Alex walks over to her. “Have you seen Dad?”

“Yeah, he is with your mother.” Alex feels a sting in his heart and nods. “Thank you.”

Alex leaves and walks over to the grave of his mother where is father sits and holding a tissue in his hands with whom he strokes away some tears.

Alex walks ashamed over to his father. “I am so sorry Dad.” Alex looks down, not daring to look at his father. He fumbles with his shirt, almost ribbing it apart.

“You aren’t annoying.. You are a perfect Dad. I couldn’t ask for a better father.“ Alex strokes away the tears.

“I don’t know why I said Mum would do it different. It just came out, but I regret it the moment I said it.” He strokes his tears with the back of his hands.

“I am an idiot, Dad. I am so sorry. Really. I am so sorry!“ Now Alex can’t hold back the tears.

He can feel to strong arms around him, and a hand on the back of his head.

“Shh.” Liam kisses the cheek of Alex who cuddles on his father.

“I am sorry for hurting you Dad!”

Liam looks at his son and captured his face.

“You apologise that means you really regret it, and I know that puberty is a hard time, and you say things you don’t mean.”

“That doesn’t mean I can hurt you the way I did today.”

Liam dries the cheeks of his son. “I was really hurt with your words, but now the apologise makes it better again.”

Alex cuddles on his father. “I guess, sometimes I miss Mum, more than I think.”

He looks over to the grave of his mother. Liam follows his gaze and smiles lightly. “I know that. And, really, I wish I could give you a mother role, but I can’t.”

“You love Mum too much?“ Liam nods and looks down to his son.

“Yes. I can’ love anyone else. Your mother is everything I ever wanted.”

Alex holds his father. “I try to be a better son, Dad.”

Liam kisses the head of Alex. “You are a great son.”

Together they walk back into the palace.

“Did you came out of school, to apologise to me?” Alex looks down and whispers: “Yeah.. Sophia said it would be a great idea to put it aside now, instead of waiting for later.”

Liam smiles. “Don’t be ashamed. I mean somewhere Sophia is right. It’s important to put argument aside as soon as you can.”

Alex looks up to his father. “I know, but if you want I can go back to school.”

Liam looks at his watch. “Nah, school ends in one hour anyway so, where is the point. Chris can bring you the stuff you miss.” Liam grins at his son who grins back.

“We both watch a movie now? And afterwards Chris and Sophia come around?“

Alex nods. “I choose the movie!”

And he runs away to their living room. Before Liam enters the palace he turns around to the grave and smiles and whispers.

“Thank you, my love.”

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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