Chapter 8: New Experience

Summary: Alex and Sophia leaves for college but it seems like they forgot to talk about that topic. How will their relationship survive it?

It’s the day before Alex and Sophia leave for College. Just this year Sophia graduated. Alex had to wait for Harvard one year because something went wrong with the application. He was happy to finally attend Harvard but his heart isn’t happy.

Sophia messaged him to come over which he does. Alex enters her room and sees her sitting on her bed hugging her pillow.

“Are you okay?“ Alex crawls over to her and sits down next to her.

“Actually no, I never asked you where you go. Which college do you attend?” Sophia looks at Alex and knows the moment she looks at him that it won’t be close to her.

“Alex..“ Alex sighs and lies down onto the bed and takes her hand to pull her down to her.

“I will go to Harvard.” Sophia closes her eyes and cuddles on Alex chest. She listens to his rapid heart beat.

“If I could change it, I would do it, Sophia. Really.”

Sophia looks up with tears in her eyes. “I know that.” She strokes his cheek. “But.. but you don’t break up with me don’t you?”

Alex looks down to Sophia. “Sophia we are together for almost one year. I don’t want to lose you.” Alex heart beats even faster, when that is even possible.

“I don’t want to hold you back Alex.” Sophia sits up and walks over to the window. “You could find someone else.“

“NO, Sophia.” Alex walks over to her and hugs her from behind and holds her close.

“Alex, we both wouldn’t end up together. The commoner and the Prince?“ Sophia looks out until Alex turns around.

“My mother was a commoner too.. or do you have problem with me being a Crown Prince..?”

Sophia shakes her head. “Alex, we will have different time zones, that won’t work.” Sophia looks down.

“Please..“ Alex begs.

Sophia doesn’t respond.

A tear of Alex falls down onto the forehead of Sophia which makes her look up.

“If it means I lose you, I won’t leave for college. I won’t.” Alex murmurs and taking steps back. “Tell me if I lose you or not.“

Sophia looks at Alex. “I will go to Oxford, Alex. This are different times.”

Alex sobs. “So that’s it?”

Alex looks at Sophia who turns away from him. “I am sorry, Alex.”

The last sound she can hear is the door he closed hard. She can see Alex downstairs taking his bicycle angrily. He stops for a short time and she can see him stroking through his face and then he leaves. Sophia throws herself onto the bed and cries.

After a short time there is a knock on her door.

“Sophia, sweety.” Drake enters the room and sits down onto the bed and stroking her back.

“Wanna talk about it?“ She sits up and throws herself on Drake’s chest. He captures her daughter.

“We broke up, because I am idiot.”

“Why did you break up?”

“He leaves for Harvard, while I go to Oxford. And the time differemce is so huge.. what if he finds someone else.”

“He won’t, Sophia. Have you seen how much Alex loves you?”

“Dad! That is not helpful!”

“Sorry, this aren’t my best topics.”

“Mum!” Sophia looks apologetic to her father who understands.

“Mum can help you with it better. Sorry, sweety.” Catherine enters the room and sees her daughter.

“Dad, isn’t a big help huh?“

Sophia shakes his head and Drake just shrugs his shoulder, kissing Catherine for a short time and leaves them.

Catherine lies down onto the bed, where Sophia cuddles on her. “I don’t want to lose him, Mum.. But I don’t know what to do. I have a scholarship at Oxford I can’t pay for Harvard.” Catherine sighs.

“Do you want to go to Harvard?“

“Yeah, but there are no places anymore, and we can’t afford it.”

“Sweety, put this whole financial part away for now, do you want to go?”

“Yes, I want.” Catherine takes her phone and looks on her phone.

“What do you want to study?“


“Here there are still places, come on, write an application. Now.”

“And the money?”

“Let Dad and Me worry about that.” She kisses her daughter on her head who sat down in front of her laptop.

The next day she runs over to the palace where Alex just wanted to sit down into the cab.

“ALEX!!“ Sophia runs to him who turns to her.

“One second please.” Alex address the driver.

Sophia stops in front of him with a paper in her hand. She is completely out of breath.

“Why didn’t you call?“

“Well, because someone ignoring his calls?” Sophia says out of breath.

