Chapter 6: The Proposal

Summary: The drama between Liam and Victoria keeps going on. It seems like someone doesn’t want them to be together. Will Liam find his luck? And will Victoria find hers?

“Liam…” She looked up at him and thinks about the whole thing again. She loved him and being at the palace was amazing too. The press liked her, Penelope, Kiara and Hana were supporting her. And the Beaumonts?

Shit… Maxwell… Bertand… 

I can’t” She looked down to her feet still holding Liam.

“Why? I know that you love me. Right?” he is close to tears again.

Victoria cupped his face and stroke his cheek with her thumb. “I do love you. You have no idea how much. The last three days were the hell. Everything is reminding me of the things we had and-”

“have.” Liam interrupted.

“But I can’t go back. Bertrand and Maxwell. I told them about this. I mean I told Maxwell, and he probably told Bertand.“ A loud sigh escaped her mouth.

Liam takes his phone and dialled a number. Victoria looks confused.

“The Prince itself. Where are you?” Maxwell responded.

“New York. Have you told Bertrand that she is away?“ Liam heart is beating faster. He is hoping that he didn’t do it yet. Because Maxwell is always scared to tell Bertrand something like that.

“No but I’m on my way to him.”

“NO!” Liam almost shouted.

He was surprised that he was so loud. Victoria just looked away when he said the words.

It’s over. He told him. We need to let go. I have to let him go. 

“Okay, then not? Can you explain?” Maxwell asks confused.

“Later, Maxwell. All I can say is. I bring her home.” He looked at her and saw that her head is spinning around to look up to him.

Ending the call he put the phone back and took hers hand. “Will you now come back home? With me?” She nod and jumped in his arms.

He picked her up and holds her close. Now the sad tears in their eyes were replaced with happy tears. Before they leave for Cordonia they watch together the Statue of Liberty, remembering the things they had and smiling at each other.


Back in Cordonia Liam arrived together with Victoria at the palace. He didn’t care what the people will say. He made his choice, Victoria will be his wife, the new queen of Cordonia.

“I have to talk with my father, you will have your old room. You know where it is. I’ll come there after I talked with my father okay?“ Victoria nod and wanted to go straight to the door but Liam took her arm and pushed her back into his and crashed his lips to hers. Kissing her passionately.

She still a bit surprised because he never acted like this before but she is not complaining. After he left for the conversation with his father She went to her room.

“Good to have you back, little blossom!” She smiled. Maxwell hugged her tight.

“It’s good to be back, Maxwell. And I’m sorry that I was leaving, but I didn’t know what to do.“

Maxwell nod. “I know, that’s why I was letting you go. I was hoping someone is getting you back.” Victoria looked at him and then over his shoulder.

“Maxwell.. there is someone I need to talk to.“ Maxwell looked back and saw Drake. Turned back to her and nods.

After he left, She goes over to Drake. “Jennings, next time you’re talking to me and not leaving a letter.” She felt guilty. “Vicky, I’m not angry. When I think about it, I would’ve done the same.”

Both started to laugh. “That’s true. So you’re not angry on Liam or me? Not leaving?” She looked in his brown eyes.

“Jennings, you won’t get rid of me that fast. Liam and you will be a wonderful couple and I will be your best man.“

To Drake surprise Victoria hugged him. “Thank you Drake, that means a lot. I want to keep you as a best friend.”

Drake hugged her back. “That’s what I will be for you.” Drake smiled and is happy for Liam and for Victoria

After the talk with his father Liam went to her room – knocking at her door.

“Come in!” She looked at the door and sees Liam with a big grin on his face. ”Why are you so happy?“

He walked over to her and guided her to her bed. He sat down at the edge and pulled her on his lap. “Because the social season is over. The Coronation will be earlier. I talked with my father and told him I chose you, no matter what the court says. And do you know what he said?” She looked at him and waited for a respond.

Liam looks up now to, direct in her eyes. “He said, good choice Liam. She will be a good Queen for Cordonia.“ Victoria couldn’t believe the words she just heard.

“So-” before she could say something Liam took her away from the lap and stood up. And before she can realise it,

Liam gets down on one knee and hold a little box to her with an amazing ring in it. “Victoria Jennings.. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes are tearing up. She can’t believe it. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Liam put the ring on her finger – it fits perfect. He stands up and kisses her.

“What is with the Bracelet?” She asked between their kisses but is smiling the whole time.

“You will get the bracelet soon, I just need to change some things on it, because you already saw it and it wouldn’t be a surprise.“ Liam strokes her cheek and is the happiest man alive.

He found a woman he can share his life with. He never thought that this will happen after the time with his brother Leo. He couldn’t believe his luck so he kissed her again. This time with more passion and she kissed him back. While he kissed her, he guide her to the bed where there showed each other the love they wanted to show the whole time.


Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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