“I thought you aren’t leaving for college when you lose me?” Sophia looks over to the cab.

“The cab isn’t here to bring me to College.“


“Why are you here Sophia?”

Liam clears his throat and glares at his son. “Sorry, I don’t want to be so harsh.”

“I understand. I probably deserve it. But we can leave for college.”

“You have no problems with the time zones?”

“I wrote an application to Harvard and today I already got a respond via mail, I printed it. They say I can attend their college and university.”

Liam interrupts his son. “Wait, how do Catherine and Drake pay that?”


“No wait, I know she got a scholarship in Oxford that she gives up right now, but you don’t have one in Harvard?”

Sophia looks at Liam. “That’s right. Mum said they will think of something.”

“Did they leave the house?”

“No but they wanted in a couple of minutes.”

Liam swears underneath his breath and runs over to the Walkers. Sophia and Alex look at each other. Alex pays the cab driver and runs behind his father along with Sophia.

As they arrive at the house Catherine and Drake want to leave. “You won’t do what I think you will right?”

“Liam. My daughter wants to go to Harvard, I have to.”

“Dad.. What are you talking about.”

“I will give up my life insurance.” Sophia eyes widen.

“No! Dad! Wait. You can’t do that.. you are a royal guard.. you need that.“

“You want to go to Harvard, and I promised you to fulfil every dream you have.”

Alex looks down and then to his father. “Then I will attend Oxford.”

Everyone turns to Alex. “What?”

“Drake you can’t give up your life insurance. You can’t pay Harvard, but I can pay Oxford. Sophia got a scholarship at Oxford, so she doesn’t have to pay anything.”

“You would give up America?” Drake looks between Sophia and Alex.

“Yes, I can’t let you end the life insurance, I can’t let Sophia worry about her father every day in her life. I can’t let you go into the ruin when I have the possibility to choose. I got a privilege you didn’t get.“ Alex looks down. “So you can go back into your house and prepare your daughter for Oxford, while I try to get one place there.” Alex walks away and Liam just looks after him stunned.

Sophia runs after Alex and looks up at him. “Are you sure. I know you wanted to go to America to feel close to your mother.“

Alex sighs. “It hurts to let it go, yeah, but it hurts more to let you go.” He strokes her cheek and kisses her.

At the same time Drake walks over to Liam. “He is going to be a wonderful King, Liam. You raised him to a wonderful man.“

Liam looks at Drake. “Thanks to you all. Without you I wouldn’t have made it.”

“I hope he gets a place.”

“I hope that too.”

As Alex comes home he runs upstairs immediately and calls the contact number of Oxford. He tries to get a place for politics at the Oxford University and the college close to it. After calling for hours he throws himself on his bed and messages his Sophia.


Seems like you fly alone tomorrow. I am sorry.. I love you.


Alex puts his phone aside and sighs. He doesn’t even notice incoming call from Sophia as he falls asleep with a heavy feeling in his heart.

The next morning he sees the three missed calls of Sophia and five messages, also from Sophia.

No, this can’t be you have to come with me!

This is so unfair!

I hate it now, without you it’s not the same.

Why don’t you answer, you were just writing, where are you?

Well, okay I go to bed now. I love you. I wish we could see us anyway.

Alex looks at the clock and takes a shower. Afterwards he walks downstairs to find his father with a cup of tea.

“Tea? Are you ill father? You never drank tea before.” Liam looks at his son and smiles.

“I am fine, ready for Oxford.“

“I am, Sophia doesn’t know anything yet.”

“Is it okay, if I can’t bring you today?”

“Of course, I come in the next holidays okay?” Alex smiles and hugs his father.

“Have fun!” Liam smiles after his son and lets him go with a one wish. He has more time than he thinks he has.

Alex arrives at Sophia’s home where Drake already packs in her bags.

“I hope there is space for one more bag.” Alex shouts making Sophia turns around and looking confused.

“I thought you have no place?“

“Surprise, I do. We both attend Oxford.” Sophia jumps up and down happily.

“Yeees!“ She smiles and jumps into Alex arms who catches her easily.

“Surprise.” He kisses her and put her down again.

Together they drive away into the new world, together as a couple.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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